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  • To view our Loss Prevention Standard that supports this checklist, please view the following link : https://broker.aviva.co.uk/documents/view/aviva_temporary_mothballing_and_shutdown_premises_operating_plants_lps.pdf

Temporary Mothballing and Shutdown of Premises & Operating Plants Checklist

Planning to Shutdown/Mothball

  • 1. Have you notified the appropriate stakeholders of your plans to shutdown/mothball your process/plant/premises?

  • 2. Have you prepared a scope of works for the shutdown/mothballing?

  • 3. Have you prepared a staffing plan to complete the shutdown works?

  • 4. Have you identified whether specialist equipment & tooling is required to complete the shutdown, including access equipment, personal protective equipment and other safety equipment?

  • 5. Have you reviewed risk assessments for the plant/site and are satisfied that the basis of safety will not be compromised by the planned shutdown/mothballing?

  • 6. Have you identified whether any items of plant/equipment need to continue running to ensure the continued safety of the installation?<br><br>If so, are suitable arrangements in place to guarantee its operation including any required maintenance/inspections?\

  • 7. Have you updated emergency procedures to reflect the changes made?

  • 8. Have you reviewed whether additional security measures are needed?

  • 9. Have you reviewed and updated your BCP to reflect the shutdown and mothballing undertaken?

  • 10. Will you need to update engineering drawings and schematics to reflect the shut/down status of the plant?

  • 11. Have you prepared a list of actions necessary to bring the plant back online after temporary shutdown?

  • 12. Have you identified what spares are necessary to bring the plant back online after temporary shutdown and where appropriate arranged supplies?

Shutdown/Mothball of Items of Plant, Equipment or Processes

  • 13. Have shutdown/mothballing plans been made for individual items of plant/equipment or process lines?

  • 14. Have recommendations from the equipment manufacturer/installer been adhered to and requirements to maintain warranties or avoid installer penalty clauses?

  • 15. Have you been able to backup any data relating to production output/plant condition?

  • 16. Have you been able to drain and purge any reservoirs, process lines and tanks?

  • 17. Have you been able to clean/decontaminate equipment (both internally and externally) to prevent corrosion, seizure or blockage occurring during the shutdown?

  • 18. Have you been able to take the necessary steps to preserve the condition of the plant/equipment during the shutdown?

  • 19. Have you been able to de-energise the plant/equipment, proving it is dead and where possible and where safe to do, dissipating any stored energy within it?

  • 20. Have you been able to isolate and purge utilities that are connected to the item of plant/equipment?

  • 21. Have you used LOTO procedures to prevent equipment from being re-energised or utilities being inadvertently re-connected?

  • 22. Have you safely/securely stored any components/items removed from plant and equipment, ensuring it is clearly labelled with details of where it has been removed from?

  • 23. Have you placed a clear sign/label on all items of shutdown plant/equipment indicating it has been shutdown?

  • 24. Have you reviewed the impacts of interlocks and alarms provided on the equipment to ensure that shutdown will not cause problems or issues with other aspects of the site/plant?

  • 25. Have you ensured that where possible systems for automatic fire detection and fixed fire protection equipment remain operational?

  • 26. Are arrangements in place for any necessary continuation of inspection/maintenance programmes (including statutory inspections) and can safe access to the equipment be assured to permit this?

  • 27. Have you covered any exposed pits?

  • 28. Have you removed all wastes and combustible items from the area where the shutdown equipment is located?

Closure of Building within a Larger Site or Installation Additional Considerations


  • 29. Is the physical security of the building adequate?

  • 30. Are intruder alarms within the building set, ideally with signalling to a continually occupied area of the site and preferably also to an approved ARC?

  • 31. Will CCTV systems remain operational with images monitored and recorded at a location that is not within the closed building?

  • 32. Are any additional security measures required?


  • 33. Will fire alarm and fire protection systems remain operational within the building and continue to signal to a continually occupied area of the site and preferably also to an approved ARC?

  • 34. Have you removed combustible materials from the building so far as possible?

  • 35. Have all fuel oils and gas cylinders been removed from building and stored in an appropriate secure and external area?

