Skin Penetration Business Details
Inspection Conducted on:
Premises Name
Trading Address
CIVICA number
Mailing Address (if different from trading address)
Proprietor / Company Name:
Proprietor Email:
Proprietor Phone Number
- Tattooing
- Body piercing
- Cosmetic tattooing
- Manicure/Pedicure
- Beauty Therapy
- Waxing
- Micro-dermabrasion
- Electrolysis
- Dry needling
- Body modification
- Colonic lavage
Inspection type
- Annual inspection
- Complaint
- Reinspection
- Final Occupation
Premises must be properly equipped
Is the premises clean and hygienic
Waste disposal bin provided
Hand basin has warm running water
Hand basin is not obstructed or used for storage
Liquid soap and an alcohol-based hand cleaner provided
Single use towels or a working automatic hand dryer provided
Equipment used for skin penetration procedures is cleaned at the premises
Premises has a separate sink with a supply of clean, warm water that is used only for cleaning equipment
Equipment is in good working order, clean and dried after use, kept in clean and dry condition
Fixtures and fittings are in a good state of repair, smooth, impervious and capable of being easily and effectively cleaned
Facilities that are adequate for the purpose of keeping beauty treatment appliances and utensils clean.
Single-use gloves, clean linen, and gowns or aprons are available?
Cleaning and Sterilisation
Soiled and clean equipment are stored separately
Hospital grade disinfectant used
Appropriate methods followed for cleaning - ie use of detergent and water, physical/mechanical action (eg scrubbing), rinsed, air dried or using lint-free cloth or drying cabinet
Premises must have sharps containers and sterile disposable needles
Are single-use sharps used?
Is an appropriate sharps container is provided? (complies with AS 4261-1997)
If needles are used, are they sterile and disposable (single-use)?
Licensed contractor used for the collection and disposal of sharps waste
Reusable articles must be sterilised
Are reusable articles used to penetrate a person's skin used?
Are items sterilised onsite at the premises, or sterilised off-site?
The autoclave is calibrated at least every 12 months in accordance with AS 4815:2006
There is at least 1 person present who is adequately trained in the operation of the autoclave?
All items packaged appropriately (articles in open position, 1 per pouch etc)
Packaged items are stored in a clean, dry area, away from sunlight and in good condition
Records of sterilisation include time & date each article was sterilised (kept for at least 12 months)
Records include the length of time the article was autoclaved, and the temperature and pressure levels of the autoclave (kept for at least 12 months)
Is there manual recording of the steriliser or print out recorder (as per the Regulation and AS 4815:2006)
Make and keep (for at least 12 months) a record of the date each article was sent off-site for sterilisation, and the contact details of the person who sterilised the article
Keep (for at least 12 months) a copy of the report on the sterilisation by the person who sterilised the article.
Use of needles, sharps and other articles
Needles/single-use sharps are disposed of in the appropriate sharps container immediately after completing the procedure
An article used in a skin penetration procedures that is manufactured for single use only is disposed of immediately after completing the procedure
An article that may penetrate the skin must not be used unless it is clean and has been sterilised and kept in a sterile environment
An article used in a skin penetration procedure, but did not penetrate the skin, must not be used unless the article has been cleaned and kept in a clean condition
Protective equipment to be worn
A person who carries out a skin penetration procedure must wear gloves that have never been used before and appropriately dispose of the gloves immediately after completing the procedure (not applicable to waxing)
A person who carries out a skin penetration procedure, other than colonic lavage, must wear a clean gown or apron during the procedure (not applicable to waxing)
Use of inks and pigments
Are inks and pigments used?
Ink/pigment or other liquids are decanted into single use containers
Single-use applicator is used
Use of wax for hair removal
Is wax used at the premises for hair removal?
The instrument used to apply the wax (such as a spatula) and the wax is disposed of immediately after completing the hair removal procedure
Inspection results
Email the following to
- Photos to demonstrate compliance
- Autoclave service report
- Records of sterilisation - 6 months
- Business registration form
Inspection Result
- Satisfactory
- Unsatisfactory
- Unsatisfactory - reinspection required
Further action
- Warning letter
- Reinspection
- Improvement notice
- Prohibition order
* Inspection conducted by
I have read this report and understand the contents
Owner/Employee Signature