Site conducted
Site Name
Simpro Job Number
Fantail Employee Name
Fantail Employee Contact Number
Fantail Employee Signature
Site Contact Person:
Site Contact Number:
Fantail H & S Representative: Erik Potgieter
Fantail H & S Contact Number: 021 249 3563
Document Number
Hazard Register
- Identified Hazard
List the more significant hazards that will occur during your activities on site.
Where possible, note the potential harm that could arise from these hazards. -
Potential hazard and/or harm
Initial Risk (Evaluate the risk level without controls using the Risk Matrix.)
- Catastrophic (e.g. Fatal)
- Major (e.g. Permanent Disability)
- Moderate (e.g. Hospitalisation, Short/Long Term Disability\
- Minor (e.g. First Aid)
- Superficial (e.g. No treatment required)
Control (Identify your control methods)
Residual Risk (Re-evaluate the risk level with controls using the Risk Matrix)
- Catastrophic (e.g. Fatal)
- Major (e.g. Permanent Disability)
- Moderate (e.g. Hospitalisation, Short/Long Term Disability\
- Minor (e.g. First Aid)
- Superficial (e.g. No treatment required)