Title Page
Site Address
ROW, SDU, MDU or Other
What type of work was completed?
Prepared by
Conducted on
Pass or Fail
Lead Tech
Assistant Tech
Please consider is the site
Adequately isolated to protect workers and the public from vehicular traffic, prevent residents and others entering areas of risk
vehicle parked and set up to enhance safety
Tools and materials laid out to minimise trip hazards and other risks -
Are all controls being used properly and to maximise safety?
Did the induction cover all the essential safety elements for that site?
Is all relevant PPE in use?
Was the site safety as expected?
Please consider when you talk to them do they know how to use all the tools they are using on site.
If you question them about something you see is not correct were they trained on that is the next question. -
Were they trained on how to behave safely?
Have higher risks been identified and discussed and controls put in place before work commences, e.g.
- Any mechanised work
- Manual trenching
- Vehicles and pedestrians
- Other – weather, slope, animals, threats from people -
Have they identified and controlled the significant hazards safely?
Please consider and ask. Are the tools they are using the correct tools and the safest tools for that work?
a. Have all tools being used been checked prior to use?
b. If any faults were found with the vehicle or equipment was appropriate action taken
c. Supervisor/Manager informed?
d. Safety issues rectified before use. -
Was the equipment right and in safe working order?
Please consider
a. Can they explain, with confidence, the safety elements of the job and the site?
b. Is safety easily integrated into their other tasks or do they have to make an effort or be reminded to do it? -
Are they confident to do the job safely?
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