Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Preparing to conduct a Site Safety Review
Prior to attending site, review as much relevant safety data as you can. Consider looking at last month's statistics, incident reports and risk profile.
How to complete the form
Use the questions as prompts only - be guided by the feedback you receive on site and the observations that you make. Fill in as much information as you can about the Systems, Behaviours and Plant that you can identify.iUse the questions as prompts only - be guided by the feedback you receive on site and the observations that you make. Fill in as much information as you can about the Systems, Behaviours and Plant that you can identify. Any additional comments can be filled out in the comments section. Identification of positive behaviours is as important as identification of issues of concern.
Consider how you 'frame' your safety questions
When discussing safety with workers consider asking them to identify their 'Personal Big Five' - those things that are important to them. Safety buys me my personal big five. Consider your language - helpful versus hindering language. Ask questions - don't make assumptions. Be mindful of your Leader Frame - provide feedback, be supportive. Follow up to ensure that actions have been addressed. Discuss improvement opportunities - what's your 50%?
Following the review
Forward the completed form to the GM Safety and CEO
Outcomes and actions from Site Safety Reviews will be reviewed once a month at the Executive Leadership team meetings.
Bin board present
GT bin list and bin board match up or similar allowing for same day movements
Storages volumetrically checked
Site indicates understanding if god stock management systems and process
Is the monthly Safety SHARP report displayed?
Are the latest Safety Committee minutes displayed?
Is the latest Safety Alert displayed?
Is the Site Operations Manual (Onsite & Current)
Confined Space Entry Permits (Retained & Properly completed)
Discuss with workers their understanding of Mini WRAC / Take 5 assessment?
Find out the site Top Five risks. Is there a WRAC for each?
What safety training has been undertaken recently and who/how many attended?
What is your main safety concern? Have you reported it? How is it being managed?
Do you have any suggestions in how safety management can be improved?
Is the GrainCorp "What to do if you are injured at work" poster clearly displayed? Does it include the trained RTW Coordinators details?
Are there any employees undertaking a graduated Return-to-Work (RTW)? Is there a current documented RTW plan in place?
Main Site Entry, Signage (current) & in good repair, Traffic Management Plan available and traffic signage in place.
Site Emergency Information (Onsite & Completed)
Housekeeping - are trip hazards removed, is equipment stored safely, is rubbish cleaned up in all areas?
Is appropriate PPE being worn eg hard hats, glasses, hearing protection, enclosed footwear, high visibility etc,
Are appropriate safety signs displayed and in good condition? E.g. Confined Spaces, PPE, traffic directions, visitor information, Take Five etc?
Have all physical site risks been identified and appropriate controls put in place?
Environmental Issues - Oil/fuel spills evident, Surrounds in tidy condition and Tarps/plastic stored appropriately?
Can you observe people working safely? Are hey following all procedures? (Sight last confined space permit completed or plant and pedestrian interface)
Did everyone attend a Toolbox meeting this morning? Can they remember what safety topics were discussed?
How many Near Misses or hazards have been reported? What was his site's last Near Miss? What corrective actions were raised and what is their status - closed, interim controls, behind schedule, no action required.
Are workers aware of the hazards? Do they understand how to prevent these hazards from injuring them?
Motor vehicles clean and well presented
Staff wearing appropriate uniform
Signage in place
Lines unable to be touched by raised truck/conveyor etc
Clean condition
In good working order
Fire Extinguisher / smoke alarms
First Aid kits/eye wash facilities
Facilities & furnishings in good condition
Slip / Trip hazards
Sheds in Good condition
Access secure / Restricted to employees
Hoppers & lids
Access restricted / Security adequate
Fall protection in place
Cages in pace
Confined Spaces Marked & Secured
Silo hoppers lids in place
Pits guarded from falling into
Fumigation - piping marked/caged
Fencing adequate for securing site
Guards fitted to equipment
Storage obtained on site
Lifting chains in good condition / tagged
Guards fitted and in good condition
Hydraulic lifting in place
Electrical cables in good condition
Drive Over Hoppers in good condition
Guards fitted and appropriate
Per-Start log book completed
Livening / Log books appropriate
Platforms & spouts in god repair
Access restricted to employees
Walkways & surrounds in good condition
Protruding items marked / highlighted
Lighting present / working
Are switch boards secured
Is access restricted (Signage)
MSDS on hand
Tanks bundled / spill kit on hand
Containers clearly marked
PPE stored away
Clean & Tidy condition
Safety signage in place
Current Test & Tag on Electrical Equipment
Spill kits as required
Gas bottles secured
Oil / fuel pills evident
Surrounds in tidy conditions
Tarps / plastic stored appropriately
Erosion, especially around culverts
Outline each corrective action and where required if a near miss or incident report should be raised immediately. Corrective actions should be included and tracked in the SHARP system once agreed. The task can be described in general terms requesting the team to develop a more specific action/s. an expected outcome should result in the action being closed or brings the practice into an acceptable level of risk for the company.
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