
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous Inspection

  • Has the last Inspection been reviewed?

  • Are there any outstanding actions?

Fire Management

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out to cover the site?

  • Adequate direction notices for the fire exits?

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside?

  • Are all escape routes being kept clear from obstructions?

  • Are fire action notes in place and containing the relevant information?

  • Have all fire extinguishers been tested within the past 12 months and sealed?

  • Are all fire extinguishers in place with signage above them?

  • Are all fire corridors and stairways been kept clear of consumable materials?

  • Has the fire logbook been kept up to date?

  • Have 2 fire drills been carried out over the last 12 months and details logged?

  • Are assembly areas clearly marked outside?

  • Is access to the assembly area clear from obstructions?

  • Fire alarm system in place and functioning correctly?

  • Is the Health and Safety folder available for inspection?

  • Are Accidents / incidents / near miss books / forms completed / reported and sent to the HR Department?

Work Areas

  • Are all work areas kept clean and tidy?

  • Are all areas kept free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are bins overflowing?

  • Are all lights in good working order?

  • Is emergency lighting in good working order?

  • Are all windows clean?

  • Is internal decoration clean and tidy?

  • Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?

  • Work benches clear of rubbish and not damaged?


  • Are corridors free from obstruction/refuse?

  • Do all corridors have adequate lighting?

  • Is relevant signage clearly displayed?

First Aid Provisions

  • Is the location of the first aid box in the correct location?

  • Is the first aid box clearly marked?

  • Is the first aid box stocked and with adequate supplies?

  • Is there a list of first aiders / persons responsible displayed?

  • Are first aider contact numbers displayed if applicable?

  • Are Employees aware of the location of the first aid box?


  • Are all containers labelled?

  • Are all containers handled and controlled properly?

  • Are all containers stored correctly?

  • Are all containers locked in a secure location to prevent unauthorised access to it?

  • Are safety data sheets available for all substances?

Workplace Equipment (non electrical)

  • Is there an up to date equipment register?

  • Is the equipment check up to date (i.e. colour coded tags correct)?

  • Is guarding in good working order?

  • Are ladders available for inspection and in good order?

  • Is PPE available and used?

  • Are eye washes and showers easily accessible?

Electrical Equipment

  • Has all portable electrical equipment been tested and labelled?

  • Is all equipment within the certification date as shown on the label?

  • Is the register of electrical equipment available on site?

  • Is there minimal use of extension leads on site?

Fixed Electrical Wiring and Equipment?

  • Does the building have an electrical completion certificate?

  • Has a test and inspection of the fixed electrical wiring and equipment been carried out over the last 5 years?

  • Does the electrical equipment appear to be in good visual condition?<br>

Welfare Facilities

  • Are all areas designated as eating areas kept clean?

  • Where fridges, microwaves and food preparation areas have been provided are these kept clean and tidy?

  • Are all toilets kept clean and tidy?

  • Is there hot and cold running water?

  • Is hand sanitizer and drying facilities available?

  • Are all facilities in good working order?

  • Where provided, does heating / ventilation / air conditioning equipment provided appear to be in good working order?

Noise Management

  • Are all areas of the site free from the hazard of noise and the potential for causing hearing damage?

  • Where applicable is suitable signage in place to warn of the potential hazard?

Stock and Material

  • Is all stock/material stacked correctly, including it being stored off the floor? (Including cleaning storage cupboards)s

  • Is all stock stored in the correct place?

  • Is racking / shelving / cupboards secure/stable?

Notice Boards and Signs - Is the following displayed with correct details:-

  • H&S Law Poster

  • Employers Liability Certificate

  • Company Safety Policy

  • First Aiders / Persons responsible

  • Fire Procedure

  • Accident Procedure

  • Hazard Reporting Procedure

  • Smoking Policy

  • Emergency Contact Numbers

  • CoSHH Poster

  • Fire Brigade Site Information

Car Parks / Outside

  • Are all routes to and from the parking areas adequately lit?

  • Are all footpaths / areas in good condition?

  • Are High-visibility jackets warn by all outside employees?

Traffic Management

  • Is there a suitable traffic management system in place on site, which takes into consideration the needs associated with vehicle movement, parking, unloading, pedestrian movement and disabled persons?

  • Are all road, pedestrian and parking line markings in good condition?

  • Is all associated signage in good condition and easily visible?

  • Where speed ramps are used on site are they in good condition?

Waste Disposal

  • Is all waste being disposed of in the correct skip / bin / area?

  • Where possible are skips covered and kept secure?

  • Is the area surrounding the skips kept clear from excessive waste?

Environmental Issuesare

  • Are drainage plans for the site available and up to date?

  • Is the provision for drainage suitable for the site and the materials stored?

  • Do all drains and gullies appear to be in a good state of maintenance and free from blockage?


  • Has an asbestos survey been carried out for the site?

  • Is the register available and up to date?

  • Is the information readily available and provided to any contractors working on site?

  • Where areas have been identified as containing asbestos are they in good condition and well labelled?


  • Are all visitors to the site signing in and out as required?

  • Are all visitors being issued with a visitors pass and informed of the site emergency procedures?

  • Is there potential risk of members of public, especially children, entering areas of the site other than the reception area during working hours suitably controlled?

  • Are all security cameras in good working order?

  • Are all fences and gates in good condition and fit for purpose?

Fuel Storage and Dispensing Areas

  • Where there are petrol holding tanks on site are these certified on an annual basis?

  • Where there are diesel holding tanks on site are these being tested on a regular basis?

  • Are electrical tests being carried out on an annual basis for petrol dispensing equipment?

  • Is suitable signage in place warning of the hazard and informing of the control measures to be taken?

  • Is waste oil kept on site, stored and handled correctly?

  • Is the surrounding area clear of any fuel spillages?

  • Is the dispensing equipment in good and clean condition?

  • Is the surrounding area being kept clear of any sources of ignition and flammable materials?

Office Hazards

  • Are Filing Cabinets in good condition?

  • Are Chairs and Desks in safe condition?

  • Stable non-slip floor coverings in good condition?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.