
Audit Information

  • Audit Reference

  • Client / Site

  • Surveyor

  • Assistant

  • Project Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Time on Site

  • Time off Site

  • Location
  • Survey Type

  • Description of Work Activities


  • General
    This report describes matters observed during the visit to the site as a part of a periodic site audit programme carried out to ascertain the level of health and safety and environmental management of Redhills.

    Assessments of priorities for Action
    This report identifies areas where in the opinion of the writer, action is required to prevent accidents, ill health or risks to Redhill operatives, contractors or others. It is also aimed at ensuring compliance with the relevant statutory requirements either as mandatory or as interpreted requirements within Redhills Health, Safety and Environmental Policy, Safety Plan or QA Procedures.

    Contravention of statutory requirements which could lead to issue of a Prohibition Notice and/or Legal Proceedings being instituted by the enforcing authority. These matters will require immediate action to alleviate imminent risk to health and safety. Scoring for each breach a Priority 1 will be 6 points

    Contravention of statutory requirements which could lead to the issue of an Improvement Notice, Legal Proceedings being instituted and/or letter from the enforcing authority indicating areas of non-conformity. Scoring for each breach of a Priority 2 will be 2 points.

    Matters in addition to basic statutory requirements and will include Codes of Practices, and desired improvements and precautions or techniques consistent with a good risk management programme. Scoring for each breach of a Priority 3 will be 1 point.

    Should priority 1 non-conformity be identified, the audited person will be subjected to a re-visit within the current audit year.

Section 1 - Safety Planning Provisions

  • Does the surveyor have a plan of work on site?

  • Is the Plan of Work adequate for the works being undertaken?

  • Has the Surveyor signed the Plan of Work?

  • Has the Assistant Surveyor / Contractor signed the Plan of Work?

  • Has the Site Hazards Identification & Resolution Record been completed and is it correct?<br><br>

  • Have any additional hazards been identified or additional control measures put in place and has this been noted on the appropriate section of the Plan of Work?

  • Does the surveyor have a copy of the Redhills ‘Hazard ID and Model Risk Assessments’ available on site?

  • If YES, are they the current version?

  • Are the risk assessments for the works suitable and sufficient?

  • Has the surveyor read and understood the H&S Policy and aware of where it can be accessed?

  • Is the surveyor aware of the Redhills accident reporting procedure (as per H&S Policy)?

  • If required, has the surveyor signed in that day?

  • If NO, who on-site has the surveyor reported to?

  • Has the surveyor been inducted to site including first aid, fire and emergency arrangements and if not, has the surveyor identified them personally?

  • If NOT, what alternative arrangements has the surveyor made in the event of an emergency?

  • Are welfare facilities available and sufficient?

  • If NOT, what alternative welfare arrangements are in place?

  • If required, are all Permits to Work being used and completed correctly?

  • Is safe access & egress available for the works?

  • Does the work involve Lone Working? If YES, are the following arrangements being operated?

  • Lone Working Contact Record issued with POW?

  • What time was last contact made with office/PM?

  • Any significant working at height involved? If YES, what is the estimated maximum working height and what access arrangements are being used?

  • Is there adequate planning provision for WAH?

  • Is the surveyor competent to WAH?

  • Is the surveyor using the correct access equipment?

  • Has the surveyor inspected the access equipment and recorded this on the POW?

  • Any access to confined space required (or roof/floor voids or service ducts?) If YES, are the following arrangements in place and being operated?

  • Permit to Work system?

  • Documented working procedure?

  • Adequate team numbers for work being undertaken?

  • Toxic gas/oxygen meters?

  • Escape set/breathing apparatus?

  • Rescue plan/or rescue team?

  • Supervisor/competent person?

  • Adequate access/egress/tripod access?

  • Adequate/ IS lighting?

  • Adequate means of remote communication?

Section 2 -PPE / RPE

  • Is the surveyor wearing their safety boots?

  • If there is a possibility of contamination, is the surveyor wearing disposable overalls?

  • Is the surveyor wearing all other PPE required by the site?

  • Does the surveyor have a Hi-Viz available?

  • Does the surveyor have a hard hat available?

  • Does the surveyor have ‘cut-proof’ safety gloves available?

  • Does the surveyor have safety glasses available?

  • Does the surveyor have spare overalls available of the correct type?

  • If male, is the surveyor clean shaven?

  • Is ONM available, clean and in good condition?<br><br>Ref. ONM/ RDS mask……………..

  • Is RPE checklist for ONM in use and up to date?

  • Is there a cover for the ONM including test disk?

  • Is FFM available, clean and in good condition?<br><br>Ref. FFM/………………. (If applicable)

  • Is flow-checker available for FFM? (if applicable)

  • Is RPE checklist for FFM in use and up to date?

