Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 Shop

  • 1.1 Are the walls clean & free from defects

  • 1.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 1.3 Are the shelves, counters & display units clean & free from defects

  • 1.4 Are all the products packed safely

  • 1.5 Are all the lights in the shop working & free from defects

  • 1.6 Are there any electrical & health hazards

  • 1.7 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

  • 1.8 Is the ATM clean & free from defects

  • 1.9 Are all the fire fighting equipment serviced

  • 1.10 Do all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 1.11 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 1.12 Are there fire fighting equipment location signs visible & are they free from defects

  • 1.13 Are there Emergency Evacuation signs visible & are they free from defects

  • 1.14 Is the emergency evacuation route & door unobstructed

  • 1.15 Are the staff wearing the correct uniform

  • 1.16 Are the staff Uniforms clean

  • 1.17 Is personal hygiene being practiced by the staff

2.0 Bakery & Grilling kitchen

  • 2.1 Are the floors & walls clean & free from defects

  • 2.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 2.3 Are all the lights free from defects

  • 2.4 Are all the preparation tables & counters clean & free from defects

  • 2.5 Are the ovens & griller's clean & free from defects

  • 2.6 Are all the coffee machines clean & free from defects

  • 2.7 Are all the basins clean & free from defects

  • 2.8 Are all the shelves clean & free from defects

  • 2.9 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

  • 2.10 Are all the fire fighting equipment serviced

  • 2.11 Do All the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 2.12 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 2.13 Are all the fire fighting equipment location signs visible & are they free from defects

  • 2.14 Is there a emergency gas shut off valve & is it free from defects

  • 2.15 Are all the emergency Evacuation signs visible & free from defects

  • 2.16 Is the emergency evacuation route & door unobstructed

  • 2.17 Are there any electrical & health hazards

  • 2.18 Are the staff wearing the correct uniform

  • 2.19 Are the staff Uniforms clean

  • 2.20 Is personal hygiene being practiced by the staff

3.0 Store room & walk in fridges

Store room

  • 3.1 Are the walls & floors clean & free from defects

  • 3.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 3.3 Are the shelves clean & free from defects

  • 3.4 Are products packed safely

  • 3.5 Are all the lights free from defects

  • 3.6 Is the store room free from electrical defects

  • 3.7 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

  • 3.8 Are all the fire fighting equipment serviced

  • 3.9 Do all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 3.10 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 3.11 Are all the fire fighting equipment location signs visible & free from defects

  • 3.12 Are all the emergency Evacuation signs visible & free from defects

  • 3.13 Is the emergency evacuation route & door unobstructed

  • 3.14 Are there any electrical & health hazards

Walk-in fridges

  • 3.15 Are all the walk-in fridges walls & floors clean & free from defects

  • 3.16 Is the walk-in fridges ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 3.17 Are all the shelves in the walk-in fridges clean & free from defects

  • 3.18 Are the staff wearing the correct uniform

  • 3.19 Are the staff Uniforms clean

  • 3.20 Is personal hygiene being practiced by the staff

  • 3.21 Are there any electrical defects in the walk-in fridges

4.0 Generator & air compressor

Air compressor

  • 4.1 Are all guards around moving parts in place at the compressor

  • 4.2 Is the compressor operating within the safe working pressure as indicated on the gauge

  • 4.3 Are the receiver line's drained daily

  • 4.4 Is the compressor within a secure area to prevent unauthorized access

  • 4.5 Are all combustible materials located outside the secure area

  • 4.6 Are the compressor, pipework & fittings free from defects

  • 4.7 Is the compressor free from electrical defects

  • 4.8 Is a log book available & is it in use

  • 4.9 Are there any electrical defects

  • 4.10 Have the fire fighting equipment been serviced

  • 4.11 Are the fire fighting equipment sign posted & free from defects

  • 4.12 Does all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 4.13 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects


