Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are emergency communications clear and understood by all personnel?
Is all communication equipment working properly?
Are all emergency flashers working and in use during required situations?
Are all emergency situations anticipated, discussed and documented on a JSA ?
Are employees aware of the first aid kit location?
Are FA kit contents all within expiration dates?
Are they aware of the FA kit contents?
Do employees know the location of rally points?
Are employees familiar with how to use a fire extinguisher?
Are employees aware that they are to only fight fires in the incipient stage?
Do employees know who is responsible for taking a head count in the event of an emergency?
Are emergency phone numbers posted through out facilities and/or listed on the JSA?
Are employees familiar with all alarms and/or emergency response signals?
Are employees aware of at least two different evacuation routes?
Are employees aware of the fire extinguisher location?
Are employees aware of current weather conditions and whether or not severe weather is expected?
Are employees aware of precautions to be taken in case of lightning?
Are employees up to date with first aid CPR? Is there at least one trained person on site?
Are directions to the nearest hospital known by all employees?
Has the PM assure all sub-contractors are aware of the emergency action plan?
Do all hazard tree crews or crews working near overhead power lines have burn blankets that are up to date?