- Primus Build Ltd
- Primus Regions Ltd
- Primus London Ltd
- Primus Interiors Ltd
Project No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Housekeeping / Waste
1.1 Materials stored correctly?
1.2 Access / egress routes clear of obstructions?
1.3 Work areas clear of debris and waste?
1.4 Are waste materials being separated?
2. Working at height
2.1 Is the hierarchy of working at height being followed?
2.2 Is scaffolding erected correctly?
2.3 Are mobile towers erected correctly?
2.4 Are podium steps being used correctly?
2.5 Is edge protection in place? (working platforms, stairs, slabs, leading edges)
2.6 Are physical barriers in position to prevent falls?
2.7 If stepladders or ladders are being used, are they secured and being used correctly?
2.8 Is all working at height equipment free from defects?
3. Traffic management
3.1 Are pedestrians and vehicles adequately separated?
3.2 Is there an adequate amount of information / warning signs?
3.3 Is the site speed limit of 5mph being observed?
4. Lifting Equipment
4.1 Are lifting operations being undertaken safely?
4.2 Are loads being lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines?
4.3 Is regular maintenance, testing and inspection of equipment being undertaken and recorded?
4.4 Is the SWL information displayed?
4.5 Is all lifting equipment and accessories safe to use / being used correctly?
4.6 Are all persons operating lifting equipment competent to do so?
5. Excavations
5.1 Are all excavations inspected at the beginning of each shift?
5.2 Are they properly supported?
5.3 Is safe access and egress provide?
6. Welfare
6.1 Is the welfare facilities adequate for the number of operatives on site?
6.2 Is there adequate provision for males and females?
6.3. Is the welfare regularly cleaned?
6.4 Are tables and chairs provided in the canteen?
6.5 is a microwave, kettle, fridge and cups supplied for operatives to use?
6.6 Is a changing area with lockers provided?
7. First aid
7.1 Is there an adequate number of first aiders?
7.2 Is there an adequate number of first aid kits?
7.3 Are the first aid boxes fully stocked?
7.4 Does everyone know who the first aider is?
8.1 Are all substances stored safely? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
8.2 Are all data sheets attached to assessments or COSHH register?
8.3. Is spill containment equipment available?
8.4 Are emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc in place?
9. Personal Protective Equipment
9.1 Is PPE being provided, used, carried as required?
9.2 Is all PPE suitable for the tasks being undertaken?
10. Lighting
10.1 Is sufficient lighting provided on access / egress routes?
10.2. Is sufficient emergency lighting provided, where fitted?
10.3. Is lighting regularly tested?
11. Safety signs
11.1 are all information and warning signs in place.
11.2 Are emergency escape routes clearly sign posted?
11.3 Where necessary, are signs provided in different languages?
12. Statutory Registers
12.1 Are all statutory registers current and up to date? (scaffolding, excavations, MEWPS, crane, hoist, forklift, etc)
13. Electrical
13.1 Is all electrical equipment PAT tested, registers up to date?
13.2 Have the fixed and temporary electrical systems been tested?
13.3 Are all 415volt cables clearly identified and labeled?
13.12 Are all electrical extension leads in good condition and without defect?
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