Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Completion of previous next steps achieved

  • I deliver I don't queue <br>I ensure resource required covered , overtime filled<br>I co-ordinate resource to ensure customers don't queue<br>I report / chase faulty equipment until resolved<br>I send people to shop floor to support when I can<br>I support rumble

  • Communication<br>I communicate with colleague team supports, complete detailed handovers <br>I keep my team informed on any business updates that affect them

  • Training / legal training<br>All operational and legal training completed with my team<br>All training record cards completed and signed off correctly<br>All legal refreshers completed <br>I am fully trained and validated to the required level for my role, my role pack signed off by my manager and training record cards reflect this<br>I have a technical training plan for any outstanding training<br>My e learning is all complete and up to date<br><br>

  • Standards<br>I set up the front end each day ensuring each till has what's needed for the day<br>I score the area based on superscores and put next steps in place to ensure I achieve 10/10 every day- quality, full, price, clean, service <br>I complete the safe and legal record with effective next steps if any reds<br>I complete till checks at start and end of day<br>Waste is regularly returned to areas and not allowed to build up on tills<br>Standards of dress are maintained, uniform ordered where needed

  • Absences<br>I complete welcome back meetings and update the absence log with the duty manager<br>I communicate any absences with my team manager, and plan to resolve

  • Service<br>I use the customer viewpoint app, communicate results to my team<br>I use the inform app to save time for customers at the checkout and reduce dept key entries<br>I know how the store is performing on customer service, customers recommend and brand guarantee<br>I feedback any pricing issues to duty manager and CSD<br>I celebrate success through values awards with my colleagues<br>I achieve at least one wow comment a period<br>I observe service all the time and coach my team where needed, service health checks completed

  • Health and safety<br>I ensure the checkout areas are clean and tidy and safe for customers and colleagues<br>I follow health and safety guidelines all the time and feedback to my manager where practises are compromised <br>

  • Fun at work / community<br>I participate in all fun at work activities and encourage my team to do the same<br>I look for opportunities to get envolved in our local community<br>

  • PDP<br>I have a behavioural PDP which develops my leadership skills

  • Colleague what matters to you results<br>I know any issues my team have and communicate with my team manager<br>I ensure I deal with any underperformers with my team managers help<br>I issue let's talk discussions where needed, and understand how I can manage my team<br>I know what my dept what matters to you plan is to improve colleague viewpoint results, top 3 priorities to improve I recommend to work and shop<br>

  • Shrink<br>I ensure all detaggers locked when tills unmanned<br>I ensure till 4 always manned<br>I am always a presence at the front end ensuring self serve manned all the time too<br>I know the top three loss lines for the store and my dept<br>I keep my eyes open and report any issues to duty manager <br>Gates are closed when when not manned<br>Keys are kept securely and signed for all the time<br>

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.