Name of Young Person (Student)
Conducted on
Prepared by
Department and Location
General Details
Name of Young Person
School associated with student
Emergency contact name and number
Is the young person to be permanently employed at Wood Lane?
Does the student have any disabilities or other health factors which may affect their safety or occupational health (such as heart-conditions, pregnancy, asthma etc
List condition/s - (include any medications)
Brief overview of safety laws
Have you explained that the employer has a legal obligation for employees and visitors?
Have you explained that the employee has a legal obligation for them-self, fellow workers and visitors?
Have you explained that you expect employees to behave in a safe manner and not put themselves or others at risk (no fooling around)?
Have you provided the employee with their PPE?
Have you explained that you expect employees to use PPE it?
Explain how to report an incident, injury or hazard.
Have you explained that if they are injured, no matter how minor, they need to report it immediately to their supervisor?
Have you explained that if they see something unsafe they should fix it immediately if they can or report it to their supervisor?
Are they aware of who their nearest first aider is and where they can be found
Have you explained what to do if a fire breaks out?
Have you explained how to active fire alarm eg manual system - yell loudly
Their workplace
Do they know where the toilets, sinks, showers, kitchens are?
Do they know where the fire extinguishers, fire blankets and fire exits are?
Have you told them where the assembly point is in case of evacuation?
Have you shown them where the drinking water is?
Have you shown them where the first aid kits are located?
Have you shown them the workplace hazard signs and what they mean?
Have you told them where the dangerous areas on the site are?
Have you shown them where employees can smoke?
Manual handling
Have you shown them how to size an object before trying to lift it?
Have you shown them how to lift properly?
Have you explained the risks of improper lifting?
Risk assessments
Are there any relevant risk assessment that the student needs to be inducted on before commencing work?
List assessments and procedures
I have seen and understood the above listed assessments procedures - if 'no' state why not
Add signature
Additional training
Are there any additional training requirements?
List any additional training given
Student understands all of the above induction
Signature of student
Name of manager carrying out induction:
Select date