
  • Name:

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Position


  • FDF 30111 Certificate III in Food Processing

Unit code(s) and name:

  • FDFF2001A Implement the food safety program and procedures
    FDFF3001A Monitor the implementation of quality and food safety
    FDFOP2064A Provide and apply workplace information
    FDOH3001A Contribute to OHS processes
    MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable workplace

  • Provide a brief overview of the Candidates workplace role and responsibilities

  • Students are observed a number of times during workplace visits. What tasks was the candidate performing at the time of the observations?

  • AQF Level Characteristics:
    *Demonstrate some relevant theoretical knowledge;
    *Apply a range of well-developed skills;
    *Apply known solutions to a variety of predictable problems;
    *Perform processes that require a range of well developed skills where some discretion and judgement is required
    *interpret available information, using discretion and/or judgement
    *Take responsibility for own outputs in work and learning
    *Take limited responsibility for the output of others (where applicable)

Skills Observation and Critical Questions Checklist

Observe the candidate and check understanding through the associated critical questions:

Observation 1.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should follow all OH&S requirements and demonstrate such procedures.

  • O.1 Comply with the personal hygiene requirements of the food safety program:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    To prevent contaminating food and food handling equipment. Setting a good example to other employees

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Why is it important to ensure you wash your hands, wear hairnets correctly and comply with other GMP requirements?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 2.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Must comply with specific work area PPE requirements. (Eye protection etc.)

  • O.2 Select, fit and use personal protective clothing and equipment correctly and ensure others in the work group are doing the same.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    PPE is the last resort on the hierarchy of controls. Identify other safety measures.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Does wearing PPE guarantee your safety? Yes/no please explain.

  • What other preventative measures keep you safe in the workplace?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 3.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    • Using correct manual handling techniques or mechanical aids
    • Take care in use of chemicals
    • Follow machinery/equipment procedures
    • Movement around the area complies with the food and safety program

  • O.3 Follow all occupational health and safety procedures while conducting duties

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    • The candidate should identify a number of potential hazards that are being controlled by a variety of measures (no less than 4).

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Can you identify 2 potential safety hazards and 2 environmental hazards in this work area? What are they?

  • What might go wrong if there were no control measures to prevent this from occurring?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 4.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Routinely or continuously watching the process for inconsistencies, errors or product defects, inspecting packaging and raw materials to ensure they meet quality and food safety requirements, monitoring critical control points in accordance with the HACCP plan, at the same time ensuring that OH&S requirements are followed whilst performing these tasks.

  • O.4 Monitor the production process for any food safety, quality and OH&S non-conformances:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should explain the company's GMP policies and how they are applied i the work area, demonstrating appropriate communication skills and techniques. Candidates should also explain the companies safe work procedures and any relevant OH&S requirements of the job.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) If I was a new employee you were responsible for training, what would you tell me about the food safety and quality requirements for this work area? And what would you tell me about the OH&S requirements for this work area?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Documented in the food safety and operating procedures/task instructions. Signage. HACCP documents. Induction and training.

  • How do you know what the food safety and quality requirements are for your work area?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 5.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    If any defects are detected, taking action to rectify the situation depending on the job role and level of autonomy.

  • O.5 Responding to food safety or quality non-conformance and taking the appropriate corrective and preventative action.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Quality and food safety incidents should be reported to personnel in appropriate positions.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Who do you report quality and food safety incidents to?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 6.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Wearing task related apparel and other appropriate PPE. Following OH&S procedures when handling products and materials.

  • O.6 Handle food, materials and equipment hygienically to maintain the quality and safety of the product.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 7.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Storing tools and equipment in the appropriate area when not in use, cleaning spills and rubbish as you go.

  • O.7 Maintain work area and equipment in and orderly and hygienic state, including modelling safe work policies and procedures in own work:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    • Prevent workplace hazards
    • Maintain quality of work

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Why is it important to keep the workplace neat and tidy?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 8.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Visual inspection, various checks etc.

  • O.8 Conduct any required food and safety checks:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Pull down equipment inspecting for signs of wear and tear or areas that have not been properly cleaned. Monitor the performance of other workers in the group to ensure they are cleaning effectively. Look for sources of cross-contamination. Look for dead legs in pipework. Submit all samples taken to the lab for testing.
    Problem: The product may be contaminated with a pathogenic organism that may pose a severe health risk to consumers. There are legal limits for some organisms that must be complied with. Product may have to be disposed of and replaced at great cost to the company.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) What investigations and actions would you take if some laboratory micro test results from products manufactured on your line were out of specification?

  • Why might this be a problem? Describe any incidents that may have occurred in the past.

  • Any additional comments (describe incidents here please):

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Examples provided could be:
    • Samples
    • Various checklists
    It is important to regularly check that the process is within specification so that we are not producing unsafe food or food that does not meet the customers expectations. It is also a regulatory, customer and company requirement.

