Title Page
Document No.
Store Visit Audit
Store code
Conducted on
Prepared with
Commercial review
Previous visit
Have next steps from previous visit been completed /<br>Apakah hasil kerja dari kunjungan terakhir telah selesai dikerjakan?
Sales review
Make summary note of ytd performance by group division clothing, HTT, Toys / Buat catatan ringkas hasil prestasi dari group divisi fashion, HTT dan ELC
Make note of 3 biggest cash loss department by MTD / Buat catatan dari 3 departemen yang mengalami nilai kerugian terbesar secara MTD
Make note of 3 worst department by % MTD vs Last year / buat catatan untuk 3 departemen terburuk secara persentase MtD vs Tahun lalu
Make note of 3 best department by % MTD vs Last year / buat catatan untuk 3 departemen terbaik secara persentase MTD vs Tahun lalu
Back of House
Is the staff room clean, tidy and locked all the time? /<br>Apakah ruang staff bersih, rapi dan selalu tertutup setiap saat ?
Is the customer facilities clean and operational ? /<br>Apakah fasilitas untuk pelangan bersih dan berfungsi dengan baik?
Is the store AC working properly with cool temperature? /<br>Apakah AC di toko berfungsi baik dan dingin sesuai standar?
Is all lights on and operational? / <br>Apakah semua lampu menyala dan berfungsi dengan baik ?
Back office
Is the store follow up last GST result and make necessary preventive action ? /<br>Apakah hasil GST terakhir ditindaklanjuti dan dibuatkan Tindakan pencegahan yang sesuai ?
Is there any evidence that the store controlling stock movement through daily stock take partial ? Generated ASN ? /<br>Apakah terdapat bukti bahwa toko melakukan pengontrolan terhadap perpindahan barang melalui audit partial stok? Apakah ASN sudah digenerate?
Are there any top 20 best seller info, newsletter, communication plan on notice board ? /<br>Apakah terdapat info 20 produk terlaris , newsletter dan rencana komunikasi di papan pengumuman ?<br>
Is there any evidence that the store controlling till shortages, cashier log book, and safe deposit ? / <br>Apakah terdapat bukti bahwa toko melakukan kontrol terhadap kekurangan , buku log kasir dan brankas?
Is there any evidence that the store brief code of conduct periodically ? / <br>Apakah terdapat bukti bahwa toko telah melakukan briefing tentang COC secara berkala ?
Is there any evidence that the store have routine security check up? Etc checking bags and locker
Does the store update their peak hour trading by weekday and weekend, maximum 1 month ?<br>Apakah toko memperbaharui data mingguan dan bulanan terhadap peak hour trading, paling lama 1 bulan sekali
Is the store maximising head count through peak hour trading? /<br>Apakah toko memaksimalkan jumlah orang terhadap data peak hour trading ?
Is there any 4 weeks rotas on display ? /<br>Apakah terdapat jadwal kerja untuk 4 minggu kedepan ?
Training and development
Is there any development plan for team member for the next three months highlighting training requirement with dates plan for completion ? / <br>Apakah terdapat rencana pengembangan terhadap seluruh team untuk 3 bulan kedepan terhadap kebutuhan training dengan rencana waktu dan penyelesaian ?
Does the store manager using OJT form to develop new member ? /<br>Apakah store manager menggunakan form OJT untuk mengembangkan staff baru ?
Are the management team driving performance of the score card through 121s with the team and evidence of performance management were appropriate? <br>Apakah seluruh 1st incharge berusaha meningkatkan prestasi melalui form 121 dan bukti untuk hal tersebut sudah sesuai ?
Is there evidence of recognition for team member who "make it better" and driving performance /<br>Apakah terdapat bukti pengakuan untuk setiap staff yang berkinerja lebih baik dan meningkatkan prestasi ?
Is there any daily training plan to improve all staff product knowledge and they able to do product demonstration? <br>Apakah terdapat rencana pelatihan harian untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Pengetauan produk dan mampu melakukan demonstrasi terhadap produk tersebut ?
Sales floor
Standard and VM - front of store
Store frontage, logo, lighting clean and operational ? /<br>Tampak luar store, logo, lampu bersih dan berfungsi ?
Window display clean and compliant with marketing campaign? /<br>Window display bersih dan sesuai dengan program kampanye marketing? <br>
Shopping bags and box are clean and ready to use ? /<br>Tas belanja dan box tempatnya bersih dan siap digunakan ?
Entrance section is appropriate to season / compliant to guideline ? / <br>Area masuk sesuai dengan musim atau sesuai dengan arahan ?
