Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Do all parties understand that at no time fire systems shall be bypassed?
Understand the need to park vehicles away from building so as not to block fire lanes?
Are posting of emergency numbers posted at all office phones?
Employees aware the use of salamanders is prohibitied?
Employees knowledgeable of the need to protect water drums and extinguishers from the elements?
Are employees knowledgeable for the need to have a 10 lb extinguisher on all petroleum powered machinery?
Are all extinguishers tagged and inspected monthly and annually?
Have employees been trained on the PASS method to suppress fires? if so when and where?
Are employees familiar with when a fire watch is required in accordance with section 5.4 of the manual (read it)?
Do employees understand the rule not to smoke within 50' of any flammable? are they practicing it?
Familiar with where flammables can be stored in accordance with 5.7?
Are all employees familiar with the location of the fire extinguisher checklist in the safety manual? Show it to them if not.
Are PM's and employees familiar with the monthly tally sheet to be turned into the safety department? Appendix of procedure. Last Page.