
  • Area/Zone

  • Supervisor in charge

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel involved with inspection

  • Document No.

  • Based on 025-F002-2367 (rev 04)

General site photos

Overview of the site

  • Theses photos should provide an overview of the work area being inspected. Elements to be captured could include, activities or subbies working in the area, site boundaries showing sediment controls in place, general work areas showing bins, spill kits etc.

  • General site photos

  • Site photos
  • Site photo

  • Description of site photo

Positive and negative site behaviours

  • Take photos showing general positive behaviours around the site. For example good examples of sediment and erosion controls etc

  • Behaviour

  • Behaviours
  • What type of behaviour is being shown

Air Emissions

  • Activity undertaken are appropriate given wind conditions

  • Dust is being controlled

  • Site speed limits are appropriate

  • Trucks covered when transporting dry material off-site

  • Odours are not migrating off-site

  • Need to add new action items relating to air emissions

  • New action item relating to air emissions

  • Air emission action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?


  • Is vibration an issue at this site (ie piling, rolling/compacting actives undertaken on site or works occurring with 30m of a cultural heritage item or 5m within the southport Seawall)

  • Are piling activities being undertaken

  • If yes is vibration monitoring being carried out by VDM or other?

  • Is the monitor adequately protected from the public

  • Are high risk activities being carried out within 30m of cultural heritage locations

  • If yes is vibration monitoring being carried out by VDM?

  • Is the monitor adequately protected from the public

  • Need to add new action items relating to vibration

  • New action item relating to vibration

  • Vibration action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Noise Emissions

  • Are works being carried out between 6.30pm and 6.30am (ie night works)

  • Is an approved out of hours permit in place

  • Is noisy equipment (generators, light machines etc) orientated to avoid nuisance to neighbours

  • Is all plant, equipment and vehicles fitted with squawker type reversing alarms

  • Are trucks and project vehicles using approved, designated transport routes

  • Need to add new action items relating to noise emissions

  • New action item relating to noiseemissions

  • Noise emission action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Erosion and Stormwater Management

  • Sediment and erosion plan being implemented

  • No signs of erosion on site

  • No sign of sediment, sands, gravel being exported from site or tracked off by tyres

  • Sediment and erosion controls being maintained

  • Sediment and erosion controls correctly installed

  • Silt fences dug in

  • Controls staked in place

  • Rock check dams at right intervals

  • Need to add new action items relating to sediment and erosion controls

  • New action item relating to sediment and erosion

  • Sediment and erosion action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Land Contamination

  • Is the site free from contamination

  • Oil spills

  • Materials brought to site

  • Existing contaminated soil

  • Are you at the depot

  • Depot works being undertaken in accordance with Site Management Plan

  • Are the works in an ACid Sulphate Soil area

  • ASS being managed as per EPI

  • Need to add new action relating to land contamination

  • New action item relating to land contamination

  • Land contamination action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Water Contamination

  • Is the site discharging water

  • Are water discharges being monitored

  • Discharges are not impacting on receiving waters (ie no murky discharges, discolourisation of banks etc)

  • Need to add new action relating to water contamination

  • New action item relating to water contamination

  • Water contamination action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Chemical Management and Hazardous Materials Storage

  • Are fuels and/or chemicals used or stored on site

  • Are chemical, fuels and hazardous materials stored in bundled areas

  • Are bunds free of water and debris

  • Are all containers in good condition, with closed valves/secured tops

  • Are containers clearly labelled

  • Are waterways and drains protected from potential spills

  • Are spill kits available, sufficient for activities and fully stocked

  • Need to add new action relating to chemicals and fuels

  • New action item relating to chemicals

  • Chemical action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Refueling, Maintenance and Parking of Plant and Machinery

  • Has a designated area been established for refueling, maintenance and parking

  • Is the area appropriate (ie away from watercourses/drains, on flat ground and ground that limits land contamination)

  • Is plant well maintained ie no signs of leaks, kept clean and no noticeable smoke emissions

  • Need to add new action relating to refuelling, maintenance and parking of plant

  • New action item relating to plant and equipment

  • Plant action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Resource Use

  • Has all plant been shut down when not in use (note that a five minute idle time is acceptable)

  • Need to add new action relating to resource use

  • New action item relating to resource use

  • Resource use action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Waste Management

  • Are bins of sufficient size for construction waste available and are they being emptied regularly enough

  • Are materials being segregated for recycling

  • Are putrescible bins free of vermin and covered

  • Surplus oils, grease and other regulated wastes segregated from other waste streams

  • Are bitumen sprayers washed down off-site

  • Are concrete wastes being disposed of in designated and lined washout areas

  • Need to add new action relating to waste management

  • New action item relating to waste management

  • Waste management action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Flora, Fauna and Noxious Weed Management

  • Have all environmentally significantly areas been clearly marked on site

  • Is clearing to be undertaken in this area

  • Are the limits of clearing or tree removal adequately identified

  • Are protected trees clearly marked

  • Are tree protection zones in place (ie no materials placed beneath drip line or vehicles/plant parked beneath

  • Has all new plant and machinery been inspected for weeds prior to mobilization to site

  • Are the site access tracks clearly identified to prevent damage to flora

  • Are weeds being managed

  • Are fire risks at Smith St/Parklands being managed

  • Are you in a frog habitat area (Loders Creek and Golden Gate)

  • Have the frog habitat areas (Loders Creek and Golden Gate) been clearly identified and flagged

  • Are all personnel, vehicles, plant and machinery entering the frog habitat areas disinfected

  • Are disturbed areas being progressively rehabilitated

  • Need to add new action relating to flora and fauna

  • New action item relating to flora and fauna

  • Flora and fauna action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

Community and Cultural Issues Management

  • Have all sites of known cultural significance and areas of non disturbance as identified in the contract been located and identified with flagging or other appropriate means

  • Have areas of heritage discoveries been protected by fencing or flagging

  • Need to add new action relating to community and cultural issues

  • New action item relating to community and cultural heritage

  • Community and cultural heritage action
  • Is this a workforce suggestion?

  • Provide details of who provided the suggestion

  • Description of action required

  • Due date for action item

  • Who is responsible for closing out the action item

  • What needs to happen with this action item?

General observations and other action items

Other issues noted on site

  • Other issues noted on site

  • Additional issue
  • Description of issue - click on question to add details of issue and add picture

  • Does this issue need to be addressed with an action item

  • Add details of New Action Items

  • Add action items
  • Was this a workforce suggestion

  • Provide details on who the idea came from

  • Description of the required action

  • When should the action be closed out by

  • Who is responsible for completing the action

  • Has the action item already been closed out

  • Does this need to be added to the commitment register

Documentation Review

JSEA Review

  • JSEA Reviewed

  • Have all workers signed onto it

  • Has it been approved by Macdow personnel

  • Have all the environmental hazards been identified

  • Are the listed environmental controls appropriate

  • Have the listed environmental controls been implemented as per the JSEA

SEP Review

  • SEP Reviewed

  • Is the SEP still relevant and up to date for the works being carried out

  • Have the environmental controls been implemented as per the SEP

Worforce Engagement and Site Behaviours

Workforce Engagement

  • Did you engage with the workforce during the inspection? If no please explain why not.

Positive site behaviours

  • Please note down positive site behaviours that should be recognized.

  • Positive behaviours


  • Name of advisor

  • Reviewed by Environment and Sustainability Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.