Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Site Address
Arrival Time
Departure Time
Personnel Seen
Prepared by
Site Offices and welfare
Any near miss reports available?
When was the last report?
Any accident book entry’s
When was the last entry?
Notices up-to-date – insurance, EL
Fire Emergency / Evacuation Arrangements.
Fire exits clearly identifiable
Fire exits can be opened easily
Fire doors clear of obstructions / Escape routes clear
When was the last Fire Drill?
Escape lighting
Lights and exit signs in good condition
Lights and exit signs function correctly
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire management – refer to FPP where applicable
Firefighting equipment in place/Date
Traffic routes clearly defined
Pedestrian routes clearly defined
Equipment Safety
Guards in good condition
Clean and Tidy workplace
Noise levels with limits
Adequate storage area provided.
Floor is free of obstructions and slip resistant.
There is adequate ventilation.
Environment clean and tidy?
Area organised properly?
Is equipment clean?
Area Safety
Floor surface even and uncluttered
Entry and walkways kept clear
Adequate lighting provided
Waste Removal
Bins located at suitable points around area
Bins emptied regularly
Hazardous materials are disposed only in properly marked containers
Oils, fluids, and liquids
Clearly marked
Chemicals stored according to compatibility and bundled i.e. in flammable or corrosive cabinets.
Are the warning signs on the cabinet legible? (e.g. DG Class 3 diamond, no smoking, no ignition sources).
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is worn by all
PPE requirement signage in place – safe system sheets attached to machinery
PPE store available well maintained and in good order.
First Aid
First aider list displayed and known by employees
All first aiders training up to date
First Aid boxes in place and in date?
Eye Wash Station available and in date?
Electrical Safety
Portable equipment inspected and labelled
Hardwiring electrical equipment inspected – ie electrical inspection certificate (5 years)
Equipment stored safely when not in use
No Broken plugs, sockets, wire or switches
Welding Safety
Are staff appropriately trained and inducted in the dangers of performing welding tasks?
Are students appropriately supervised by a competent person when welding?
Are welding operators provided with the appropriate PPE?
Is there adequate ventilation for welding tasks?
Are welding screens used when performing welding tasks?
Are ventilation systems working adequately?
Compressed Gas
Cylinders contents are identified and appropriately secured.
Cylinders are stored according to dangerous goods class and empty cylinders are separated from full ones.
Gas lines are free of leaks, kinks, wear & tear.
Working Practices
Safe movement of plant and vehicles observed
Workshop pit used correctly with signs in place when in use
Air lines put away when not in use
No smoking in forbidden areas
Use of: steps, podiums, ladders, towers - ie condition and fit for purpose
Mobile & Fixed Plant
Plant inspected and maintained
LOLER lifting inspections up to date – i.e. Fork Trucks, workshop legs etc
Compressor Test – when last tested – ie pressure testing
Key Custody of Plant Machinery
Hand / powered tools
Electric Power tools – i.e. with attached cable – e.g. angle grinders
ELV Tools used correctly
Any other observation?
Please sign and email the report to the OSH Coordinator.
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