Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Signs and notices
Is health and safety signage relevant and clearly displayed?
Are noticeboards populated with current health and safety information?
Is the HSE Law Poster displayed and contact information completed?
Are relevant insurance documents displayed e.g. employers liability?
Accidents, incidents and near misses
Have any accidents and incidents since the last inspection been recorded/reported?
Are the accident book and near miss report forms readily available?
First Aid
Are suitable First Aid provisions present?
Have staff been trained in First Aid and details of First Aiders clearly communicated?
Risk assessments and safe working practices
Are risk assessments and safe systems of work readily available for staff?
Is there any evidence of work being conducted that has not been subject to risk assessment?
Are safe working practice/procedures being followed?
Are manual handling operations being carried out correctly?
Workplace transport safety
Is access and egress to the site and work areas adequate?
Are site safety rules being observed and enforced?
Are walkways and traffic routes suitable?
Is reversing kept to a minimum and suitably controlled?
Are safe working practices being used when loading/unloading vehicles?
Are there any lighting issues?
Are pre use inspections being completed on equipment such as forklift trucks?
Are there any obvious defects with equipment such as forklift trucks?
Are operators of mobile plant and equipment authorised for its use?
Is mobile plant and equipment being operated safely?
Workplace conditions/housekeeping: including storage areas and storage systems
Are gangways and walkways kept clean/free from obstruction?
Is rubbish put into suitable receptacles which are emptied regularly?
Are work areas free from obstruction e.g. trailing cables and air lines?
Are storage areas kept tidy?
Is storage racking loaded safely and secure?
Has storage racking been inspected?
Have any spillages been cleaned up?
Are there any issues with temperature or ventilation?
Is lighting adequate?
Do noise levels appear excessive?
Do dust levels appear excessive?
Is there any evidence of a problem with fumes?
Fire Safety
Is a Fire Logbook available and kept up to date?
Are suitable fire extinguishers in present in each area and have they been inspected within the last 12 months?
Is an emergency evacuation procedure in place?
Are the details of fire marshals clearly communicated?
Are fire escape routes kept free from obstruction?
Are doors on escape routes and final exit doors unlocked and functional?
Is a fire alarm or suitable means on raising an alarm in place?
Is smoking appropriately controlled?
Welfare facilities and hygiene
Are suitable cleaning regimes in place?
Are hygiene standards satisfactory where food is consumed?
Are suitable locker, changing and cloakroom facilities available?
Are toilets and wash areas clean and adequate?
Are suitable hand cleaning and care products available?
Are there reminders of good hand care techniques?
Machine, plant and equipment safety
Is machinery/equipment guarded and has suitable emergency stop buttons and isolation points?
Is access to machinery and equipment kept clear?
Have machinery/equipment inspections been completed?
Are electrical tools in a good state of repair?
Is access equipment used correctly?
Is access equipment showing proof of inspection?
Control of hazardous substances
Are chemicals and hazardous substances stored appropriately?
Are spillages procedures and appropriate spill kits/equipment available?
Are COSHH assessments and MSDS sheets readily available?
Services (gas, electricity, water)
Does portable electrical equipment display a PAT label?
Is there any evidence of electrical hazards such as overloaded or damaged sockets?
Is gas powered equipment free from obvious defects or faults?
Is access maintained to services isolation points?
Personal protective equipment
Is PPE used where necassary?
Are there any problems with replacing or providing PPE?
Management of visitors and contractors
Are there procedures in place to control visitors and contractors to site?
Is there a permit to work system in place for high-risk activities?
Are contractors and visitors adhering to site rules and safe working practices?
Other significant issues?
Are there any other significant issues noted during the inspection?