  • 4.14 Are all guards around moving parts at the generator

  • 4.15 Is the generator within a secure area to prevent unauthorized access

  • 4.16 Are all combustible materials located outside the secure area

  • 4.17 Is the generator free from defects

  • 4.18 Are there any electrical & health hazards

  • 4.19 Are all the fire fighting equipment serviced

  • 4.20 Do all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 4.21 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 4.22 Are all the fire fighting equipment location signs visible & free from defects

5.0 LPG storage & usage

Are the following permanent stamp markings visible & legible

  • 5.1 The letters LPG/VPG

  • 5.2 The tare mass TM in kg

  • 5.3 The applicable standard (e.g. SABS 1792-2)

  • 5.4 The year of manufacture

  • 5.5 The test pressure in kPa

  • 5.6 The manufacturer's name or trademark

  • 5.7 The water capacity in liters

Are the following permanent stamp markings visible & legible on cylinders of 9kg & less

  • 5.8 A warning that the container must not be placed on stoves or hot plates & must be used in the upright position

  • 5.9 The maximum mass of gas in k's the container may contain

  • Are cylinders free of the following defects

  • 5.10 Excessive corrosion or pitting

  • 5.11 illegible stamping

  • 5.12 Any container manufactured before 1969 (containers of this age must be heat treated & have the heat treated symbol (N)

  • 5.13 Excessive fire damage

  • 5.14 Excessive cutting or gouging

  • 5.15 Defective fittings

  • 5.16 Unacceptable modifications

  • 5.17 Excessive bulging & denting

  • 5.18 Defective delaminating

  • 5.19 Welding Arc or torch burns

Are valves

  • 5.20 Protected with permanent, fixed collars or screw

  • 5.21 Type protective caps, valve guards or shrouds

  • 5.22 Hand wheels not too tight, undamaged & operable

  • 5.23 Outlet threads clean & undamaged

  • 5.24 Valve boss is not tilted

  • 5.25 Without cracks or flaws on the container neck

  • 5.26 (Safety relief valve) without damage or corrosion

  • 5.27 Plugging or anything preventing it's operation

  • 5.28 Are foot rings in a serviceable condition

  • 5.29 Are faulty components replaced or the cylinder returned to the owner

  • 5.30 Are the LPG bottles in a safe & lockable area to prevent unauthorized access & away from all ignition materials

6.0 Staff & Customer ablutions

Staff ablutions

  • 6.1 Are all the floors & walls clean & free from defects

  • 6.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 6.3 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 6.4 Are all the toilets clean & free from defects

  • 6.5 Are all the toilet doors clean & free from defects

  • 6.6 Are all the counters & basins clean & free from defects

  • 6.7 Are the hand dryers clean & free from defects

  • 6.8 Is the soap dispenser full, clean & free from defects

  • 6.9 Are the showers clean & free from defects

  • 6.10 Are all the mirrors clean & free from defects

  • 6.11 Are all the lockers clean & free from defects

  • 6.12 Are there no electrical defects

  • 6.13 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

Customer ablutions

  • 6.14 Are all the floors & walls clean & free from defects

  • 6.15 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 6.16 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 6.17 Are all the toilets clean & free from defects

  • 6.18 Are all the toilet doors clean & free from defects

  • 6.19 Are all the counters & basins clean & free from defects

  • 6.20 Are the hand dryers clean & free from defects

  • 6.21 Is the soap dispenser full, clean & free from defects

  • 6.22 Are all the mirrors clean & free from defects

  • 6.23 Are there no electrical defects

  • 6.24 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

7.0 Attendant kiosk

  • 7.1 Are all the walls & floors clean & free from defects

  • 7.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 7.3 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 7.4 Are all the tables & chairs clean & free from defects

  • 7.5 Are there any electrical & health hazards

  • 7.6 Is there a housekeeping schedule & is it in use

  • 7.7 Is there a service station rules & regulations on display on the business letterhead

  • 7.8 Is there a Drug & alcohol abuse policy displayed on business letterhead

  • 7.9 Is there a emergency & hazardous plan on display

  • 7.10 Emergency telephone #'s on display

  • 7.11 Is the DB board labeled & lockable for safe isolation

  • 7.12 Is the DB board unobstructed

  • 7.13 Is there a fire equipment available & is it sign posted

  • 7.14 Has the fire equipment been serviced

  • 7.15 Does the fire equipment have seal

  • 7.16 Are the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 7.17 Is the a unobstructed view of the Forecourt