  • 36. Have you removed all wastes from the building and immediate surrounding area?

  • 37. Are measures in place to prevent the storage of idle pallets, plastic IBCs or other combustible goods within 10m of the building so far as is possible?

  • 38. Have all processes within the building ceased and been shutdown safely?

  • 39. Where equipment is required to be left running for regulatory, safety or other business critical reasons, is there a means of remotely verifying its continued operation or alternatively a programme of regular and frequent inspections to verify it continues to function correctly?

  • 40. Have all processes to charge battery operated equipment ceased with the equipment turned off and electrically isolated?

  • 41. Has any equipment used in the testing of products or raw materials been turned off, isolated from power supplies and utilities and made safe?

  • 42. Have gas supplies to the building been isolated and locked-off?

  • 43. Have any heating appliances that will remain in use within the building been serviced and maintained?

  • 44. Have you conducted thermal imaging on any electrical circuitry that will remain energised within the building whilst it is closed?

  • 45. Are risks associated with solar panel installations being managed in accordance with your installer's guidance?

  • 46. Have you ensured that no foliage will impinge on the building envelope during the period of shutdown?

  • 47. Are appropriate procedures in place for the management of any maintenance and hot works within the shutdown period, including the mandatory use of hot work permits?


  • 48. Have you been able to isolate water supplies to the building and drain down water systems?

  • 49. Have you cleared rainwater goods, interceptors, storm drains and culverts?

  • 50. Are the premises watertight?

  • 51. Are items of plant/stock that remain within the building raised off the floor and/or adequately protected against unforeseen water ingress?


  • 52. Are plans in place to conduct a regular inspection of the building to check its condition and that new hazards/problems are not developing? Preferably this should be no less frequent than weekly?

Temporary Closure of an Entire Site or Installation - Additional Considerations


  • 53. Have you prohibited all hot works and other hazardous activities at the site for the duration of the shutdown?

  • 54. Have you removed all wastes, combustible materials and idle pallets from external areas?


  • 55. Have you checked the condition of perimeter security fences and made any necessary repairs?

  • 56. Have you ensured there is sufficient lighting during periods of darkness, illuminating the premises/surrounding areas?

  • 57. Have you ensured all high value items are out of view so far as is reasonably practicable?

  • 58. Have you removed all cash from the premises?

  • 59. Have you appointed and briefed keyholders for the site who can attend quickly if required?

  • 60. Have you reviewed the need for enhanced security measures including:<br><br>• Permanent security guarding?<br>• Visits by mobile security patrols?<br>• Temporary remotely monitored CCTV, incorporating movement detection and a voice challenge facility provided by an approved CCTV monitoring facility?<br>• Enhanced physical security for site entrances, doors and accessible windows?<br>• The need to temporarily seal letterboxes and other openings?<br>

  • 61. Have you liaised with your neighbouring premises/businesses to see if a mutually beneficial security arrangement can be agreed and operated between you all?


  • 62. Are all vehicles parked on site locked with the keys removed and stored within a suitably rated security safe? This includes any vehicles parked inside buildings.

  • 63. Are all vehicles parked externally located as far away from buildings and combustible materials as possible with sufficient space between them to prevent the spread of fire?

  • 64. Are all vehicles parked externally away from areas that are susceptible to flooding?

  • 65. Where vehicles have a battery isolation switch, has this been turned off to remove the risk of an electrical fault causing a fire?


  • 66. Are plans in place to conduct a regular inspection of the entire site including all buildings to check their condition and that new hazards/problems are not developing? Preferably this should be no less frequent than weekly?


  • Additional Comments

  • Completed by: (Name and Signature)

  • Please Note:

    This document contains general information and guidance only and may be superseded and/or subject to amendment without further notice. Aviva has no liability to any third parties arising our of ARMS' communications whatsoever (including Loss Prevention Standards), and nor shall any third party rely on them. Other than liability which cannot be excluded by law, Aviva shall not be liable to any person for any indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of access to, or use of, or reliance on anything contained in ARMS' communications. The document may not cover every risk, exposure or hazard that may arise and Aviva recommends that you obtain specific advice relevant to the circumstances.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.