Workplace Management Building Safety Audit
Location audited
Conducted on
Prepared by
Accompanied by
Company Policy and Procedures
Network Rail Safety Vision and addendum displayed?
Liability insurance certificate displayed and in date
First Aid Personnel list displayed
Fire Marshal list displayed
H & S Safety Notice displayed?
Accident Reporting and Recording - Auditor to download recent accidents and Close Calls from SMIS system
All accidents properly recorded
All accidents investigated fully
All action points rectified within time scale
Close Calls reported, investigated and closed within 28 days
Fire Safety
Fire Risk Assessment completed and regularly reviewed?
Actions raised during FRA investigated and closed?
Is there a Fire Log Book for the building and is it kept up to date?
Is there a nominated PRFS and local deputy?
Do we have a sufficient number of trained Fire Wardens?
Fire exits clear of obstruction
Fire appliances serviced
Fire appliances correctly sighted
Fire alarm tests carried out and recorded
Fire drills carried out at least annually
Flammable liquids/materials controlled correctly
All personnel fire awareness trained
Are personnel aware of local fire evacuation procedures?
Correct fire signs by type, size and quantity and positioned correctly
General Risk Assessments
Workplace Risk Assessment completed and regularly reviewed?
First Aid Risk Assessment completed and regularly reviewed?
L8 Risk Assessment completed and reviewed?
Asbestos management survey conducted?
Asbestos register on site and correctly maintained?
Gas safety / Oil safety inspections completed
Pressure systems tested?
Lightening protection?
F-Gas tests completed?
Generators and fuel storage checks?
Automatic doors tested?
Abseiling weights tested?
Risk Assessments and Method Statements available for external contractor works?
Safe systems of work in place, briefed and recorded?
First Aid
First Aid boxes signposted
First Aid boxes regularly checked and replenished?
All First Aid staff have been trained on use of defibrillator?
Eye baths provided and checked where appropriate?
Emergency shower installed and maintained where appropriate?
Workplace. (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Temperatures in the workplace are suitable?
There is adequate ventilation within the workplace
There is adequate lighting of the correct levels for employees to carry out their work?
Emergency lighting (internal and external) tested and recorded?
There is safe access and egress from the workplace?
Floors clear and dry?
All items at risk of falling properly stacked and secured?
Toilet facilities. sufficient numbers, clean and maintained?
Washing facilities. Hand dryers serviceable, soap, hot water
Workplace tidy, no litter?
Outdoor areas clean and tidy?
Workplace Seating. Conforms to workplace regulations.
Kitchen / restaurant areas
Canteen/Kitchen facilities. Clean, tidy
Food kept suitably stored?
Fridges at the correct temperature and not over stocked?
Waste foods disposed of regularly?
All waste disposed of correctly and not allowed to build up?
Is the chemical and substance register maintained?
Are containers correctly labelled?
Are chemicals stored appropriately?
Electrical Safety
WPM owned equipment PAT tested and records maintained?
Start/Stop switches clearly identified?
Correct cable management in place?
Mobile Plant & Equipment
Plant and equipment in good condition?
Daily inspection procedure in place and recorded?
Authorised personnel trained in used and training records maintained?
Working at Height
Do all platforms have secure handrails / guarding?
Are harnesses, lanyards and belts provided?
Safe Work Procedures in place?
Is equipment fit for purpose and maintenance records available?
Are ladders serviceable?
Are staff trained in use of ladders?
Risk assessment undertaken
Ladders Suitable for the task?
Manual Handling
Is there a safe working procedure in place for manual handling tasks?
Manual handling risk assessment undertaken?
Manual handling controls implemented?
Are mechanical aids provided and used?
Audit completed by