
  • Building

  • Add media

  • Number of floors

  • Function

  • Date of audit

  • Audited by



  • Areas intended for the use of people with disabilities are clearly marked with the international symbol of access.

  • Where the international symbol of access displayed at?

  • International symbol of access has a minimum height of 110mm and with the wheelchair user symbol facing to the right.

  • All signage are consistent, clear, visible and legible.

  • Pedestrian way-finding map and directory provided in external environment.

  • Are the signage over building entrances or on building visible from a distance of 10-15m?

  • Height of lettering at least 50mm or legible from a distance of 15m.

  • Signage has sufficient colour contrast to make the signage clearly legible.

  • Overhead signage have a height clearance of at least 2.1m.

  • Wall mounted signage for the purpose of information located between 1400-1700mm from the floor surface.



  • No. of designated parking bays.

  • Is there at least one designated parking bay in employee parking area?

  • At least one designated bay per 25 parking spaces in an area of 50 or more parking bays.

  • Is the parking bay at least 3500x5000mm in dimensions?

  • Is the shared space at least 1m in width between two standard bays?

  • Is the parking bay within 50m of the accessible entrance?

  • 1000x1000mm International symbol of access clearly demarcated in safety yellow on the floor.

  • Height clearance of 2.4m at entrance/exits and throughout parking area.

  • Vertical signage provided with international symbol of access positioned at least 2m in height from finish floor level.

  • Is there a level access/ drop-kerb from the parking bay to the accessible route/ pavement?



  • At least one accessible route is provided within the site from public transport nodes, parking, public streets and pavements.

  • Raised crossing or painted zebra-crossing provided?

  • Is the buildings along the route accessible at least on the ground floor?

  • Accessible route of travel is at least 900mm in width or ideally at 1500mm in width.

  • No revolving doors, revolving gates or turnstile installed at the entrance to the campus/facilities?

  • Is there an alternative entrance at least 900mm wide with a nib of 450mm?

  • Access control system is positioned at 1m above finish floor level.

  • No doors and windows along the route present as obstacles?

  • Are security gates secured to the wall when opened.

  • All overhead obstacles are at least 2m above the floor surface.

  • Any wall mounted fittings or obstacles along the route that are easily visible and contrasting in colour?

  • Is the wall mount fittings and obstacles (dustbins, fire equipment etc) shielded or recessed to prevent injuries?

  • No drainage channels located in pedestrian areas and path of travel?

  • Openings in the floor not exceeding 13mm in width and perpendicular to the direction of travel?

  • Floor chambered at 1:50 slope or 1.1° gradient.

  • Pause areas with suitable seating are provided at 25m intervals.

  • 600-800mm warning TGSI install for the full width of the footpath at both ends of vehicular crossings/driveways.


  • Floor surface are stable, firm and slip resistant .

  • No cobbles or gravels or loose finishes form part of the accessible route.

  • Raised crossing is level with the pavements at both ends.

  • Is the pedestrian crossing clearly marked or painted in white/ safety yellow zebra-crossing stripes?

  • Audible traffic signals provided at both end of the crossing.

  • Does the traffic lights gives priority to pedestrians?

  • Bollards are spaced at least 1000mm in width and not obstructing the accessible route.

  • Kerb ramps slope at 1:8 or 7° gradient.

  • Kerb ramps on both sides of a carriageway are aligned with one another and the direction of travel.



  • Floor surface are stable, firm and slip resistant.

  • No opening in the floor exceeding 13mm in width and perpendicular to the direction of travel?

  • Change in level between floor surfaces or thresholds are less than 5mm.

  • No cobbles or gravels or loose finishes form part of the accessible route.

  • Change in floor level exceeding 600mm fitted with a balustrade.



  • No. of pedestrain entrances to site

  • No. of accessible entrances.

  • Clear opening width is at least 850mm.

  • Door swing clear of at least 1500x1500mm

  • Closing mechanism allows sufficient time for users to pass through the door.

  • Nib of at least 450mm at handle side of the door.

  • Are there any revolving doors, revolving gates or turnstile at the entrance or along the route?

  • Is there an alternative entrance at least 900mm wide with a nib of 450mm?

  • Access control system are positioned at 1m above finish floor level.

  • Type of door handle in use.

  • Handle positioned at 1000mm above the finish floor

  • Lever door handles at 150mm in length and at 1m in height above floor.



  • No. of ramps on site.

  • Please add a ramp.
  • Ramps located in a convenient locations?

  • Gradient of the ramp is at 1:12 or 5° and 6m in length between landings.

  • Minimum width of ramp is 1100mm.

