
  • Document No.

  • Input an abbreviation of address 001

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Distribution List

General information

General Information on Property

  • Location / GPS Reference
  • Property Image

  • Approximate Age

  • Type of Construction and Features

  • List of important contact information.

  • List of Local Services and travel

  • Provide basic information on local public transport links; location of local shops and supermarkets; useful contact information related to property and local services.

  • Are there any Covenants, Restriction and or Local Agreements?

  • Property Space Information
  • Number of Reception Rooms

  • Number of Bedrooms

  • Number of bathrooms

  • Number of separate toilets

  • Number of Kitchens

  • Number of Storage Rooms

Energy & Compliance

Energy Readings

    Electrical Meter Reading
  • Meter Reference Number

  • Meter Location

  • Meter Photo

  • Meter Reading

  • Energy Supplier

  • Gas Meter Reading
  • Meter Reference Number

  • Meter Location

  • Meter Photo

  • Meter Reading

  • Energy Supplier

  • Water Meter Reading
  • Meter Reference Number

  • Meter Location

  • Meter Photo

  • Meter Reading

  • Energy Supplier

Compliance Information.

  • Asbestos Report received

  • Is there an Energy Performance Certificate for the Building

  • EPC Rating

  • Electrical Test Report NICEIC received

  • Fire Alarm Certificate received

  • Gas Safety Certificate received

  • Have a minimum of three keys been provided to all lockable doors?

  • Have all the keys provided been fully tested in there respective locks?

  • Does the communal entrance operated by an access code?

  • Input Access Code Information and instructions?

  • Has a minimum of three Key fobs been provided to all communal access control doors?

External Condition

External Condition

  • Condition of Chimneys

  • Type of Roof Coverings

  • Condition of Roof Coverings

  • Condition of Rainwater Pipes Gutters and Soffits

  • Condition of Main Walls

  • Are there any defects to the damp proof course that is likely to cause rising damp?

  • Type of Windows

  • Condition of Windows Overall

  • Condition of External Decoration

External Grounds

External Grounds Site Boundaries & Outbuildings

    Site Boundaries
  • Explain type of Site Boundary Present

  • What is the condition of the existing Site Boundary?

  • What is the condition of existing boundary gates?

  • Pathways and hard standings
  • Brief Description of Pathway Construction

  • Are existing Pathways and hard standings free of trip hazards and defects?

  • Are there any loose and unstable manhole / gully covers that require replacement?

  • Lawns & Planting Areas
  • Are there any overgrown plants and vegetation that will affect the building structure and boundary walls? (Japanese Knotweed, climbing plants Unstable Trees).

  • Are there any vegetation that potential could cause a neighbourhood dispute?

  • External Lighting
  • Is there sufficient lighting to external grounds to facilitate access and egress at night?

  • Outbuildings & Equipment
  • Type of local name of outbuilding / Equipment

  • What is the current condition of Outbuilding / Equipment?

  • Image

All Doors and Windows

All Doors within Property

    Front Entrance Door
  • Name and location of Front Entrance Door

  • Type of door?

  • Condition of front entrance door, including decoration standard?

  • Has the correct locks been fitted, in accordance with current standards?

  • All timber doors must include a rim lock and mortice deadlock as standard, with the exception of Composite and UPVC doors where espagnolette multi point locks are accepted. All mortice deadlocks must be fitted with a thumb turn release for fire evacuation procedures.

  • Has the correct numeral sign been fitted?

  • Has a spy hole been fitted to door?

  • Is there a letterbox fitted to front entrance door?

  • Has a door stop been fitted?

  • Has the doorbell been fitted to door and is it fully operational?

  • Condition of door threshold, including joint strips?

  • Are they any potential trip hazards?

  • Rear Entrance Door
  • Name and location of Rear Entrance Door

  • Type of door?

  • Condition of Rear entrance door, including decoration standard?

  • Has a door stop been fitted?

  • Condition of door threshold, including joint strips?

  • Are they any potential trip hazards?

  • Patio Sliding Doors
  • Name and location of Patio Door

  • Type of door?

  • Condition of Patio and sliding Door?

  • Condition of Glazing panels

  • Fire Doors
  • Name and location of Fire Door

  • Condition of fire door, including decoration standard?

