Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • Is the switchboard equipment in good condition?

  • Switchboard location

  • Has the switchboard's IP rating been maintained?

  • All components are functioning correctly (including network switches and communication equipment)

  • All connections are tight, no effects due to heat or poor connecitons

  • Hot spot check

  • Add Photos of Solar related equipment

  • Energy meter onsite?

  • Type

  • Serial Number

  • Photo of unit (include photo of serial number)

  • Confirm Meter is functioning correctly (online monitoring)

  • Describe fault

  • Any associated equipment onsite?

  • Type

  • Serial Number

  • Photo of unit (include photo of serial number)

  • Confirm equipment is functioning correctly

  • Describe fault

  • Any additional notes on this area

  • Inverter Station
  • Location


  • PV-DB identification (building, number, name etc...)

  • Size of main breaker & Sub mains

  • Switchboard equipment is in good condition

  • Is the switchboard located outside?

  • Has the switchboard's IP rating been maintained?

  • All components are functioning correctly (including network switches and communication equipment)

  • All connections are tight, no effects due to heat or poor connecitons

  • Hot spot check

  • Add Photos of Solar related equipment

  • Energy meter onsite?

  • Type

  • Serial Number

  • Photo of unit (include photo of serial number)

  • Confirm Meter is functioning correctly (online monitoring)

  • Describe fault

  • Any associated equipment onsite?

  • Type

  • Serial Number

  • Photo of unit (include photo of serial number)

  • Confirm equipment is functioning correctly

  • Describe fault

  • Any additional notes on this area

Inverter Bank

  • Inverter Number

  • Inverter make & model: SN:

  • Any errors present?

  • Error Code

  • Is the inverter still producing?

  • Physical inspection of terminations

  • Inverter in good condition, no damage, signs of deterioration

  • Functionality and mounting check

  • Fan test

  • Remove any nesting/debris

  • Wipe down inverter

Performance logs

  • Year

  • Total

  • Download data

  • If there are optimisers, are they all communicating?

  • Fault


  • L1 - N

  • L2 - N

  • L3 - N

  • L1 - L2

  • L1 - L3

  • L2 - L3

  • N - E


  • String no. 1

  • String no. 2

  • String no. 3

  • String no. 4

  • String no. 5

  • String no. 6

DC Current

  • String no. 1

  • String no. 2

  • String no. 3

  • String no. 4

  • String no. 5

  • String no. 6

  • Photos of inverter bank and individual inverters

  • Inverter Firmware update needed?

  • Any Additional information


    Building (location)
  • Associated building

  • Photos of array layout (minimum 4)

  • Isolator
  • Identification

  • No signs or water ingress, burn marks or damage to enclosure or connections?

  • Mounting Systems Tightness/ Integrity Check

  • Cable Management - Rails

  • Cable Management - Cable Tray

  • Additional notes (new air cons, antennas etc)

  • Are all isolators turned on before leaving roof?


  • Building

  • Has panel cleaning been completed?

  • Photos post clean


  • Building

  • IV testing completed? (For Solar Edge and Tigo arrays, select N/A)

  • Document any strings failed or unable to test


  • Additional comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.