Title Page

  • Location Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Food Safety

Temperature Control

  • Cold foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are maintained at 41°F or below in all cold-holding devices including reach-in refrigerated units, cold-top storage devices and ice wells. Cold TCS foods are properly handled, at proper temperature before being displayed and not left out of temperature-controlled environments for extended periods of time.

  • Hot foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are maintained at 135°F or above (140°F or above in FL Dept of Health, NY Dept of Health and SD). Hot TCS foods are properly handled, at proper temperature before being displayed and not left out of temperature-controlled environments for extended periods of time.

  • Walk-in cooler foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are maintained at 41°F or below.

  • Thermometers are accurate and available for use in food receiving, preparation, holding and serving areas.

  • At receiving, foods show no signs of temperature abuse and foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are received at proper temperatures: 41°F or below, 135°F or above, raw shell eggs at 45°F ambient, frozen foods hard to the touch.

  • When used for food that requires time/temperature control for safety (TCS), refrigerated and hot holding units are equipped with accurate thermometers that are easily viewable.

  • Frozen foods are held solidly frozen so that they are hard to touch.

Food Handling

  • TCS foods that are held by time alone (TPHC) are at the proper temperature before being removed from temperature control and served or discarded within 4 hours. Alternatively, a maximum of 6 hours may be used for cold foods if the temperature is maintained below 70°F.

  • Foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are cooked to proper internal temperatures: raw fish and pork to 145°F, raw ground beef to 155°F, raw poultry to 165°F, and microwaved foods to 165°F. Foods prepped on site are reheated to 165°F within 2 hours for hot holding. Foods from a sealed commercial package are reheated to 135°F for hot holding.

  • Foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are cooled from 135°F to 70°F or below within 2 hours, and from 135°F to 41°F or below within 6 hours.

  • Specialized food processes (smoking, curing, reduced oxygen packaging, using food additives as a preservative, etc.) are conducted under an approved variance and/or HACCP plan. Facilities serving highly susceptible populations use pasteurized eggs and juice and do not serve raw or undercooked foods.

  • Foods are not contaminated. Foods and food-contact surfaces are protected from potential microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Examples of such hazards include but are not limited to: raw animal products above ready-to-eat foods, commingling raw animal species, thumbtacks, chemicals, medicines or first aid supplies stored above food or food-contact surfaces. When tasting food during preparation, utensils are used only once.

  • Foods on display at service counters, serving lines, salad bars, buffets, etc., are protected from contamination by the use of sneeze guards, packaging, or other effective protection measures.

  • Foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are not held or sold past expiration date.

  • Foods are from commercial suppliers. Foods and packaging are in sound condition.

  • Date marking is applied at time of preparation to foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS), ready-to-eat and are prepared on site and are intended to be held cold more than 24 hours. Such foods are dated with a date that the product must be consumed, sold or discarded, and the shelf life does not exceed 7 days, including day of preparation.

  • Pre-packaged food for sale and bulk food for self-service are labeled with their common name, ingredients (if more than one), net weight or volume, name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, any of the 9 major allergens present, and nutrition labeling if health claims are made. Ready-to-eat foods for self-service are provided with utensils or dispensing methods that prevent contamination.

  • Source tags for shellfish are dated for when the last of the product is sold or served and then held (in chronological order) at least 90 days from that date.

  • Consumer advisories are posted for raw or undercooked animal products offered as ready-to-eat and for juices that are packaged on site without pasteurization.

  • Foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS) are thawed under refrigeration, completely submerged under cool running water, in a microwave if cooked immediately afterward, or as part of the cooking process.

  • Foods are properly protected from contamination. Foods in storage are properly covered unless cooling. Foods are protected from contamination during preparation and serving. No condensation is present above exposed food or food-contact surfaces. Sanitizer buckets are not stored directly on the floor. Proper serving practices are observed so that hands do not touch the food-contact or lip-contact surfaces of cups or utensils.

  • Fruits and vegetables are properly washed prior to processing and serving.

  • Foods are properly identified with the common name of the product on the container.

  • Foods and food-contact packaging are stored at least six inches off the floor.

Equipment & Utensils

  • Food-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are made of safe materials, non-toxic and durable. Food equipment lubricants that may contact food are approved as food additives.

  • Food-contact surfaces are properly cleaned and sanitized (at least every 4 hours during continuous use at room temperature with foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS)).

  • Food-contact surfaces are smooth, easily cleanable, and in good condition.

