Client / Site / Project
Description of worksite inspected
Inspection Date/Time
Can work be carried out safely
If NO, who was informed
Details of action taken
Inspected By
Risk Assessment
Is the surface clear of plant, spoil heap and materials, etc for at least 2m from the edge of the excavation
Are spoil heaps being properly controlled and prevented from erosion run off during wet weather
Are danger zones clear of personnel while foundation boring is being conducted
Is the space between the trench and the spoil heap clear of pipes, bricks, stones, tools, etc.
Is the work properly fenced off, signposted and appropriately lit
Is the access/egress to/from/across the excavation adequate
Are approved ladders installed at a maximum of 9m apart for access/egress
Is the work being performed in accordance with the SWMS
Are there controls in place to prevent exposure to and Ingres of exhaust gases from machines working in proximity
Have all underground and overhead services been identified and outlined in the SWMS
Are the workers excavating and shoring this trench trained and competent
Is there any movement or deterioration of the ground that may put adjacent services, roads or services at risk
Is there any increased risk of collapse from moving plant or vehicles near to the sides of the excavation
Is there any blasting or heavy vibration from machinery in the area that may affect the integrity of the excavation
Is there a possibility of ground water influx into the excavation
Is there a possibility of ground shrinkage during hot conditions which may affect the stability of the excavation
Are there proper sumps established to deal with an influx of water
Has excavation support been installed in accordance with Australian Standards? Is it adequate for the job
Are unsupported sides of the excavation safe, with no sign of peeling away
If applicable, has the excavation support system been installed as per the temporary works design specification or as stated in the excavation permit
Has there been sign of movement or deflation in the excavation support system since last inspection
Are there safe systems of work in place for safe insertion and extraction of excavation support equipment
Are stops provided for mobile plant and vehicles to prevent access within 2m from the edge of the excavation
Is visibility adequate in trench between the spotter and excavator or drilling operator
Is there suitable edge protection around the excavation to prevent falls from person or object
Is the excavation being constantly assessed for the possibility of becoming a confined space