Snuggledown Synthetics Inspection - Shift Managers - Multineedle lines
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are people using the walkways that have been provided?
Where appropriate are people using the specified PPE for the tasks being carried out?
Do electric pallet truck drivers sound there horns before passing through doors and blind spots
Are all fire exits clear from obstruction and easily accessible?
Is segregation between mechanical handling equipment and people being used where it exists?
Is the segregation between FLT and people adequate?
Are drivers wearing the seat belts
Are the floors free from slip, trips and fall hazards?
Are all employees adhering to the hearing protection policy?
Are all first aiders identifiable by wearing green vests?
Are all Agency workers wearing orange vests?
Are all employees working to and following the correct procedures?
Are all fire exits clearly signed and easily identifiable
Are all fire exits clear from obstruction and easily accessible?
Are all fire extinguishers visible, accessible and ready for use if required?
Are fire wardens identifiable by the red vests?
Are all motors free from fibre or feather build up?
Are the evacuation maps in place?
Are all fixed guards in place and secured by suitable fittings (require a tool to remove)?
Are all interlocks in place and visually in good condition?
Can operators access all emergency stops?
Are all electrical cabinets locked with a red padlock?
Are extension leads being used as a solution for sockets?
Is all Portable Appliance testing (PAT) up to date?
Are there any loose or exposed inner cables?
Are all pedestrian routes clear from debris and materials?
Are the floors free from slip, trips and fall hazards?
Is the lighting adequate for the working area?
Are all airlines retracted and not left trailing across the floor?
Are there any air leaks identified during the inspection?
Do all airlines have nozzles attached to the guns?
Has any equipment that is not in use been stored correctly and not causing congestion to the area?
Are the shadow boards complete with equipment if not in use?
Is there any cleaning equipment left out - Squeegee, brush, signs?
Is the general working areas left to a satisfactory standard? (list issues with photos)
Is the correct person suited to the task they have been selected for? (observe tasks taking place)
Is hearing protection available?
Are all employees and Agency workers wearing the correct footwear?
Are the dust levels at an acceptable level? (visual check)
Do the waste bins contain the correct waste? e.g. floor waste separated from plastic
Has progress been made from the last inspection
- Yes
- No
- N/A