Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Company Name
Operator's Licence Number:
Type of licence
Company repute
Continuation date
Operating centre(s):
Number of vehicle/trailers authorised
Number of vehicles specified:
Description of works carried out
REC Referance
Transport Audit
Driver Management
Recruitment and induction process
Driver assessments
Driver CPC
Driver agencies
Policies and procedures
Driver handbook
Wheel security
Mobile phone and electronic device policy
Drug and alcohol
VOR (vehicle off road) policy
Safe loading
Vehicle Recall Policy
Driver Defect reporting - DDR
Describe your system including: Nil returns<br>
Describe your system including: Is remedial action taken on reported defects
Describe your system including: Is remedial action declared as ‘fit for service’
Describe your system including: Retention period of DDRs
Describe your system including: Written procedure for DDR
Preventative Maintenance Inspections – PMI and Maintenance
How Many Weeks are your PMI
Prohibitions issued within the last 15 months
Describe your system including: PMI provider
Inspection intervals
How is your PMI/repairs sign off as roadworthy
If appropriate – How is PMI paperwork returned from external provider
If you analyse PMI reports to check effectiveness if your DDRs is the facility’s appropriate (mobile fitter) <br>
Retention period of PMIs
PMI sheets completed correctly
Brake Roller Test (BRT) checks at PMI ?
PMI Inspections vs Planner
Forward Planning
Describe your forward planning system and what matters are included e.g. PMI, MOT, VED e.t.c.
Driver’s Licence/ CPC /ADR - How do you monitor Driver’s Licence?
Entitlements and expiry dates?
At what intervals?
Eye tests what intervals?
Driver's Hours, How do you?
Monitor and manage compliance with driver’s hours regulations?
Record instances of advisory / disciplinary actions on infringements found?
For digital vehicles is driver and VU data compared?
Evidence of action on infringements
Recorded, driving without a card
Time spent completing a daily walk round check
Are time cards used ? are time sheets compared to tacho records ?
Working Time - Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005
How do you - Monitor and manage compliance with Working Time – Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005?
How do you - Record instances of advisory / disciplinary actions on infringements found?
All drivers PAYE (not S/E)
Seminars and Training
Have you or anyone from your company ever Attended a DVSA approved or New Operator Seminar?
Loading and Speed Limits
How do you ensure that your vehicles and trailers are not overloaded?
How do you ensure that loads are safely secured?
How do you monitor that your vehicles operate within the speed limits?
Vehicles and Trailers
How many vehicles / trailers are you in possession of at this time?
Operating Centre(s)
Where are your vehicles kept when not in use?
Where are your trailers kept when not in use?
System for issue of - print rolls and record sheets/books
System for - The return of record sheets
System for - downloading of data from driver cards and digital tachographs
System for - data from VU
Records of Driver CPC held
Initial training for new recruits re. Drivers` Hours/ Record Keeping Regulations for both Analogue and digital
Evidence of Transport Manager involvement
Access to DVLA on-line service
Access to OCRS score
Are all your insurances in date? I.e Public, Vehicle and Transit?