HK.FM 07 (rev 2) Subcontractor JSA/SWMS Review Checklist
Project No.
Project Name
Person reviewing the JSA/SWMS:
Name of Relevant JSA/SWMS:
SWMS name or code number
Section 1
1 Is there facility for the worker to sign onto the JSA/SWMS?
2 Does the JSA/SWMS appear to adequately describe the sequence of steps?
3 Does it appear that all the hazards for each step have been identified?
4 Have effective controls for each identified hazard been documented and mitigated including identifying required PPE?<br><br>
This SWMS is deemed to have failed and contractor is not permitted to work if any of the responses from items 1 to 4 are NO
If all questions 1 to 4 are YES then proceed to Section 2
Section 2
5 Does the JSA/SWMS identify the current WHS Act, WHS Regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards relevant to South Australia?<br>
6 Does the JSA/SWMS implement a Hierarchy of Control?<br>
7 Does theJSA/SWMS utilise a risk matrix diagram with relevant explanations?
8 Does this JSA/SWMS identify the need for a high risk licence for work about to be carried out.<br> Examples. <br> *Scaffold>4 metres<br> *Electrical Work<br> *Boom-type EWP>11 metres<br> *Materials and personnel hoists<br> *Vehicle loading crane with capacity 10t or greater<br> *Asbestos Removal: Class A or Class B
9 Does this JSA/SWMS identify the needs for any other licences, regulatory permits or Duty of Care Training requirements?<br> Examples. <br> * Scissor Lift EWP<br> * Boom-type EWP < 11 metres<br> * Work Zone Traffic Management<br> * Gas Fitting<br> * Working @ heights<br> <br><br>
10 Does this JSA/SWMS Identify all hazards that you believe need controlling?
11 Has the JSA/SWMS been reviewed and updated in the past 12 months?
12 Are you satisfied that the JSA/SWMS does not require any further items addressed as part of this review?<br>
13 If the document receives a ‘No or O/I’ classification on any of the above points, please record details and forward a copy of this document and relevant SWMS to H&Ks Compliance Officer who will take the matter up with the relevant PCBU<br><br>Insert date sent<br><br><br>
Select date
This JSA / SWMS has been deemed acceptable by the person reviewing and work may proceed
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