  • When evaluating the condition of fire doors pay attention condition of non compliant doors; door frames especially thickness of Door Jambs. door closers and perkos must be fit for purpose and fully operational. Assess gaps around doors and comment and verify integrity of any existing smoke seal strips with door or door frame. Broken glazing panels in doors must be replaced as standard.

  • Are there sufficient fire doors to allow safe egress?

  • Condition of door threshold, including joint strips?

  • Are they any potential trip hazards?

  • Condition of internal doors
  • Name and location of internal door

  • Condition of Rear entrance door, including decoration standard?

  • Has a door stop been fitted?

  • Condition of door threshold, including joint strips?

  • Are they any potential trip hazards?

All windows within Property

    Condition of Windows including Nets Curtains and Window Blinds
  • Name and Location of Window

  • Type of Window Opening

  • Condition of windows including glazing?

  • Pay special attention to double glazed units and signs of moisture penetration with sealed units. All defective units must be replaced.

  • Are window locks functioning correctly

  • Do the windows have trickle vents and are they operating correctly

  • Have window Restrictors been fitted

  • Condition of Nets and curtains installed to windows

  • Condition of blinds installed to window?

  • Minimum standard on privacy kitchen and bathroom windows only
  • Is the kitchen or bathroom window located on the ground floor or close to a walkway?

  • Has a window blind and a window net been installed?

  • Condition of window blind

  • Condition of window nets

Internal Areas

Internal Condition

    Entrance Lobby / Hallway
  • Name and location of hallway / lobby

  • Dimensions ( Length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decoration all areas including walls ceilings and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • Structural Condition of Internal Walls and Partitions including Plastered coatings, skirtings and architraves

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of floors

  • Condition of Sockets

  • Condition of light fitting(s) within the room including switches

  • Is there sufficient lighting in the space?

  • Has energy efficient lighting been fitted?

  • Has a lamp shade been installed?

  • Has two way switching been configured correctly

  • Condition of Radiators

  • Miscellaneous Comments

  • Staircase
  • Name and Location of Staircase

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of Internal Decoration all areas including walls ceilings and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • Structural condition of internal walls and partitions, including plastered coats, skirtings and architraves?

  • Have all air vents been cleaned and free of obstructions

  • Condition of Handrails

  • Structural Condition of Treads and Risers

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of floors

  • Are there any noted trip hazards?

  • Condition of Sockets

  • Condition of Light Fitting(s) within the room?

  • Is there sufficient lighting in the space?

  • Has an energy efficient bulb been fitted?

  • Has a lamp shade been fitted?

  • Condition of Radiator

  • Miscellaneous Comments

  • Reception Room
  • Name and Location of Reception Room

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decorations all areas including walls ceilings, and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • Structural Condition of Internal Walls and Partitions, including plaster coating, skirting and architraves?

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Condition of floors

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of Sockets

  • Has at least 2no Double Socket Outlets been provided within the room? A minimum requirement

  • Condition of light fitting(s) within the room?

  • Is there sufficient lighting in the space?

  • Has energy efficient lighting been fitted?

  • Has a lamp shade been installed?

  • Condition of Radiators

  • Miscellaneous Comments

  • Kitchen
  • Name and location of kitchen

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decoration all areas including walls ceilings and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • All kitchen and bathrooms must be decorated either a vinyl silk or eggshell emulsion paint to walls and ceilings. Any previously painted wood and metal surface must receive one undercoat and high gloss finishing coat.

  • Structural Condition of Internal walls and partitions, including plaster coatings, skirtings and architraves?

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Condition of Wall Tiles

  • Condition of floors

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • For vinyl flooring installations has a mastic sealant been applied to all edges of the installations?

  • Condition of Kitchen Cabinets

  • Condition of Kitchen Worktops

  • Condition of Electric Socket Outlets

  • Is there at least two double sockets located above kitchen Worktops?

  • Has the cooker switch been installed and correctly connected to the appliance?

  • Has an isolation switch been provided and labelled to the fridge?

  • Has an isolation switch been provided and labelled for the washing machine?

  • Has an isolation switch been provide for an integrated hob?

  • Has an isolation switch been provided and labelled for the cooker hood extractor or fixed extractor unit?

  • Condition of Lighting

  • Has a sealed unit been fitted?

  • Condition of Sink

  • Has the washing machine waste been fitted?

  • Has a cold water feed been provided for a washing machine?