  • Are spare filters available for each mask used?

Section 3 - Equipment, etc...

  • Is the surveyor in possession of their Redhills ID/security pass?

  • Does the surveyor possess a CSCS Card?<br><br>Card No: 02535987. Exp: Feb 2018…

  • Is a Redhills ladder in use for the survey?

  • If not, is there a set in the surveyor’s vehicle?

  • If yes, is the ladder tag in date?<br><br>Ladder No 4093.. Due Date16/10/13.

  • If in use, has the surveyor inspected the ladders and recorded this on the Plan of Work?

  • If in use, is the overall condition of the ladder acceptable?

  • Does the surveyor have adequate tools to undertake the works?

  • Are the surveyor’s tools as detailed in Form 025 ‘Issue of Equipment’ checklist?

  • Are the survey tools in an adequate condition? (In particular, check teeth of pliers / blade of Stanley knife)

  • Is the surveyor using, or have any hand tools that are not supplied, or approved by Redhills? If YES, please list the items: All his own tools. Redhills tool kit has been ordered.

  • Is the surveyor using, or have any power tools that are not supplied or approved by Redhills? If YES, please list the items<br><br> <br><br>

  • Is a torch available with spare batteries?

  • Are wet wipes & spray bottle available in the kit?

  • Is tape available for sealing sampled locations?

  • Does the surveyor have a drop sheet available?

  • Does the surveyor have an asbestos waste bag available?

  • Does the surveyor have a suitable marked container for the storage of asbestos samples?

Section 4 -Activities

  • Is the surveyor undertaking all works in a safe manner?

  • Is work being carried out in accordance with the Plan of Work and in-house documentation?

  • Is the surveyor taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and Welfare at Work of themselves and all persons likely to be affected by their actions?

  • Is all contractors’ equipment 110v? (If applicable)

  • Is access and egress satisfactory?

  • Is the surveyor using cut-proof gloves when using ANY hand tools?

  • Are there any works taking place at height? If YES, is the work satisfactory and give a brief description of the work/equipment/work techniques in use etc

  • Has any access equipment (towers, MEWP’s etc) been inspected prior to use by competent person and noted on the Plan of Work? (if applicable)

  • Is any work taking place within a confined space, or other enclosed space, such as roof/floor voids, lift shafts, ducts or any other ‘high risk’ areas? If YES, is there a safe method of work in place and what emergency rescue plans and arrangements are in place.

  • Is there any works taking place at high temperatures? If YES, is there a defined work regime in place and what are the details?

  • Is noise satisfactorily controlled and monitored if required?

Section 5 - Vehicle

  • Private or Company Car?

  • REG No, Make, Model, Mileage……

  • When was the vehicle last serviced?

  • Are the wipers satisfactory & wash function fully operational?

  • Are all of the lights working?

  • Are tyre treads adequate?

  • Is general condition of vehicle adequate?

  • Is there a fully stocked first aid kit available?

  • If private car, does the surveyor have current road tax, MOT, and business insurance cover?

  • Stowage of equipment within luggage compartment area.

  • Stowage of equipment within passenger compartment area.

Section 6 - General Comments

Section 7 - Environmental

  • Is the surveyor aware of the company’s commitment to its environmental performance, and where to find its policies?

  • Does the surveyor car share or use public transport where possible?

  • Is the surveyor disposing of waste on site appropriately?

  • Are adequate provisions in place for safe removal of hazardous waste? (i.e. sealed asbestos bags and sealed skips and/or bags for overalls from surveys etc).

  • Have adequate provisions been made to prevent release of contaminated water to water course? (i.e. filtering of DCU water if in use for works).

  • Is all electrical equipment turned off when not in use? (If applicable)

  • Are there any noise pollution issues which have been identified on site?

  • Does the surveyor have any suggestions on how Redhills can further reduce its Environmental Impact?

Section 8 - Working Hours

  • Details of working pattern, hours worked & mileage driven - 24 (Hours 1), 48 (Hours 2), and 72 hours (Hours 3)

  • Hours
  • Site Hours

  • Driving Hours

  • Total Hours

  • Mileage

Section 9 - Specific Employee Issues / Consultations


Section 10 - Details of Findings / Sign Off Actions

  • Detail of Finding / Action Required

  • Finding / Action
  • Section

  • Detail of Finding / Action Required

  • By Whom

  • Priority

  • Points

  • Signed Off

Section 12 - Signature

  • I Accept this Health and Safety Audit Undertaken on..

  • And Completed At...

  • As a fair representation of the Health & Safety conditions on-site at the time of the audit.

  • Name
  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.