  • Minimum length of landings at 1200 mm

  • Ø35-50mm handrails at 1m in height on both side of the ramp and continuous between landings.

  • Clear width of 60mm between handrails and wall surface.

  • Handrails extend 300mm at top and bottom of the ramp and return to the supporting structure or finish in a positive return.

  • Handrails are supported centrally from below with a mounting not less than 50mm long.

  • Central handrail is provided at an interval of 2400mm where ramp exceed 2400mm in width.

  • Ramp with a rise exceeding 600mm high have a skirting of 75-300mm to protect users from the edge of the raised surface.

  • Floor surface are stable, firm and slip resistant.

  • Warning tactile guidance provided in accordance with SANS784.



  • No. of outdoor staircases on site.

  • Please add an outdoor staircase

  • Outdoor staircase
  • Is outdoor staircase designed to prevent water from accumulating on the walking surface.

  • Width of the staircase at least 900mm in width.

  • Length of landing min 1100mm in length.

  • Risers are consistent and not exceeding 170mm in height.

  • Solid risers.

  • No winders are used along the staircase.

  • Min 40mm contrasting nosing along the width of the tread.

  • Ø35-50mm handrails at 1m in height on both side of the staircases and continuous between landings.

  • Clear width of 60mm between handrails and wall surface.

  • Handrails extend 300mm at top and bottom of the staircase and return to the supporting structure or finish in a positive return.

  • Handrails are supported centrally from below with a mounting not less than 50mm long.

  • Central handrail is provided at an interval of 2400mm where the staircase exceed 2400mm in width.

  • Floor surface are stable, firm and slip resistant.

  • Warning tactile guidance provided in accordance with SANS784.



  • All light switches and security controls positioned at 1m above finish floor level.

  • Access control system are positioned at 1m above finish floor level.



  • Emergency control in form of safety beacon with buttons positioned at 1m above finish floor level.

  • Emergency warning system included visible strobe light to warn hearing-impaired people.

  • All emergency warning signals such as smoke detectors, fire alarms and evacuation signals are demonstrated both visually and audibly.

  • All fire controls and fire hydrants are located below 1200mm from the finish floor level and shielded/recessed to prevent injuries.



  • External areas, parking areas and accessible routes are well lit at 20-50lux for safety and security.

  • Lighting define the entrances and exits of buildings at 100lux.

  • Signage is positioned in well-lit areas or illuminated with backlights.

  • External ramps, stairs and landings are well illuminated at 100lux for safety and security.

  • Flood lights are protected and not part of the accessible routes.



  • Public pavements are at least 900mm or ideally at 1500mm in width for pedestrian traffic and Non-Motorised transport.

  • Street lights, traffic lights, bollards and signage posts are positioned between 100-700mm from the kerb edge.

  • All the street furniture are not part of the accessible routes within the site from public transport nodes, parking, public streets and pavements.

  • Any wall mounted fittings or obstacles such as dustbins and bollards along the route are easily visible and contrasting in colour.

  • Bins are colour-coded for recycling with opening at least 1000mm above finish floor level.

  • Bollards are not linked with chains or ropes which present a hazard to visually impaired people.

  • Drinking fountain are clearly identified and easy to use for seated and standing position with the spout height at 750-915mm above the floor.

  • Seating furniture are at least 450mm high and 500mm wide.



  • Tree pits are protected with metal grating at the base with openings not exceeding 13mm.

  • Overhead tree branches have a height clearance of at least 2.1m.

  • No cobbles, gravels, loose finishes or groundcovers form part of any accessible routes.

  • Gravels and loose soil do not spill from planters onto accessible routes.

  • Planters are protected with a solid kerb or suitable edge for cane detection.

  • Landscape irrigation-sprinklers are installed in planter beds and do not water accessible routes.

  • Boardwalks and decks are structurally stable and fitted with balustrade where change in floor level exceeding 600mm.

  • Water features do not obstruct the accessible routes and are protected with a solid kerb or suitable edge for cane detection.

  • Interactive water features are fitted with a stable, firm and slip resistant floor finish.

  • Public artwork do not visually or physically obstruct the accessible routes and are suitably located to aid with orientation.



  • Bus shelters design are consistent, visible and clearly identified with appropriate signage.

  • Seating provided at bus shelters.

  • Bus shelters are well lit at 30lux for safety and security.

  • Timetables, routes maps and related public transport information are consistent, clear, visible and legible

  • Signage indicating bus route pick up and drop-off point is clearly indicated.

  • Level access is provided for wheelchair access to bus platform.

  • Parking bays of 2500x14000mm provided for buses.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.