  • Sanitizer test kits are open and readily available for use.

  • Clean utensils, equipment and food-contact packaging are stored in a sanitary manner. Storage containers such as canisters, bins and drawers are maintained clean. Utensil handles all points up for vertical storage or all point in the same direction for horizontal storage.

  • In-use utensils (including ice scoops) are properly handled and stored in a sanitary manner. Handles of utensils that are stored in the product do not touch the product and extend out of the container for foods that require time/temperature control for safety.

  • Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are properly cleaned, such as door handles and gaskets, sliding door tracks, shelves, racks, etc.

  • Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are durable, non-toxic, easily cleanable and in good condition.

Cleaning & Sanitizing

  • Chemical sanitizer solutions for manual use (such as sinks, buckets and spray bottles) are maintained at proper concentration and temperature per label instructions. Water temperature for non-chemical sanitizing in a sink compartment is maintained at 171°F.

  • Chemical sanitizer solutions for dish machines are maintained at proper concentration and temperature per label instructions. Non-chemical sanitizing in a dishwashing machine reaches 180°F on final rinse gauge or 160°F on dish surface (or as required by the data plate).

  • Chemicals are used correctly and only for their intended purpose. Chemicals used to wash or peel raw, whole fruits and vegetables are approved and at the proper concentration. Containers previously used for chemicals are not used for storing, dispensing, or transporting food.

  • Cleaning and maintenance tools are not cleaned in food prep sinks, dishwashing machines, or dishwashing sinks.

  • Warewashing sink basins are large enough to immerse the largest piece of equipment being cleaned and sanitized.

  • All cleaning tools are properly stored between uses to avoid contamination of other surfaces. Equipment used to clean food-contact surfaces is durable and appropriate for the task. Sponges are not used with clean and sanitized or in-use food-contact surfaces.

  • Dishwashing machines are properly maintained and operated; surfaces are clean; curtains are clean and in place; final rinse pressure is adequate and wash temperature meets requirements listed on the data plate.

  • Manual ware washing facilities are clean, properly maintained and operated; sinks are not used for dishwashing and food prep at the same time and sanitized between processes.

  • Wiping cloths are kept clean and dry or else immersed in properly diluted sanitizer. Cloths used on surfaces that contact raw animal products are not used for other surfaces.

Personal Hygiene

  • Hands that may have become contaminated are washed using hot water and soap for 20 seconds and dried using disposable towels or a heated-air hand drying device. Hands are washed each time before donning gloves. Care is taken after washing to avoid recontaminating hands by touching faucet or towel dispenser handles.

  • No bare-hand contact occurs with ready-to-eat foods. Disposable gloves are worn over other types of gloves (cut-resistant gloves, cloth gloves, etc.) when handling ready-to-eat foods.

  • Persons displaying symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice or sore throat with fever are excluded from the establishment. Persons with exposed pustular lesions or persistent sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose that causes discharges from the eyes, nose, or mouth, are restricted from working around exposed food or food-contact surfaces.

  • Handwashing facilities are located convenient to food handling and ware washing areas, and are maintained accessible at all times. Handwashing facilities in food handling areas are used only for that purpose and only designated handwashing sinks are used for handwashing.

  • Handwashing facilities in food handling areas are maintained clean at all times; supplied with readily available hot water, soap, disposable towels or heated-air hand drying device; and signed to remind employees to wash hands.

  • Gloves are changed whenever damaged or torn. When handling exposed food, gloves are worn over bandages, finger cots, finger stalls, fingernail polish or artificial nails. Fingernails are kept trimmed.

  • Bodily Fluid Clean-up kits and written instructions for the clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events are available.

  • Eating, drinking and tobacco use are restricted to nonfood areas. Drinking is allowed from closed containers, such as a cup with a lid and straw, and handled to prevent contamination of hands or food-contact surfaces. Personal items are properly stored in designated areas away from food, utensils and equipment.

  • Good personal hygiene practices are followed; clean outer clothing is worn; hair restraints are used around exposed food and food-contact surfaces. Jewelry on the hands and wrists is limited to a plain ring with no set stones.

Facilities & Controls

  • Air gaps/backflow prevention devices are in place where required. Sewage disposal systems, including grease traps, are operating properly. At least 1 working toilet is available.

  • Potable water is available from a public water system or a non-public system that is properly maintained.

  • Pest prevention program is effective.

