
  • Document No.

  • Input an abbreviation of address 001

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Distribution List

Compliance SOC & Utilities

Compliance Information.

  • Have all the Electrical been received and checked

  • Has the EPC Certificate been received and checked?

  • Has the Gas Certificate been received and checked

  • Have a minimum of three keys been provided to all lockable doors?

  • Have all the keys provided been fully tested in there respective locks?

  • Does the communal entrance operated by an access code?

  • Input Access Code Information and instructions?

  • Has a minimum of three Key fobs been provided to all communal access control doors?

Amendments to Schedule of Condition Report

    SOC Correction
  • Section title

  • Comment Correction Statement

  • Add media

Utility meters

    Utility Meter Reading
  • Visual inspection of all utility meters including cabinet enclosure, check any shut off valves, and ensure that landlord fuse carriers are safe and intact. T

  • Utility meters defects schedule
  • Add media

Building Fabric External Grounds & Internal Areas

External Grounds Site Boundaries & Outbuildings

  • You should be fully satisfied external grounds site boundaries & Outbuildings has no defects. Your assessment should consider, site boundaries fencing and gates; the condition of pathways and hard standings focusing particularly on significant trip hazards; external lighting ensuring particularly that rear gardens have a suitable flood light as well as safe to front entrance doors and communal doors; lawns and planting areas with a particular focus on the removal of any plants likely to cause damp issues within the property in the future; condition of outbuildings.

  • External Grounds Site Boundaries & outbuildings defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

External Condition

  • You should be fully satisfied external building fabric has no defects. Your assessment should consider The roof including roof coverings gutters down pipes and chimneys; stability and weather proofing of main walls; condition of windows generally externally; condition of external paintwork generally.

  • External Condition defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

All Doors within Property

  • Front Entrance Door

  • You should be fully satisfied that the front entrance to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of front door overall condition checking hinges, locks, decoration standards. We expect a thumb turn to be installed internally to deadlocks for fire safety reasons. Security spy hole to be fitted and checked, door stops fitted to protect walls, house number fitted to door, door bell fully operational, check door threshold for any defects.

  • Front entrance door defect schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Rear entrance Door

  • You should be fully satisfied that the rear entrance to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of rear door overall condition checking hinges, locks, decoration standards. Door stops fitted to protect walls, check door threshold for any defects.

  • Rear entrance door defect schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Patio Doors

  • You should be fully satisfied that the patio sliding doors to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of patio sliding door overall condition checking hinges, locks, decoration standards. Check door threshold for any defects, condition of glazing if installed.

  • Patio sliding door defect schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Internal Doors

  • You should be fully satisfied that all standard internal doors to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of door overall condition checking hinges door ironmongery decoration standards? Door stops fitted to protect walls, check door threshold for any defects. All locks and bolts should be removed from all internal doors, with the exception of the bathroom door.

  • Internal doors condition schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Fire doors

  • You should be fully satisfied that all fire doors to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of fire door overall condition checking fire rated hinges, overhead door closer, smoke seals, decoration standards? Door stops fitted to protect walls, check door threshold for any defects. Consider overall integrity of fire evacuation routes. Ensure door closes smoothly under with the door closer.

  • Fire doors defect schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

All windows within Property

  • All Windows All Types

  • You should be fully satisfied that all standard windows to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of the overall windows checking window openings, damaged glazing, paying special attention to blown double glazed units, ironmongery and window locks installed are functioning. decoration standards. Window restrictors are a key focus of the inspection for H&S reasons.

    Condition of net curtains should be free of defects and match the size of window opening. Special attention to window blinds should considered together with elevated measures in bathrooms to ensure privacy.

  • Windows defect schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Internal Condition

  • Entrance Lobby / Hallways

  • You should be fully satisfied that the front entrance lobby and hallway to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

  • Entrance lobby door defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Store Rooms

  • Storeroom
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Staircase

  • You should be fully satisfied that the staircase to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators are free of defects and are functioning correctly. Condition of treads and risers ensuring there are no trip hazards, handrails and banisters.

  • Staircase defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Kitchens

  • You should be fully satisfied that the kitchen to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

    Check condition of kitchen cabinets installed ensuring they meet standards, ensure socket outlets installed above kitchen work tops meet standards. Check sink including waste outlets. Check and ensure all kitchen appliance are brand new, and meet agreed standards. Ensure waste connections and cold feed has been provided for tenants own washing machine.

  • Kitchen room defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Bedrooms

  • You should be fully satisfied that the bathroom to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards including tiling. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators and or towel rails are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

    Check condition of all sanitary fittings bath and shower installed. Ensure a mirror towel rail has been installed.

  • Bedroom room defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Separate Toilet

  • You should be fully satisfied that the separate toilet to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards including tiling. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators and or towel rails are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

    Check condition of all sanitary fittings bath and shower installed.

  • Separate toilet room defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Reception Room

  • You should be fully satisfied that the reception room to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

  • Reception room defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Bedrooms

  • You should be fully satisfied that the bedroom room to the property have no defects. Your assessment should consider, condition of walls including structural condition, blown and defective plastering to walls and ceilings, decoration standards. Assess floor structure for stability and approve floor coverings installed. Assess electrical socket outlets and switches, assess light fittings installed pay attention to low energy bulbs and lamp shades installed. Ensure radiators are free of defects and are functioning correctly.

  • Bedroom room defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Roof Space

  • Visually inspect roof space and record any defects found, but only is safe and accessibly. Check loft hatch to ensure it is safe and verify that locks have been installed.

  • Roof space defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Mechanical Electrical Security & IT Data voice services

Mechanical & Electrical Services

  • Booster Pumps

  • Visual check of any booster pumps or pressurisation vessels

  • Booster pumps and pressurisation defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Distribution Boards

  • Inspect distribution boards to ensure unit is safe.

  • Distribution Board defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Gas boilers and Thermostats

  • Visually inspect gas boiler and test operations. Ensure user manual is present. Test room stats and programmers and ensure user manuals are present. Check filling loop is installed and accessible. Check carbon monoxide detector has been installed

  • Gas boiler defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Electric heaters

  • Perform test on electrical heaters and visual inspect integrity of unit installed

  • Electric heaters including storage heaters defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Hot water storage

  • Visual inspection of hot water storage cylinder. Check temperature of hot water, check controls and any thermostats.

  • Hot water cylinder defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Isolation Valves and Switches

  • Inspection and test of all isolation switches and valves.

  • Isolation switches and or valves defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Water Tanks

  • Visual Inspection of water tanks

  • Water Tanks defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Hot and cold water Temperature and Pressure

  • Overall inspection and test of water temperature and pressure to all taps

  • Water temperature and pressure defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Ventilation and Extractors

  • Perform test and inspect bathroom extractors, ensure low voltage unit has been installed. Make sure a suitable overrun has been programmed.

  • Ventilation and extractors and or valves defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Security Access Control & Mail Distribution

  • Door Entry System

  • Visual check and test of door entry system to ensure its operations

  • Door entry system defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

  • Mailbox

  • Ensure mailbox is functioning and check keys are operational

  • Mailbox defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Data Voice & Media Services

  • TV Aerial Systems

  • Visual check of TV aerial system to ensure residents have a stable and accessible system

  • Digital TV aerial defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

Fire Safety Systems

  • Smoke Detectors Fire Alarms Sounders

  • Perform test of smoke detectors to confirm installation integrity, and ensure that multiple smoke detectors are interlinked.

  • Smoke detector defects schedule
  • Location of defect

  • Description

  • Image of Defect

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.