
  • WRW Un-Announced Delivery Observation

  • Terminal

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Delivery Observation

  • Select date

  • Driver name

  • Customer name

  • Sub fleet

  • Truck

  • Trailer

  • Product

Accident Prevention

  • Site inspected for hazards before entering, correct delivery address confirmed

  • Driver entered delivery area slowly and carefully

  • Driver avoiding backup the truck - NO BACKING TO SPOT

  • Driver got out to look and used backing cones if the truck was backed ANY distance

  • Equipment secured and driver did a walk around of the truck and tank before leaving

  • Driver coned area before starting work or opening drop lids

  • Driver left delivery location carefully and used the safest exit route

  • Cell phone is not on dashboard area, no cell phone mounts in truck

Injury prevention

  • Driver was wearing seatbelt

  • Driver used 3 point stance to enter and exit the truck

  • Driver did not lift hoses above his head when draining product

  • Pulled hoses out of tube with both hands while facing tube

  • Walked slowly and carefully while carrying equipment or stepping over hoses

Spill Prevention

  • Driver checked level with stick and confirmed delivery will not exceed 90%

  • Driver obtained a veeder root if required

  • Driver checked clock gauge and confirmed correct operation while filling

  • Driver made all hose and fitting connections in correct order

  • No product or vapor leaked during delivery

  • Driver was in attendance during ENTIRE delivery

  • Hoses drained properly, no spillage while securing equipment

  • Truck has spill kit available

Mix Prevention

  • Diesel tank marked with green cone

  • Diesel compartment on mixed load marked with strap or clip on loading head

  • Diesel compartment was dropped first and without any other products dropping

  • Lids are color coded

  • Tank fills are correctly identified and checked carefully by driver

  • Driver can explain his double check procedure for preventing mixes

  • Driver matched compartment, BOL, and tank label before starting flow

  • All product is off truck or retain is called in to dispatch


  • Appearance and uniform acceptable

  • Paperwork filled out neatly

  • Correct PPE was used

  • Shipping papers and guide books are available in correct location

  • Did not damage hoses by dropping or bouncing

  • Product delivery load/unload sheet or equivalent was used

  • Did not throw, drop, or slam drop fittings

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.