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  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Personnel


  • Free Fruit transfers have been downloaded daily to Cost Centre 53491. Only authorised lines are transferred

  • Colleague Room Free Item transfers (Cost Centre 52214) have been downloaded daily for Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Squash, Milk, Basic condiments

  • Third party colleague room transfers have been downloaded daily. (Cost Centre 09901).

  • Third party customer Café transfers have been downloaded daily. (Cost Centre 09906)

  • Costa Machine milk transfers have been downloaded daily (Cost Centre 09952).

  • PFS transfers have been downloaded daily (Type OBR, Branch Number)

  • Pharmacy Transfers have been downloaded a minimum of once per week. Daily is ideal

  • Bread and Milk Returns have been downloaded and all relevant paperwork completed in full

  • Have any un-authorised transfers taken place? (Check downloads on 1,5,1)


  • Is the waste area secure with all cages having restricted access? No full cages outside the area that do not have the cage liner sealed at the top.

  • All waste within the food waste cage is contained in a see-through bag with a waste print included. All bags are to be sealed with a security seal.

  • All waste download prints are filed for evidence of review. There is evidence a line by line review has taken place by a manager and the print signed.

  • Has slicing waste been booked as damages for all cooked meats? (F55GA - Ham, F55GD - Slicing Meats, F55GG - Slicing Poultry)

  • Is there any evidence of food waste in the bins on the Deli Counter?


  • All paperwork and receipt books, etc are locked away in the checkers desk?

  • Is there evidence that UOD's are checked off on the load sheet?

  • Are the loading bay and drivers access doors closed and secure when not accepting a delivery?

  • Is the back gate closed and locked at all times even if unloading a delivery?

  • Is there a visitors book being used for any drivers who use the facilities in store?

News and Magazines

  • Newspaper and Magazine deliveries are checked in using the PDA daily? (use the KPI report to identify issues)

  • Do the upload times for Newspapers and Magazines suggest the deliveries are not being checked in correctly? ( Times should be different for both)

  • Newspapers and Magazines returns are completed daily and on time? (Use the KPI report to identify issues)

  • Has the waste from the News & Mags Weekly waste report on Comms centre been downloaded? (check detail waste report versus weekly N&M waste report for discrepancies)


  • Is the Shrink and Security board up-to-date and all relevant information displayed?

  • Is the weekly stock loss meeting taking place and relevant next steps produced?

  • Are all keys signed out/in and accounted for at all times?

  • Are all secure cages locked and stock secure?

  • Are all door guard alarms activated including fire exits and secure cages?

  • Are all fire exits sealed using a security seal and the seal check register completed daily?

  • Are the EAS gates fully operational and the EAS log completed daily?

  • Is the visitors book being used correctly and all badges are accounted for?

  • Is the CCTV system fully operational and any issues logged with Tesco Maintenance with reference numbers?

  • Is the meat reconciliation process in place on the Meat Counter and all sales have been verified?


  • Are all EAS de-activation devices working across the main bank, self serve, SAYS and desks?

  • Are all de-taggers locked and secure when the checkout is un-manned?

  • Are all SMART drawers locked correctly on all un-manned checkouts at all times?

  • Are all gates secured on all un-manned checkouts?

  • Is department key entry kept to a minimum and tracked when used?

  • Has the Self-Service Assistant Audit report been reviewed for threats such as void transactions, etc?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.