Title Page
Name of School
Conducted on
Prepared by
Social Distancing Plan
Measures to Maintain Safe Learning Spaces
Arrange desks to be at least six-feet apart and to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other) to reduce transmission caused from virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing,<br>sneezing).<br>
Consider using visual aids (e.g., painter’s tape, stickers, etc.) to illustrate traffic flow and appropriate spacing to support social distancing
Review the feasibility of using distance learning methods in the classroom
Copies of this plan have been sent to students
Measures to Improve Sanitation
Ensure the availability of appropriate cleaning supplies (e.g., disinfectant wipes) for cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
Have hand sanitizer and tissues readily available for use by students and staff.
- Not Started
- In Progress
- Completed
Reinforce the importance of handwashing routines. Ask staff and students to wash hands upon entering<br>and leaving classroom or other spaces in the school building.
Educate students on the importance of avoiding touching their faces throughout the<br>day, and washing their hands when they do
Describe other measures
Signages and Posters
Provide signages at designated campus entrance points to inform people that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum 6-feet distance from one another; and not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
Post a copy of the Social Distancing Protocol at the designated entrance points
Display posters within the school promoting proper hand washing
Consider engaging the school community in developing communications or creative strategies to limit the spread of the virus
Send digital versions of the posters via e-mail
Measures to Protect Students Outside the Classroom
Consider staggering up arrival/dismissal times and dividing up student entry points rather than funneling all students through the same entry space
Cancel/re-schedule activities and events like field trips, student assemblies, athletic events, practices,<br>special performances, and school-wide parent meetings<br>
Consider transitioning field trips to free virtual opportunities
For child care or pre-school settings, consider staggering playground use rather than allowing multiple classes to play together. Limit other activities where multiple classes interact.
Consider cleaning high touch areas of the play structure between groups
Limit nonessential visitors
Provide reminders about the importance of not sharing food or drinks during breaks
Measures to Protect School Staff
Arrange faculty desks to be at least six-feet apart and to face in the same direction (rather than facing each other) to reduce transmission caused from virus-containing droplets (e.g., from talking, coughing,<br>sneezing)<br>
Hold staff meetings virtually or in a large enough space to accommodate social distancing
Facilitate professional development trainings virtually whenever possible
Explore opportunities for staff who cannot be at school due to their own high risk conditions or those of their family members to complete work utilizing alternate spaces (e.g., telecommute)
Identify staff who cannot be at school due to their own high-risk conditions and consult with them if they can provide distance learning instruction to those students who are also unable to attend
Copies of this plan have been sent to school staff
Contact Person
You may contact the following person with any questions or comments about this plan.
Contact Number