  • Other Miscellaneous Items

  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Overall condition of Cooker Hood

  • Is the cooker hood installed Vented or recirculating type?

  • Has a new carbon filter been installed to new cooker hood?

  • All gas cooking appliances are strictly prohibited and must not be accepted without written approval from St Mungo's Broadway Director of Property Services.

  • Condition of Freestanding Electric Cooker

  • Has a safety chain been installed securing the new freestanding cooker to a wall?

  • Condition of integrated Electric Hob?

  • Condition of Integrated Electric Oven?

  • Condition of Fridge / Freezer installed?

  • All other kitchen appliances like built in microwaves, washing machines will not be accepted, and must be removed, unless approval is provided in writing from St Mungo's Director of Property Services.

  • Bathroom
  • Name and location of bathroom

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decoration all areas including ceilings walls and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • All kitchen and bathrooms must be decorated either a vinyl silk or eggshell emulsion paint to walls and ceilings. Any previously painted wood and metal surface must receive one undercoat and high gloss finishing coat.

  • Structural Condition of Internal walls and partitions, including plaster coatings, skirtings and architraves.

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Condition of floors

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of Wall tiles

  • Condition of Bath

  • Condition of Shower Cubicle and shower curtain over bath?

  • Condition of Toilet

  • Has a new toilet seat been fitted?

  • Condition of Wash Hand Basin

  • Condition of Lighting

  • Has a sealed unit been fitted?

  • Condition of heated Towel Rail or radiator?

  • Has a bathroom mirror been fitted?

  • Has a toilet roll holder been fitted?

  • Has a Towel rail been fitted?

  • Miscellaneous Comments

  • Seperate Toilet
  • Name and location of Toilet

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decoration all areas including walls ceilings and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • All kitchen and bathrooms must be decorated either a vinyl silk or eggshell emulsion paint to walls and ceilings. Any previously painted wood and metal surface must receive one undercoat and high gloss finishing coat.

  • Structural Condition of Internal walls and partitions, including plaster coatings, skirtings and architraves?

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Condition of floors

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of Wall tiles

  • Condition of Toilet

  • Has a new toilet seat been fitted?

  • Condition of Wash Hand Basin

  • Condition of Lighting

  • Has a sealed unit been fitted?

  • Condition of heated Towel Rail or radiator?

  • Has a bathroom mirror been fitted?

  • Has a toilet roll holder been fitted?

  • Has a towel rail been fitted?

  • Miscellaneous Comments

  • Storeroom
  • Name & Location

  • List any defects found

  • Image of noted defects recorded

  • Bedroom
  • Name and location of bedroom

  • Dimensions ( length X Width X Height) Linear Metres

  • Condition of internal decoration all areas including ceilings walls and previously painted wood and metal surfaces?

  • Structural Condition of Internal Walls and Partitions?

  • Have all air bricks / vents been cleaned and free of obstruction?

  • Condition of floors

  • Type of Floor Covering

  • Condition of Sockets

  • Has at least 2no double socket outlets been provided within this room? A minimum requirement

  • Condition of light fitting(s) within the room?

  • Has energy efficient lighting been fitted?

  • Is there sufficient lighting in the space?

  • Has a lamp shade been installed?

  • Condition of Radiators

  • Miscellaneous Comments


  • Does the building have a basement level?

  • Is the basement used as Accomodation?

  • Please record your findings within the noted section on bedrooms / self contained units highlighting within unit location those which are located within the basement.

  • Brief description of Basement Use

  • Is the signs of Damp ingress within basement level?

  • Is the entrance to Basement Level secure?

  • Is there adequate ventilation at basement level?

  • Is there adequate lighting in basement level?

  • Other Comments and Guidance

Security & IT Data voice services

Security Access Control & Mail Distribution

    Door Entry Systems
  • The building has a Voice / Video Entry Phone system connecting all Accomodation units

  • Can residents release main front entrance door from their room?

  • Mailboxes
  • Condition of the mailbox for property

  • Is the identification label on mailbox correct?

  • Are the keys to the mailbox correct and functioning properly?

Data Voice & Media Services

    Digital TV Aerials
  • Is there a digital TV Aerial installed, accessible by all residents accomodation?

  • Condition of external TV aerial?

Fire Safety Systems

Fire Safety Systems

    Smoke & Heat Detectors
  • Name and location of Any Smoke & Heat detectors?

