Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • This familiarisation is for

  • Conducted by

  • Location
  • Position



  • To be completed within 24 hours, before sailing or being assigned with any security duties

  • Date

  • Where the safety equipment is nearest to your cabin (Fire Extinguishers, EEBD, Hose and Hydrant), primary and secondary escape routes, alarm activation

  • How to operate the Watertight, Fire and Weather-Tight doors correctly? Demonstrate on crew mess WT door

  • Location of ISM notice board and information detailed

  • Show laundry and crew mess FFE. Show operation of fire extinguisher (P.A.S.S.)

  • Action to take if discovering smoke or fire?

  • Show all FFE relevant to the crew member's most common working area

  • Crew member to demonstrate how to don life jacket and immersion suit

  • JUNIOR OR UNCONFIDENT CREW: demonstrate how to connect a fire hose to hydrant

  • Show where crew corridor emergency escape comes out (foredeck)

  • Action to take on encountering an accident or medical emergency?

  • Has read and understood MSO's and garbage management procedures


  • Supplementary information to 24 hour induction

  • Crew wifi passcode

  • Crew door passcode

  • WorkRest app

  • Crew mess layout

  • How and where to separate garbage

  • Instructed to read the SOLAS Training Manual

  • Awareness of COSWP and locations around the vessel

  • How to operate the gangway and adjust the height safely

  • Location of Policies for Safety Enviromental , Drug and Alcohol , Complaints Procedure , DPA Information


  • To be completed within 7 days of joining the yacht

  • Date/time of familiarisation

  • Crew member in possession of required security training certificates appropriate to their position and duties

  • Understands the vessels access control procedures

  • Understands their responsibilities in accordance with the Ship's Security Plan (security duties as per the Muster List)

  • Understands their responsibility to maintain security vigilance onboard at all times (e.g. watch keeping, gangway access)

  • Understands their responsibility to challenge any unescorted person on board and confirm their legitimate reason for being on board

  • Understands the location of the visitors book and how to use it?

  • Is aware of the current security level onboard and where this is displayed as well as what the different MARSEC levels are

  • Understands the screening process for visitors hand luggage as per the security level

  • Understands the procedure to follow when you recognise a security threat (e.g. suspicious persons and packages)

  • Understands the location and use of all the security equipment including monitoring of CCTV cameras

  • Is familiar with the vessels restricted areas and understands actions to take to secure these areas

  • Is aware of the location of the SSAS activation points and understands how/when to use them and what they are for

  • Who the Ships Security Officer and the Company Security Officer are?


  • Date/time of familiarisation

  • Briefed on the vessel's security system and how to operate it

  • Location of light switches on the Bridge

  • Location of the barometer and how to read wind speed and direction

  • Full walk around of the vessel showing:

  • Crew mess cleaning duties including garbage disposal procedures

  • Locations of the watch pager and exterior master key

  • Fridge temperature checks


  • To be completed within 14 days of joining

  • Date/time of familiarisation

  • Understands the safety symbols used on the GA plan and the signs used on board?

  • Locate and understand how to use all of the vessels Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Understands the location and operation of the fixed firefighting activation points for the Galley and the wider vessel?

  • Locate and understand how to use all of the vessels Life Saving Equipment

  • Understands the dangers associated with passing through closing WTDs

  • Knows the location of the SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) Equipment and when it is to be used

  • Understands where to find the First Aid and Medical Equipment? Do you know how to use this Equipment in an Emergency

  • Understands what to do if you come across a Fire, Medical Emergency, MOB or a Pollution Emergency

  • Fully understands duties and responsibilities associated with their position

  • Fully understands safety duties as specified on the Muster list

  • Briefed on the vessel's SMS, COSWP, SOLAS training manuals. These must be read and understood

Crew Member Sign Off

  • Signature of Crewmember - I have been shown all fields in the Familiarisation.

  • Signature of Officer

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.