Till point is clean and tidy and has conversion driver ?<br>Area kasir bersih dan rapi dan apakah ada produk yang bisa meningkatkan konversi
QMS is compliant to guideline, clean, full and priced ? /<br>QMs sesuai dengan guideline, bersih, penuh dan diberikan harga yang sesuai ?
Standard and VM - Clothing
Is the division full - check random item picked up from stock room ? <br>Apakah divisi ini displaynya penuh - ambil barang secara acak di gudang
Is all clothing fixture clean and used accordingly to the standard? /<br>Apakah fixture pakaian bersih dan digunakan sesuai standar ?
Is all product priced including correct navigational headers and promotional POS ?/<br>Apakah seluruh produk diberikan harga sesuai termasuk headers dan POs promosi ?
Are VM guidelines being adhere to ? /<br>Apakah VM guideline digunakan dan sesuai ?
Are best seller by cash amount (by company and by store ) in appropriate place and full - check 3<br>Apakah produk terlaris berdasarkan value ( by company dan store) sudah sesuai pada tempatnya dan penuh - cek 3
Key Action
Please relate to sales review were appropriate and make notes for next steps ? Buat langkah kerja yang berhubungan dengan data sales dan sesuai
Standard and VM - HTT
Is the division full - check random item picked up from stock room ? <br>Apakah divisi ini displaynya penuh - ambil barang secara acak di gudang
Is all HTT fixture clean and used accordingly to the standard? /<br>Apakah fixture HTT bersih dan digunakan sesuai standar ?
Is all product priced including correct navigational headers and promotional POS ?/<br>Apakah seluruh produk diberikan harga sesuai termasuk headers dan POs promosi ?
Are VM guidelines being adhere to ? /<br>Apakah VM guideline digunakan dan sesuai ?
Are best seller by cash amount (by company and by store ) in appropriate place and full - check 3<br>Apakah produk terlaris berdasarkan value ( by company dan store) sudah sesuai pada tempatnya dan penuh - cek 3
Key Action
Please relate to sales review were appropriate and make notes for next steps ? Buat langkah kerja yang berhubungan dengan data sales dan sesuai
Standard and VM - ELC dan toys
Is the division full - check random item picked up from stock room ? <br>Apakah divisi ini displaynya penuh - ambil barang secara acak di gudang
Is all ELC fixture clean and used accordingly to the standard? /<br>Apakah fixture ELC bersih dan digunakan sesuai standar ?
Is all product priced including correct navigational headers and promotional POS ?/<br>Apakah seluruh produk diberikan harga sesuai termasuk headers dan POs promosi ?
Are VM guidelines being adhere to ? /<br>Apakah VM guideline digunakan dan sesuai ?
Are best seller by cash amount (by company and by store ) in appropriate place and full - check 3<br>Apakah produk terlaris berdasarkan value ( by company dan store) sudah sesuai pada tempatnya dan penuh - cek 3
Key Action
Please relate to sales review were appropriate and make notes for next steps ? Buat langkah kerja yang berhubungan dengan data sales dan sesuai
Is the store check all promotion using updated list? /<br>Apakah toko mengecek dan memakai list promosi yang terbaru ?
Check random promotion around the store to ensure they are launched correctly by division clothing, htt, toys / Cek secara acak beberapa promosi yang ada pada divisi clothing, htt, elc di toko untuk memastikan bahwa telah sesuai
Is there any action for underperform customer satisfaction with minimum score 87?/<br>Apakah ada tindakan terhadap kepuasan pelangan dengan nilai minimum 87 ?<br>
Colleagues are zoned and correct to daily planner ? <br>Apakah penempatan staff telah betul dan sesuai dengan rencana harian?
A manager is proactively managing the sales floor ?<br>1st incharge selalu proaktif sebagai pelaksana di area penjualan
Are colleagues in the correct uniform , clean and wearing badges? /<br>Seluruh staff berseragam yang sesuai, bersih dan memakai lencana nama ?
Are colleagues proactively approaching customers? /<br>Apakah staff selalu aktif menghampiri pelangan ?
Are colleagues in till point showing a positive lasting impressions of the brand : chatting to customer naturally, up selling and offering great service ?<br>Apakah kasir memperlihatkan pelayanan yang positif seperti berbicara lancar kepada pelangan, meningkatkan dan menawarkan pelayanan yang terbaik ?
Are colleagues at till point inform e-receipts ?<br>Apakah kasir menginformasikan ereceipt?
Final summary
Is the store visit compatible with the operational checklist ? <br>Apakah hasil kunjungan toko sesuai dengan operational cheklist ?
Final summary
Add additional visit for next steps or comments with 3 action priorities to drive sales and date line Buatlah 3 langkah kerja atau komen tindakan untuk meningkatkan penjualan dengan date line
Action 1
Select date
Action 2
Select date
Action 3
Select date
Store manager signature