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The workplace


    1. Answer "Yes", "No", "NA" on the questions below.
    2. Add photos and notes for your findings.
    3. For any Non-Conformance (NC) or Area for Improvement (AFI), please add in Corrective Actions. Click on "Add Action". Write down the finding & action to take, assign to a designated person (from the given list in iAuditor), set priority level and due date.
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF and/or Word format.

The workplace

  • 1. Check that the layout of traffic routes is appropriate. For example:

  • 1.1 Are vehicles and pedestrians kept safely apart on the site?

  • 1.2 Are there safe pedestrian crossing points on vehicle routes?

  • 1.3 Are there safe parking areas for all parking needs?

  • 1.4 Do the vehicle routes avoid sharp or blind bends?

  • 1.5 Is a one-way system used on vehicle routes within the workplace to reduce the need for reversing, where this can be achieved?

  • 1.6 Are non-essential staff kept clear from areas where reversing is common?

  • 1.7 Are banksmen / signallers used to direct reversing vehicles (HGVs etc)?

  • 2. Check that vehicle traffic routes are suitable for the type and quantity of vehicles that use them. For example:

  • 2.1 Are they wide enough?

  • 2.2 Do they have firm and even surfaces?

  • 2.3 Are they free from obstructions and other hazards?

  • 2.4 Are they well maintained?

  • 2.5 Is the lighting adequate?

  • 3. Check that suitable safety features are provided where appropriate. For example:

  • 3.1 Are speed restrictions set for the site?

  • 3.2 Are roadways and pedestrian walkways clearly marked where necessary?

  • 3.3 Are adequate road signs provided (e.g. warning signs, speed restrictions, directional signs)?

  • 3.4 Where they are needed, are suitable safety features such as fixed mirrors to provide greater vision at blind bends, road humps to reduce vehicle speeds, or barriers to keep vehicles and pedestrians apart?

  • 3.5 Do visiting drivers and pedestrians report at the entrance for instructions before entering the site?

Drivers and Other People


    1. Answer "Yes", "No", "NA" on the questions below.
    2. Add photos and notes for your findings.
    3. For any Non-Conformance (NC) or Area for Improvement (AFI), please add in Corrective Actions. Click on "Add Action". Write down the finding & action to take, assign to a designated person (from the given list in iAuditor), set priority level and due date.
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF and/or Word format.

Drivers and Other People

  • 4. Check that your selection and training procedures make sure that your drivers and other employees are able to work safely and responsibly. For example:

  • 4.1 Do you communicate site rules, and information about particular hazards, speed limits, the appropriate parking and loading areas etc to all site personnel and visitors?

  • 5. Check what your drivers and other employees actually do when carrying out their work activities. For example:

  • 5.1 Do your drivers and pedestrians comply with site rules? For example, do they use the correct traffic routes, pedestrian walkways, drive within the speed limit?

  • 5.2 Do they park safely and in safe places?

  • 5.3 Do managers and supervisors set a good example – for example, by following instructions to separate vehicles and pedestrians, and by wearing high-visibility clothing where needed?

  • 6. Check, in consultation with your employees, that your level of management control and supervision is suitable. For example:

  • 6.1 Are supervisors, drivers and pedestrians aware of the site rules on vehicles and pedestrian movements?

  • 6.2 Is everyone at the workplace supervised and held accountable for their responsibilities, and is a clear system of penalties enforced when employees fail to comply with workplace transport rules?

  • 6.3 Do you take adequate steps to assess the behaviour of pedestrians and drivers of vehicles, to investigate any underlying reasons for unsafe behaviour, and to correct this?


  • Inspected By (Supervisor’s/ Manager’s Name) :

  • Vehicle Type :

  • Vehicle Number :

  • Signature :

  • Date :

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.