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Flat Number
Conducted on
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Flat details
Is there an Appello Warden tablet in the property ?
Is it powered up and functioning ?
Are there existing smoke detectors in property ?
How many smokes are required ?
How many heats are required ?
How many smoke detectors ?
Location of devices
How many heat detectors ?
Location of devices
Are there any cupboards within the propery larger than 1m²
How many ?
Do they have existing detection or is new detection required ?
Are all devices in the dwelling Aico 3000 series ?
How many smokes require replacement ?
How many heats require replacement ?
Are these detectors fitted with Aico RF Smartlink modules ?
Is there a test/hush button for the detection ? (Wall mounted)
Is there an existing relay base ?
Is there an Aico EI414 Fire/CO Interface Panel ?
Is the detection Interlinked ?
Does the detection trigger the warden call system when activated ?
Is the installation to an LD1 D1 standard ? (Detector in all rooms, cupboards larger that 1m² and areas of high risk excluding bathrooms. Detection also has a tamper proof 10 year lithium battery.)
How many and what type of devices are required to bring the system to an LD1 D1 Standard ? (List required areas ie 1x Smoke - Lounge Area)
Is the lighting circuit 3 plate or will a new circuit be required ?
Is there room in the fuseboard to double up on the lighting circuit or install a new breaker if necessary ?
Is there a roof void accessible within the property ?
How many smokes are required for suitable coverage in roof void?
Is there a pullcord installed in the bathroom ?
Does this correctly activate the warden call tablet ?
Is this wired or wireless ?
Are there pullcords installed elsewhere in the property ?
Quantity ?
Are they active ?
Are further works required ?
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