  • Has the unit been installed correctly?

  • Are the units functioning correctly under test?

  • If more than one unit has been installed are they interlinked?

  • Image of unit

Fire Safety Systems HMO Properties Only

    Emergency Interlocks
  • Does the building have a gas solenoid valve interlocked with fire alarm system?

  • Emergency Lighting
  • Name and location of Any Defective Emergency Lights?

  • Image of unit

  • Fire Alarm Panel
  • Name and location of Fire Alarm System

  • Image of Panel

  • Is the Fire Alarm Panel a Fully Addressable System

  • Is there a fire zone diagram of the building displayed?

  • Are there any faults recorded on the Panel

  • Fire Extinguishers & Blankets
  • What is the general condition and coverage of fire extinguishers and blankets?

M&E Services

Mechanical & Electrical Services

    Air Source Heating
  • Name and Location of Air Source Heating and approximate age

  • Image of unit

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Has a room stat and programmer been provided?

  • Model and type of thermostat and programmer

  • Test operations and confirm whether the controls are fully operational?

  • Has the user manual been provided?

  • Please store all manuals neatly on the kitchen worktop

  • Booster Pumps / Pressurisation Unit
  • Name and location of Booster / Pressurisation unit

  • Image of unit

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Distribution Board
  • Name & Location of Distribution Board

  • Has all the circuits been properly labelled?

  • Domestic Gas Boiler
  • Name of Domestic Gas Boiler and Approximate age

  • Image of unit

  • Has an instruction manual been provided?

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Has a Carbon Monoxide Detector been installed near the vicinity of the boiler

  • A fully operational Carbon Monoxide Detector is a Minimum requirement for all Gas Boiler installations

  • Has a room stat and programmer been provided?

  • Model and type of thermostat and programmer

  • Test operations and confirm whether the controls are fully operational?

  • Electric Heaters (all types)
  • Name and Location of Electric Heater and Approximate age

  • Image of unit

  • Has an instruction manual been provided?

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Electric heaters that clearly over 5 years of age and visually are in a poor condition shall be recommended for full replacement regardless of whether they are operational, Resonance investment decision.

  • Electrical Wet System
  • Name and location of Electrical Wet System and Approximate age

  • Image of unit

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Has a room stat and programmer been provided?

  • Model and type of thermostat and programmer

  • Test operations and confirm whether the controls are fully operational?

  • Hot water Storage
  • Name and location of Hot Water Storage and approximate age

  • Image of unit

  • What is the overall condition of the unit?

  • Has a room stat and programmer been provided?

  • Model and type of thermostat and programmer

  • Test operations and confirm whether the controls are fully operational?

  • Isolation valves / Switches
  • Name & Location of Isolation Switch / Valve

  • Image

  • Condition of Switch / Valve

  • Is there a label provided for identification.

  • Water Tanks
  • Name and location of Water Tank

  • Image of unit

  • Are you able to fully access the tanks and undertake inspections

  • Does the tank have a secure lid?

  • In locations whether the transfer of heat will affect cold water storage temperature, has the tank been fitted with an insulating jacket?

  • Has an overflow pipe been fitted to the water tank?

  • Has the tank been fitted with a proper rodent proof vent in accordance with current standards?

  • What is the overall condition of the cold water tank, including comments on the internal condition where accessible?

  • Hot and Cold Water Pressure General Statement
  • Is there an acceptable water pressure output from the kitchen Tap (assumed cold water to be mains fed)

  • Is there an acceptable hot and cold water pressure output from all other taps?

  • Ventilation & Extraction
  • Location of Ventilation / extractor unit

  • Condition of ventilation / extractor unit installed

  • Has a low voltage fan been installed within the bathroom?

  • All ventilation fans within bathrooms must be low voltage units.

  • Is the extractor interlock with the light switch?

  • Does the extractor has a prescribed overrun?

Roof Space

Roof Space

  • Has the loft hatch been padlocked to restrict access to resident?

  • Is there safe Access to the Roof Space?

  • Any defects noted to structural roof members

  • Does the roof space have loft insulation

  • Approximate thickness

  • Is there adequate lighting within the roof space?

  • Is there a safe walking platform?

  • Is the roof space adequately ventilated?

  • List any other Essential equipment installed in roof space

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.