  • Person-in-charge is certified by an accredited Food Protection Manager Certification Program.

  • Live animals are not permitted in areas where food and food-contact items are used, prepared, or stored.

  • Original containers of toxic materials have a legible manufacturer's label. Working containers of cleaners and sanitizers are labeled with the common name of the product. Only chemicals that are required for the operation and maintenance of the facility are present. Restricted pesticides are applied by a certified applicator or someone under their direct supervision. First aid supplies, personal care items such as lotions and creams, and employee medicines are properly labeled.

  • Hot and cold water is sufficient to meet peak demand. Plumbing provides adequate pressure and water is available at all sinks. Water from non-public systems tested at least annually. During a temporary interruption of the water system, water is supplied through an approved, sanitary source such as commercially bottled drinking water.

  • Restrooms used by food handlers are maintained with plumbing fixtures that are clean and in good repair. Handwash sinks are supplied with readily available hot water, soap, disposable towels or heated-air hand drying device, covered trash can (in female or unisex restroom), and a sign to remind employees to wash hands. Toilet paper available in stalls. Restroom doors leading directly into food preparation areas are self-closing.

  • Floors, walls, and ceilings are free of excessive dust, debris and standing water.

  • Floors, walls and ceilings are smooth, easily cleanable, and in good repair. Exposed concrete blocks and bricks are sealed and smooth unless area is used only for dry storage.

  • Ventilation is adequate; vents, fan guards and filters are clean.

  • Lighting is adequate for cleaning and food handling tasks; lights are shielded or shatterproof above exposed food and food-contact surfaces, and above packaged food if the package integrity could be affected by broken glass.

  • No pest entry points exist, such as gaps larger than 1/4 inch beneath exterior doors. No pest harborage sites exist, such as dirty mop heads that are not hung to dry after use.

  • Pest control devices are working properly and installed so that they will not contaminate food or food-contact surfaces. Catch trays and glue boards are changed as necessary.

  • Interior garbage containers are cleaned and emptied as needed.

  • Exterior garbage storage is covered and doors kept closed between uses. Containers are emptied as necessary and the surrounding area is maintained clean to avoid attracting pests.

Operations Excellence


  • Standard Policy: Score for any cleanliness or condition issues with: Doors - both the inside and outside of the doors Stall partitions and doors Handles and knobs Kick plates Locks - Check the locks/latches on the restroom doors and stall partition doors, and score if they are not working properly.

  • Restroom doors, stall doors and partitions are clean and in good condition. Handles and kickplates are clean. Locks function.

  • Standard Policy: Score here for cleanliness and condition issues with: toilets (including clogged and not working), toilet seats (including loose seats than move more than 1 inch) urinals (including clogged and not working), sinks (including clogged, dripping faucets and standing water on counter top), toilet paper, soap and towel dispensers (including dripping soap), hand dryer, infant changing stations (secure to the wall, and functioning safety strap and buckle), and mirrors.

  • Restroom fixtures (including toilets, toilet seats, urinals, sinks, toilet paper, soap and towel dispensers, hand dryer, infant changing stations and mirrors) are clean, in good condition and functioning properly.

  • Standard Policy: Score here for any cleanliness or condition issues (including graffiti) with the floors, walls and baseboards/coving tiles in the customer restrooms.

  • Restroom floors, baseboards and walls are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Score for any cleanliness or condition issues with the ceilings/ceiling tiles, lights (including burned out bulbs), and vents in the customer restrooms.

  • Restroom ceiling, lights and vents are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: This item is scored if a customer restroom has a strong, unfavorable odor (e.g. sewer smell from drains, strong urine smell associated with not properly cleaning urinals, etc.). Do not score for smells associated with recent customer use. Air freshening units are not required; however, if one is present, score if it is not functioning.

  • Restroom is free of unpleasant odors. Air freshening unit if present is functioning.

Dining Room

  • Standard Policy: Score if any POP items are excessively soiled and/or damaged. This includes but is not limited to: Counter cards or mats Ceiling danglers Table tents Stanchion signs Wall posters.

  • Interior Point of Purchase (POP) materials are clean, in good condition and properly displayed.

  • Evaluate if interior marketing items (POP) are present: Directional signage Men's restroom sign Women's restroom sign Exit Signs - must be visible and in working order.

  • Interior Point of Purchase (POP) materials are present.