8.0 Forecourt

  • 8.1 Is the Forecourt clean from any spills

  • 8.2 Is the Forecourt demarcation visible & legible

  • 8.3 Are all the pump Island, rhino lining clean & free from defects

  • 8.4 Are all the pumps clean & free from defects

  • 8.5 Are all the non smoking, cellphone, ignition & to turn engine off signs visible & legible

  • 8.6 Are all the product signs visible & legible

  • 8.7 Are all pump pipes & nozzles clean & free from defects

  • 8.8 Are the pillars clean & free from defects

  • 8.9 Is the canopy clean & free from defects

  • 8.10 Is the canopy lights clean & free from defects

  • 8.11 Are all the man holes & earth points clean & free from defects

  • 8.12 Are all the man holes filler point cap seal free from defects

  • 8.13 Are all man holes filler point cap locked

  • 8.14 Are all the fire fighting equipment serviced

  • 8.15 Are all the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 8.16 Are all fire fighting equipment sign posted

  • 8.17 Do all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 8.18 Are the breather pipes clean & free from defects

  • 8.19 Are all the hazards signs in place & free from defects

9.0 Garden

  • 9.1 Have weeds been removed

  • 9.2 Has the lawn been closely mown

  • 9.3 Are shrubs & bushes trimmed

10.0 Building

  • 10.1 Are all the walls clean & free from defects

  • 10.2 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

  • 10.3 Are all the shop sign clean & free from defects

  • 10.4 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 10.5 Are the doors clean & free from defects

  • 10.6 Is the fuel attendant pay point clean & free from defects

  • 10.7 Are there any electrical defects

11.0 DB board

  • 11.1 Is the DB board labeled & legible

  • 11.2 Are all the DB board switches labeled & legible

  • 11.3 Are all the DB board switches free from defects

  • 11.4 Are the DB board door clean & free from defects

  • 11.5 Is the DB board unobstructed

  • 11.6 Is there a lockout available & in use

  • 11.7 Is there fire fighting equipment & is it serviced

  • 11.8 Does the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 11.9 Is the fire fighting equipment free from defects

  • 11.10 Is the fire fighting equipment sign posted & are the signs clean & free from defects

12.0 Waste area

  • 12.1 Is the waste area sanitary

  • 12.2 Are the waste bins sanitary & free from defects

13.0 Spill control equipment

  • 13.1 Is there a Spill control equipment available

  • 13.2 Is the Spill control kit fully equipped

14.0 Cleaning equipment

  • 14.1 Is all the cleaning equipment sanitary & free from defects

  • 14.2 Is the cleaning equipment fully equipped

  • 14.3 Is the wet floor sign in use

15.0 First Aid

  • 15.1 Is the first Aid box fully equipped

  • 15.2 Is there a trained first aider on site

  • 15.3 Is the first aid box sign posted

16.0 Wash Bay

  • 16.1 Are all the floors & walls clean & free from defects

  • 16.2 Is the ceiling clean & free from defects

  • 16.3 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 16.4 Are all the windows clean & free from defects

  • 16.5 Are there any electrical defects

  • 16.6 Are the piping free from defects

17.0 Outside lights & signs

  • 17.1 Are all the lights clean & free from defects

  • 17.2 Are all the signs clean & free from defects

18.0 Drainage system

  • 18.1 Are all the drain system clean & free from defects

19.0 Battery storage

  • 19.1 Is the battery cage clean & free from defects

  • 19.2 Is the battery cage unobstructed & easily accessible

  • 19.3 Is there any fire fighting equipment at the battery cage

  • 19.4 Has the fire fighting equipment been serviced

  • 19.5 Do all the fire fighting equipment have their seals

  • 19.6 Is the fire fighting equipment sign posted & free from defects

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.