Rent account No.
Rent account balance
Audit completed on visit number...
Staff member completing audit
- Adetoun Ajayi
- Sarah Thompson
- David Crofts
- Michael Bull
- Chris Rouke
- Tracey Barret
- Myra Dicken
- Edina
- Vaughan
- Tom Austin
- Lee Georgiou
- Michael Opreshko
Signature of staff completing audit
Tenancy details / Occupants
Tenancy details
Tenancy start date
Tenancy type
Tenants details
Tenants title:
- Miss
- Mrs
- Ms
- Mr
- Dr
- Rev
- Sir
- Lady
Please enter tenants full name
Tenants date of birth
Tenants full address
Contact details (telephone / mobile phone / email etc)
Contact details
Tenants photo ID / Picture
Is this a joint tenancy?
Joint tenants title
- Miss
- Mrs
- Ms
- Mr
- Dr
- Rev
- Sir
- Lady
Please enter joint tenants full name
Joint tenants date of birth
Joint tenants contact details (telephone / mobile phone / email etc)
Contact details
Please add each childs details
Child details
Date of birth
Relationship to tenant
- Son / daughter
- Grand child
- Niece / nephew
- Other
- Step son
- Step daughter
- Parent
- Aunt / uncle
- Grand parent
Please enter relationship to tenant
Please add each adults details
Adult details
Date of birth
Relationship to tenant
- Son / daughter
- Grand child
- Niece / nephew
- Other
- Step son
- Step daughter
- Parent
- Aunt / uncle
- Grand parent
Please enter relationship
Identity / proof of residence
Are there any pets in the household?
Please enter each pets details
Has the pet been micro-chipped?
Has pet been registered?
Please complete a registration form
Property details
Number of bedrooms
Property type
- Flat
- Terraced house
- Bungalow
- End of terrace
- Semi-detached
- Maisonette
- Sheltered housing
Is the property over / under occupied?
Could the tenant satisfy one of the exemptions from size criteria? <br>ie requires an overnight carer / has a child with disabilities requiring their own room / have a family member away serving in the armed forces
Is the tenant attempting to find / would like to find a larger property?
Have you been able to inspect all rooms?
Please provide details of refusal of access:
Have there been any structural improvements to the property?
Was approval granted?
Please provide details
Are there any signs of damage to the property?
Please give details of damage:
Please add image if appropriate
Are there any combustable materials stored at the property?
Please provide details:
Please add image if appropriate
Is there a hard-wired alarm at the property?
Tenant support needs
Support requirements
Do you consider anyone in the household to have a long term illness or disability?
Are they in receipt of disability benefits?
Does the tenant have access to the Internet at home?
Is the tenant able to access the Internet at a library or friend or family members home?
Are they able to use the Internet independently (I.e. They do not require support)
Does the tenant have a bank or building society account?
Is this account...
If the tenant has debt; are they reducing the balance each month?
Does the tenant always have their own money available to then? Even the day before payday?
Referrals to be made (please select all)
- Transfer / Mutual exchange
- Supporting people
- Aids and adaptations
- Meals on wheels
- Luncheon club
- Telecare
- AP1
- CP1
- CPN via SSD
- Age concern
- Resident association
- Medway Youth Trust
- Other
Please state