
  • VPP3&6 Housekeeping Inspection - VPP3/6 Outside Areas

  • Conducted on

  • Inspection Team


    The Housekeeping Inspection checklist is an audit tool that is to be used by the site leadership team when conducting an inspection of the workplace.

    1. Housekeeping Inspection checklist shall be completed monthly by various departments.
    2. This inspection should be conducted by two personnel.
    3. Prior to conducting the inspection, review the previous month inspection to see what actions have been undertaken.
    4. On completion of inspection, actions or issues/ concerns, recommendations are to be entered into Mill Issues and completed inspection stored on the site document system. Completed inspections should be reviewed periodically by Department Heads.
    5. This Housekeeping Inspection checklist should be used as a guide and if an item is identified that is not on the checklist, it should be addressed in the notes section for future inclusion.
    6. A Housekeeping Inspection schedule identifies the inspection area each inspection team shall be inspecting month by month.

    Address each question as either yes (compliant) or no (non compliant). If non compliant, enter a comment into the comments section. Areas for improvement should also be noted in the comments section.

  • Signature

Reception Car Park

  • Car park spaces are clearly marked

  • Signs and markings are clear and legible

  • Walkway to/ from car park legible

Chemical Area

  • Chemical driveway is clean and clear of obstructions

  • Chemical driveway bund in good condition - not damaged or compromised

  • Signage around chemical area is clear and legible

  • Spill kits in alcove of lube/ oil store are present and stocked

Staff Car Park

  • Walkway in front of Rejects Yard is marked and legible (Shared Walkway)

  • Raised walkway to staff car park free from obstructions and gutters are marked yellow

  • Shared walkways in and around car park are clear and legible

  • Car park spaces are clearly marked

  • Signs and markings are clear and legible

  • AAA signage clear and legible at the rear gate of Rejects Yard and leading into Undercover Waste Yard

  • Protective barrier near walkway near entry to Undercover Waste Yard is in place with hi-vis safety bollard at the approach end for visual effect

Walkway/ Passage along Perimeter

  • Undercover Waste Yard perimeter fence - hose reels are tested and serviceable, including the hose boxes

  • Walkway is clear of slip, trip, fall hazards

  • Storm water drains are painted blue and marked "rain only"

  • Fence and mesh atop of fence is in a satisfactory and secure condition

  • Drain pits at MRF end of walkway are not blocked up with paper/ rubbish

  • External wall of Undercover Waste Yard MRF side is in satisfactory condition - no loose panels or jagged, sharp edges

Workshop End

  • Male toilets at Waste Yard are clean and working. Access to toilets is clear

  • Centre barricaded area between maintenance and MRF are in place and of satisfactory condition

  • Exit road from Waste Yard is clear and unobstructed

  • Guillotine area is secured unless operating, signage is legible, access to area is clear and free of obstructions

  • Smoking area is clean of butts and sign posted

  • Ash trays are of the enclosed type to prevent litter and fire

  • Walkways are clear with no obstructions or trip hazards

  • External fire stairs from Production offices are serviceable, fore extinguisher sign posted, pressurised and in test

  • Walkway along maintenance and reel store is marked, legible and railings,<br>/ barriers in place and not compromised

  • All swing gates are fitted, self closing, sign posted and serviceable

  • Walkway to Contractor Car park marked, barriers/ railing not compromised

  • Emergency Assembly Area sign fixed to both stores office and the stores front gate

Winder End of Site

  • Walkway to WWTP is clear and free of obsructions

  • Walkway along end of mill is clear and marked

  • BBQ area is clean

  • Smoking area is clean of butts and sign posted

  • Ash trays are the enclosed type to prevent litter and fires

  • External fire stairs from 5metre level are in good condition, clear and free from obstructions.


  • No slip, trip or fall hazards are present

  • Area is free of any leaks or spills that can cause land or water pollution

Additional Comments / Recommendations

  • Additional Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.