  • Standard Policy: Assess the dining room from a customer's point of view. Walk through the dining room as if you were a customer and do a quick assessment of all open tables. Sit down at several tables and booths and look around the dining room as you would as a customer. Conduct a thorough assessment of 5 open tables. Score if tables are soiled or damaged, including graffiti and large scratches. (Do not score for minor scratches or small chips.) Score for gum on the undersides of tables. Score if tables wobble to the point where a guest's drink could spill. Also score if cardboard, coasters, pieces of wood, etc. are placed under table legs to level tables.

  • Tables are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Assess the dining room from a customer's point of view. Walk in the dining room as if you were a customer and do a quick assessment of all open chairs and booth seats. Sit down at several tables and booths and look around the dining room as you would as a customer. Assess all highchairs, booster seats, and infant seat cradles not in use. Score if highchairs, infant seat cradles, booster seats, table chairs or booth seats (including crumb catchers) are soiled or damaged. Also score safety straps/buckles on highchairs, booster seat, or infant seat cradles are broken.

  • Chairs, booth seats and highchairs/booster seats/infant seat cradles are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Assess the dining room floor from a customer's point of view. Walk through the dining room as if you were a customer. Also, sit down at several tables and booths and look around the dining room as you would as a customer. Score for litter, food debris or trash on the dining room floor. Note: When evaluating floor areas beneath tables, Do Not Score if the table has just been vacated by a Guest. Allow time for a Manager or Team Member to notice and address the issue. Score if a Manager or Team Member has not addressed the issue within 5 minutes of Guest vacating table. Score for debris buildup on baseboards or coving tiles in dining room. Score for damaged or missing floor tiles, carpeting, coving tiles, or baseboards in the dining room. Do Not Score for "hairline" cracks in tiles. Score carpeting that is worn, faded or buckled. Carpeting must be free of rips and torn seams. Trending: For soiled floors, score only if there are 3 or more pieces of trash, litter or food debris items on floors.

  • Dining room floor and baseboards are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Assess the dining room from a customer's point of view. Walk through the dining room as if you were a customer. Also, sit down at several tables and booths and look around the dining room as you would as a customer. Score for any cleanliness or condition issues with walls, pictures/décor (excluding entertainment systems, speakers, and TVs), and plants. Plants: Live plants must be healthy and in good condition, artificial plants must be dust free and in good condition. Trending: For pictures and décor, score if 2 or more items are non-compliant. Items must have the same issue - soiled or damaged (i.e. score if 2 or more items are soiled or 2 or more items are damaged; do not score if only 1 item is soiled and only 1 item is damaged).

  • Dining room walls and décor, including pictures and plants, are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Score here for cleanliness and condition issues with windows and window ledges (both interior and exterior), and window blinds/shades. Do not score for unclean windows until the store is open for business. Trending: For cleanliness issues with window ledges, score if 2 or more ledges are not clean. For cleanliness issues with windows, score if 2 or more windows are not clean.

  • Dining room windows, ledges, and window blinds/shades are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Score for damage and cleanliness issues with guest entrances (both inside and outside), including the door, door handle, kick plates, door frames, and thresholds. Score for grime buildup on door handle or door frame from handling, and debris buildup on the entry door threshold. Score for buildup of dust, grime, grease, tape residue, excessive fingerprints, streaks, etc. Do not score for water spots. If there are decals on the door, score if damaged (e.g. torn, peeling, curled edge, faded, no longer legible, etc.).

  • Entry doors, frames, and thresholds are clean and in good condition. Decals, when present, are in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Score for cleanliness and condition issues with the dining room ceiling and ceiling vents, including dust, water stains, rust, peeling paint, etc. Trending: For ceiling tiles, score if 2 or more tiles are non-compliant. Ceiling tiles must have the same issue - soiled or damaged (i.e. score if 2 or more ceiling tiles are soiled or 2 or more ceiling tiles are damaged; do not score if only 1 ceiling tile is soiled and only 1 ceiling tile is damaged). For ceiling vents, score if 2 or more tiles are non-compliant. Ceiling vents must have the same issue - soiled or damaged (i.e. score if 2 or more ceiling vents are soiled or 2 or more ceiling vents are damaged; do not score if only 1 ceiling vents is soiled and only 1 ceiling vents is damaged).

  • Dining room ceiling and vents are clean and in good condition.

