Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Swimming Pool Inspection
Has Pool been registered as per NSW requirements?
Fire Protection
Fire Extinguishers - Review three Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher 1
Record location of Fire Extinguisher
Is fire extinguisher full?
Has Fire extinguisher been inspected within last 6 months?
Record date of last inspection
Are all fire extinguishers accessible and clear from obstruction? At least 1m x 1m?
Are their two signs for F.E, with one at 2.1m high?
Fire Extinguisher 2
Record location of Fire Extinguisher
Is fire extinguisher full?
Has Fire extinguisher been inspected within last 6 months?
Record date of last inspection
Are all fire extinguishers accessible and clear from obstruction? At least 1m x 1m?
Are their two signs for F.E, with one at 2.1m high?
Fire Extinguisher 3
Record location of Fire Extinguisher
Is fire extinguisher full?
Has Fire extinguisher been inspected within last 6 months?
Record date of last inspection
Are all fire extinguishers accessible and clear from obstruction? At least 1m x 1m?
Are their two signs for F.E, with one at 2.1m high?
Fire Hose Review
Record location of Fire Hose
Has Fire Hose been inspected within last 6 months?
Record date of last inspection
Is fire hose accessible and clear from obstruction? At least 1m x 1m?
Are their two signs for F.E, with one at 2.1m high?
Is fire hose clean and not being used for anything else?
Fire Blanket Review
Record location of Fire Blanket
Has Fire Blanket been inspected within last 6 months?
Record date of last inspection
Is Fire Blanket accessible and clear from obstruction? At least 1m x 1m?
Emergency Management
Is their an emergency management plan in place and current?
Is there an emergency evacuation plan and is it on all exits?
Are assembly areas allocated and understood? (ask multiple Team Members)
Does a minimum of 1 practice drill occur per year? Is it recorded?
Are warning systems clear and audible in all areas?
Are all exits kept clear?
Are Hazard Report forms available?
Are incident/injury forms available?
First Aid
Are there sufficient first aid kits at the workplace?
Are first aid kids checked on a regular basis? Is there a record?
Record date of last check
Are all contents in date?
Do the contents of kits agree with the contents list?
Are first aid officer’s identities displayed?
Are emergency telephone numbers displayed?
Are all injuries reported and recorded?
When first aid equipment is used, is it recorded?
Is a sharps kit available?
Is a first aid sign displayed above the kit?
Electrical - Review three electrical items
Electrical Item 1
Describe electrical item being checked, take photo
Has electrical equipment been tested and tagged?
Record Date of last test
Is last test within 6 months?
Electrical Item 2
Describe electrical item being checked, take photo
Has electrical equipment been tested and tagged?
Record Date of last test
Is last test within 6 months?
Electrical Item 3
Describe electrical item being checked, take photo
Has electrical equipment been tested and tagged?
Record Date of last test
Is last test within 6 months?
Electrical General & Switchboards
Are correct power boards in use? (No double adaptors)
Are there any damaged light switches, light fittings or power points?
Is clear access provided to switchboards? (1m)
Are switchboards locked & have restricted access signage?
Are signs in good condition? (not faded)
Is signage clear and easily understood?
Are their adequate Information signs? (first aid, general, do not run etc)
Are out of service/danger tags available for use?
Personal Protective Equipment
Is appropriate PPE available and being used and maintained correctly?
Is adequate signage in place where PPE is required to be used?
Hazardous Chemicals
Have all chemicals been identified?
Are chemicals correctly stored? (secure from public and signed as such?)
Are containers well-marked/labelled correctly?
Are all household chemicals clearly labelled and in their original containers?
Is there appropriate ventilation for both use and storage?
Are Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) provided and available to all staff? (e.g. chlorine)
Is there a hazardous chemical register available on site?
Is there an appropriate decanting system in place for hazardous substances?
Are ladders in good condition? (No domestic ladders on site)
Are manual handling aids well maintained and in good condition?
Confined Space
Have all confined spaces been identified?
Have confined spaces been signed appropriately?
Are all confined spaces secure and access is only through a locked system?
Do Team Members understand location and requirements to enter confined spaces?
Portable Power Tools
Are portable power tools in good condition?
Are adequate storage facilities provided?
Are all guards in place?
Pool Fencing
Is the pool area completely enclosed with a fence? (at least 1.2m or 1.8m for perimeter fence)
Is the fence climb resistant? (for children)
Are gates inspected on a regular basis to ensure they close properly?
Does pool fence comply with current standards?
Current Pool Safety Book NSW
Pool Equipment
Is the maintenance of pool equipment recorded?
Is the floor around pool equipment clear and in good condition?
Are outlets such as overflow gutters, skimmers and drains working effectively?
Are strainers regularly checked and cleaned?
Pool Facilities
Are all anti-slip surfaces of stairs and walkways in good condition?
Is the correct and current CPR poster easily visible from ALL areas around pool? (see attachment for example)
Are depth markings correct?
Do diving boards above 1 metre have steps and handrails?
Canteen - cooking facilities
Is there a food safety supervisor certificate?
Is there a food safety management plan?
Are cooking facilities appropriate and regularly cleaned?
Is waste regularly removed?
Are floors in good condition? (no trip hazards)
Are food preparation areas appropriate and clean?
Are the correct chemicals being used? Is SDS available?
Are washroom and lunchroom facilities available for staff and clean?
Are male toilets provided, clean and well stocked?
Are female toilets provided, clean and well stocked?
Are ambulant toilets provided, clean and well stocked?
Are there adequate storage facilities?
Do staff use good stacking and storage practices?
Are items stored in their designated areas in the storage facilities provided?
Notice Boards
Is the WHS Policy displayed?
Is the Rehabilitation Policy displayed?
Are site HSR's identified?
Are site Fire Wardens identified?
Is the Rehab Coordinator identified?
Final inspection sign-off
Has inspection been reviewed with senior person onsite?
Send inspection to WHS coordinator and section manager