Audit Title
Conducted on
Audit Summary
Behavioural Safety Comments
Audit Findings
1.0 - Previous Inspection
1.1 - Has the Last audit been reviewed?
1.2 - were previous corrective actions closed out ?
2.0 - PPE
2.1 - Are risk assessments up to date?
2.3 - Use of appropriate protective clothing?
2.4 - Use of appropriate eye and face protection equipment?
2.5 - Use of appropriate head protection equipment?
2.6 - Use of appropriate safety footwear?
3.0 - Equipment Safety
3.1 - Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of user ?
3.2 - Guards in good condition?
3.3 - Clean and tidy workplace?
3.4 - Noise level within limits?
4.0 - Electrical safety workshop
4.1 - No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
4.2 - No power leads across walkways?
4.3 - No frayed or damaged leads?
4.4 PAT tested? In Date?
5.0 - Emergency Arrangements
Evacuation drill carried out in last 6 months ? what was the outcome?
5.2 - Fire extinguishers are in place, clearly marked for type of fire and visible?
5.3 - Extinguishers are correct and serviceable?
5.4 - Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
5.5 - Exit ways clear of obstruction?
5.6 - Exit doors properly marked and easily opened from inside?
5.7 - Fire extinguishers clear of obstruction and easily accessible?
5.8 - Emergency exit lighting operable?
5.9 - Have designated fire wardens been identified?
5.10 - Are first aid kits readily accessible and fit for use?
5.11 - Are the designated first aid personnel identified?
6.0 - Area safety
6.1 - Floor surface even and uncluttered?
6.2 - Entry and walkways kept clear?
6.3 - Walkways, storage areas tidy
6.4 - Are liquid spills removed quickly?
6.5 - Furniture in sound condition?
6.6 - Adequate lighting provided ?
6.7 - Light fittings clean and in good condition?
7.0 - House keeping
7.1 environment clean and tidy?
7.2 - Area organised properly?
7.3 - is equipment clean?
7.4 - Are the floors kept clean?
8.0 - Waste Removal iso 14001
8.1 - Bins located at suitable points around area?
8.2 - Bins emptied regularly?
8.3 - contaminated waste kept in covered metal containers?
8.4 - Hazardous materials are disposed only to properly marked container?
9.0 Non workshop area
9.1 - Is a reasonable working temperature maintained ?
9.2 - Are windows able to be accessed and opened safely where appropriate?
9.3 - Is suitable lighting provided in each office?
9.4 - Are toilets and washing facilities suitable and sufficient and are they regularly cleaned?
9.5 - Are floors passages and stairs maintained in a good condition and free from obstruction to prevent trip hazards?
9.6 - Is housekeeping satisfactory to remove tripping hazards?
9.7 - Are handrails to stairs secured?
9.8 - Are waste materials removed and not allowed to build up?
ICT Workstations
9.9 - Are workstations suitable both for the person using the workstation and for the type of work?
9.10 have dse assessments been carried out?
9.11 - Is there sufficient circulation space within the office to allow staff to get to/from their workstation Safely?
Electrical Safety non workshop
9.12 - Are there any trailing cables, which could cause a person to trip and fall?
9.13 - Has all portable electrical equipment been tested and labeled with the date of the test?
9.14 - Are there any apparent faults with any electrical equipment, including damage to cables, plugs an sockets?
9.15 - Are extension leads etc only used for low powered equipment?
9.16 PAT tested? In Date?
10.0 Manual Handling
10.1 - Has manual handling been eliminated where possible or minimised so far as reasonably practicable i.e. Mechanical lifting aids or trolleys etc?
10.2 - Are items stored sensibly with easy access, i.e. heavy items used frequently stored at wast level shelves and heavy items stored aglow level?
10.3 - If necessary are properly designed maintained steps provided for reaching heights?
11.0 Energy use
11.1 electricity being used efficiently ?
11.2 gas being used efficiently?
Sign off and Action Plan
Auditor Sign off
Auditor Sign off