  • Standard Policy: Score here for cleanliness and condition issues with light (including light shields), lighting fixtures (on ceiling, walls, tables, etc.) and ceiling fans in the dining room. Score here for light bulbs that are burned out. Do not score if lights are not turned on. For light shields, score here for damaged or missing shields or lamp shades, soiled shield or lamp shades, dead insects in light shields, etc. For ceiling fans, score here for damaged or soiled ceiling fans, fans that are "squeaky", and fans that are excessively wobbly. Do not score for ceiling fans that are not turned on. Trending: For burned out light bulbs, score only if 2 or more lights are burned out. For dead insects in light shields, score for more than 3 insects in a light shield.

  • Dining room lighting, lighting fixtures, and ceiling fans are clean and in good condition. Lights are working.

  • Standard Policy: Assess all exterior trash receptacles (if present), for cleanliness and condition. Only assess what is visible to customers. Do not access under the liner, remove the lid, assess inside trash receptacle cabinet (if present), etc. Score for soil or damage that is visible to customers. Score if trash is overflowing. Score if trash receptacle is not lined.

  • Dining room trash receptacles and cabinets are clean, lined, and in good condition, and are not overflowing.

  • Music, if provided, must be provided by Rockbot/Touchtune. TVs must have a variety of sports being shown. Standard Policy: Score if stores that have a music system installed in the lobby do not have music on. Do not score if a music system is not available. Score for inappropriate music (violence, cursing, etc.). Score if the volume is too high or too low. Appropriate level of music: Should not be so loud that a team member cannot converse with a customer or customers cannot have a conversation without talking loudly. It should also not be so low that it is difficult to hear without concentrating, or it cannot be heard over normal restaurant noise. If there is a television, it must be turned on and be set to an appropriate station (sports, news, or weather). Score if inappropriate content is being shown. Do not score if the music or television service is out due to storms or otherwise not working due to provider fault. Score if TVs or music speakers are damaged or not clean (debris, dust, etc.).

  • Entertainment systems clean and in good working condition. Music is turned on. TV (if present) tuned to appropriate channels. Wi-Fi is working if advertised as available.


  • Standard Policy: Observe transactions as they occur throughout the assessment. Score if the customer's order is not repeated at least once during the order taking process. If the location uses an electronic order confirmation screen (such as at the drive-thru menuboard), the order displayed on the screen is an acceptable form of the order repeat, as long as the screen is functional and accurate. Score if team member does not ask the customer to confirm that their order is correct on the order screen. It is acceptable to use meal or "combo" numbers when repeating orders if they are displayed on menuboards. For example: "Here is your number 5 meal with french fries and a large Coke." It is not necessary to repeat dine-in orders that are served on a tray to customers.

  • Team members repeat customer orders at some point during the transaction to verify order is complete and correct.

  • Standard Policy: Evaluate that all menu items are available for customers to order while assessing Guest transactions. Score if a customer orders a product and is told the product is not available to order. Score if a menu item is listed on the menu as out of stock or if additional signage is present in the location indicating the product is out of stock.

  • All menu items are available for customers to order.

  • Standard Policy: Observe transactions as they occur throughout the assessment. Score if the customer is given an incorrect or incomplete order. When investigating potential order accuracy issues, only score if you can confirm that the restaurant made the error. Do not score simply based on a customer returning to the counter and stating they received an incorrect order. Do not score if the customer misspoke, was confused, or misunderstood the menu and ordered something that was different than they intended.

  • Customers are given the correct order.

Guest Interaction

  • The Manager must also complete table touches. Standard Policy: Customer issues (e.g. incorrect orders, incomplete orders, etc.) must be handled in a polite and friendly manner. Score if a manager/PIC does not visit each table that has a complaint. Score if the team member or manager does not address customer issues that are brought to their attention. Do not score for issues that are not brought to the attention of the team or the manager.

  • Customer issues are handled in a polite and friendly manner. When mistakes occur, appropriate steps are taken for customer recovery. Manager actively completing table touches.

  • Score here if team members are inattentive or ignore customers, or are distracted by other tasks or side conversations when interacting with customers. For example: Customers are waiting at the host stand and team members are engaged in other tasks or side conversations. The order is ready to be given to the customer, but it sits in staging area longer than 2 minutes because the team member is engaged in other tasks. The customer has to actively get the team member's or manager's attention by calling out, knocking on the window, honking their horn, etc. Etc. Score here if team members' or manager's behavior or language in front of customers is inappropriate or offensive. For example: Foul language/curse words Name calling Horseplay Fighting Giving the middle finger Yelling/arguing Slamming smallwares down loudly out of anger or frustration Personal cell phone calls or texting in front of customers Etc.