  • Describe any OH&S, food safety and quality checks you do or samples you take and explain why this is important.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 9.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Note: Not all candidates will have sampling responsibilities. However, they should still have an understanding of the process involved. Samples must be taken according to company procedure.

  • O.9 Take samples (where relevant).

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 10.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Waste is clearly identified and placed in appropriate receptacles. Reject product or rework is clearly identified.

  • O.10 Handle and disposed of out-of-specification or contaminated food, waste and recycled material in accordance with the requirements of the food safety program (within the scope of responsibility).

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Used to identify product in case of recall or other issues. We know which line has made the product.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Why is product and material traceability important?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Depends on the company procedure and the extent of the non-conformance.

  • What is the process for dealing with product, raw material or packaging that is out of specification?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 11.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Effective use of two way communication including listening and constructive response to feedback, respect and represent the views of others.

  • O.11 Communicate effectively and appropriately with others in the work area to give or receive food safety and quality information and OH&S information.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Identify appropriate personnel and set up a meeting to inform them of issues or problems.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) How would you go about organising a meeting to discuss some food safety and quality issues on your line?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 12.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Source various workplace documentation and maintain as required.

  • O.12 Use/maintain workplace documentation.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 13.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Entering data into a log/computer. The data must be entered to comply with the food safety program. Information must be initialled.

  • O.13 Record workplace information in the required format.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    As evidence that the required checks have been completed.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) What is the purpose of keeping records of food safety and quality checks?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 14.

  • Evidence Guide /Model Answer:
    The candidate should identify all e-stops, including conveyors and other sub-system equipment.

  • O.14 Show me where the emergency stop buttons are on the equipment you are working on.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    When employee safety may be compromised or damage to the to equipment may result from faulty parts or products.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) When do you need to use an emergy stop?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Depending on site LOTO procedure. The purpose of locking out the equipment is to prevent accidental operation while carrying out any of these activities and creating potentially life threatening hazards.

  • When and why should a lock-out/tag-out process be used?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should nominate authorised personnel in accordance with site LOTO procedure.

  • Who is authorised to perform this procedure in your area?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Depends on level of authority and company procedures.

  • What do you do if you see a piece of equipment you need to use has been locked/tagged out?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 15.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate is aware of and working with company environmental guidelines.

  • O.15 Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should follow company procedure and ensure all management and handling of products is to OH&S standards.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) How do you manage waste and rework?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate is aware of the company environmental guidelines and can identify various procedures.

  • What are the company's policies around environmental sustainability and what do you do to follow these?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 16.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Preparing equipment for cleaning and sanitation. Notify relevant personnel of the intention to clean and sanitise (those up or down stream, or in the immediate environment). Cleaning equipment used must comply with the company's GMP policy. Cleaning is to be done in an orderly and logical process from top to bottom, to avoid recontamination, follow the appropriate cleaning procedure. The correct chemicals must be used in the prescribed concentrations. Cleaning of the environment should also be included if it is within the scope of responsibility.

  • O.16 Cleaning and sanitation procedures where relevant.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Take immediate action if required and report to the person responsible for quality management on the site.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) What do you do if you find any pests or signs of pest infestation in the workplace?

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 17.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Whilst working the student should be able to point out to you and discuss their environmental work practices in reference to the tasks at hand.

  • O.17 Environmental work practices:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 18.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Students should demonstrate their ability to accurately perform all required calculations and/or estimations necessary to perform the tasks at hand. Describe the calculations performed and the data used.

  • O.18 Carry out calculations and/or estimations:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 19.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Students should step assessor through the procedure for emergency evacuation. This will most likely be a simulation and not a real emergency.

  • O.19 Follow emergency procedures in case of a fire. List procedure number in additional comments.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should describe alarms and signals and describe the procedures that follow should these signals or alarms be heard.

  • Critical Questions (CQs) Describe the emergency signals and alarms that may occur and what to do if you hear them:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

Observation 20.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Candidate should identify appropriate bandages/dressings

  • O.20 Appropriate bandage and dressings.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

General Observations - Across Tasks: During the many tasks the student demonstrates, the following should observed across the task.

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Workplace information is required for students to perform their tasks to standard. These skills will be demonstrated across many of the above observations.

  • Access and use workplace information, including policies and procedures, food safety program etc.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Communication is required for students to perform their tasks to standard. These skills will be demonstrated across many of the above observations.

  • Communication:

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    Student should demonstrate across all tasks their ability to work co-operatively with all team members and respect different cultures in the workplace.

  • Work cooperatively Within a culturally diverse workforce.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Evidence Guide/Model Answer:
    All tasks observed should be performed within the parameter of each individuals level of responsibility.

  • Operates within the parameters of their own work role and responsibilities.

  • Any additional comments:

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date observed:

  • Assessors comments/feedback (include any actions required to be taken i the event of 'non-satisfactory' for any part of this assessment.

Final Signoff

  • From your observations at the time of the assessment, the candidate's performance was deemed:

  • Assessors Name and Signature:

  • Student's Name and Signature:

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