  • Team members are attentive and not distracted by other tasks, such as texting, or side conversations when interacting with customers. No inappropriate behavior or offensive language is used in presence of customers. Phone is answered within three rings

  • Make sure the phone is answered correctly with the restaurant name and location in a professional and friendly tone. The phone should be answered within 3 rings. Standard Policy: Observe transactions occurring any time during the assessment. Score here if the customer must get a team member's attention instead of a team member greeting the customer first. Score if greeting is not friendly and welcoming. Examples of appropriate greetings include: "Hello, welcome to BRAND NAME, how can I help you?" "Thank you for choosing BRAND NAME, my name is Jane, what can I get for you today?" Etc. Allow flexibility in the greeting as long as it is friendly and welcoming. If the order taker is busy, it is acceptable for them to say something like "Hi, welcome to BRAND NAME, I will be right with you." Score if greetings sound mechanical, or are spoken in a monotone or bored tone of voice.

  • Customers are greeted before they have to get a team member's attention; greeting is friendly and enthusiastic.

  • While assessing Guest transactions, evaluate if the Team member asks the customer if the order is for dine-in or carryout. If there is a wait, a time should be quoted to the Guest. Document if: The Team Member does not ask the customer if the order is for dine-in or carryout A wait time is not given to the Guest if there is a wait.

  • Team member asks customer if order is for dine-in or carryout.

  • Standard Policy: Observe transactions at the front counter and the drive-thru window as they occur during the assessment. Score if team member does not provide each customer with a friendly smile. Note: it is not necessary for teeth to be showing as long as it is clearly a smile. Also score if team member does not make eye contact with the customer.

  • Team members smile and make eye contact with customers during transactions.

  • While assessing Guest transactions, evaluate if Team Members suggestively sell to customers in accordance with the brand requirements. Servers must point out or mention drink menu to guests.

  • Team members complete suggestive selling during customer transactions.

  • The server also must review the check before bringing it to the table (all prices correct and all items charged). Standard Policy: Observe transactions at the front counter and the drive-thru window as they occur during the assessment. Team Members must provide each Guest with a polite send-off (parting comment). Examples of parting phrases include but are not limited to: "Thanks for choosing BRAND NAME, have a great day." "Enjoy your meal." A "Thank you" is not required to be part of the parting comment. Allow flexibility in the wording of parting comments as long as they are polite and friendly. Delivery of the parting comment must be warm and friendly. Score if the Team Member is not friendly. Be sure to clearly describe the Team Member's behavior that warranted scoring this item. For example: Team Member spoke in a monotone and disinterested manner. Team Member did not smile or look at the Guest.

  • Customers receive a friendly and enthusiastic parting comment at the end of their transaction.

  • Pants must not have any tears or frays. Standard Policy: Clothing must be clean and in good condition, neat and free of excessive wrinkles, and fit properly. Also score for: Clothing (including shoes, hats, belts and name tags) that is soiled or damaged, including frays, rips, holes, cracked or faded logos/graphics, etc. Inappropriate/offensive clothing Name tags that are soiled, handwritten, damaged, faded, or not legible Pants/jeans that are dragging on the floor Pants/jeans rolled, stapled or tucked into shoes or socks Pants/jeans that are too short to come to the top of the shoe Pants/jeans worn hanging below the waist Exposed/visible undergarments Etc.

  • Team members and managers are wearing clothing that is clean and in good condition and fits properly.

  • Evaluate if Team Members and Managers are wearing brand-approved uniforms. Name tags Black pants Aprons (servers only) Non-slip shoes Branded Hook and Reel shirt Earrings no larger than a quarter Black socks worn

  • Team members and managers are wearing brand-approved uniforms.


  • This will be information only. Any method of temperature documentation is acceptable. Please coach Management to fill temperature logs out daily and completely. Standard Policy: Verify HACCP/temperature documentation is available for the past 30 days. Conduct a detailed assessment of the documentation from the previous 7 days. Score if documentation is missing or incomplete. Before scoring, verify with the manager the product in question was available on the day missed. If entire days or dayparts (e.g. 7:00 PM checks, Dinner day part, etc.) are missing, verify with the manager the location was open during the missed date/period.

  • Temperature logs are in-use, properly completed, and on file for past 30 days.

  • Check to see if Sidework is posted anywhere in the location. Any type of chart is acceptable.

  • Cleaning schedules are in place and followed.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.