
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Date of last audit

  • Design version created by Mike Brook _ Jan 23

1) H&S

  • 1) H&S - Are there fire extinguishers, fire exits clear, PPE available, eye wash and first aid equipment available?

  • 2) H&S - Are all fire extinguishers charged, eye wash stations labelled and first aid equipment available and labelled?

  • 3) H&S - Is safety equipment in good condition and no signs of tape/cardboard engineering evident?

  • 4) H&S - Area plan identifies eye wash stations, fire extinguishers and fire exits?

  • 5) H&S - Are PPE and safety standards being adhered to by all employees in the area?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Machine Guards, Windows & Interlocks - Are all interlocks & stops operational?

  • 2) Machine Guards, Windows & Interlocks - Guards and shields are in place where required?

  • 3) Machine Guards, Windows & Interlocks - Are all machine windows cleaned and clearly visible?

  • 4) Machine Guards, Windows & Interlocks - Machine guards and interlocks have planned maintenance standard and schedule?

  • 5) Machine Guards, Windows & Interlocks - Machine guards and interlocks are maintained to planned maintenance standard?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Workbenches & Surfaces - No un-necessary items on workbenches or work surfaces?

  • 2) Workbenches & Surfaces - Are Workbenches and work surfaces organised?

  • 3) Workbenches & Surfaces - Are all workbenches and work surfaces clean and in good condition?

  • 4) Workbenches & Surfaces - Does a standard exist in the area that describes what the workbenches and surfaces should require/look like?

  • 5) Workbenches & Surfaces - Are all workbenches and surfaces standards adhered to at all times?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Environment - Are recyclable materials in non-recyclable containers (mixed wastes)?

  • 2) Environmental - Each area has specified recycling containers?

  • 3) Environmental - Are all outside surfaces or recycling containers clean?

  • 4) Environmental - Waste disposal standards exist and are displayed?

  • 5) Environmental - Are employees in the area using the containers to standard?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Wires, Cabling and Hoses - No unused wiring & hoses present or trailing?

  • 2) Wires, Cabling & Hoses - Is all wiring, cabling and hoses organised and identified?

  • 3) Wires, Cabling & Hoses - Are all hoses, wires and cabling clean and in good condition?

  • 4) Wires, Cabling & Hoses - Area plan identifies location of wires, cabling and hoses?

  • 5) Wires, Cabling & Hoses - Are all wires, cabling and hose standards adhered to at all times?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Floors & Gangways - Are they clear and free from obstructions?

  • 2) Floors & Gangways - Is floor marked to a plant standard?

  • 3) Floors & Gangways - Are all Floors and gangways clean (no dirt, no spills, no oil)?

  • 4) Floors & Gangways - Floor marking standard created and posted in the area?

  • 5) Floors & Gangways - Are these included in a daily check sheet with sign off, date and improvement action items?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Visual Management Displays - Is all information current and necessary?

  • 2) Visual Management Displays - Display is consistent with plant standard?

  • 3) Visual Display Boards - Are all postings neat and orderly in appearance?

  • 4) Visual Display Boards - Area standard exists and is posted to define layout and format?

  • 5) Visual Display Boards. - Are all Visual display board standards adhered to at all times?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Mobile Equipment - Is there any un-necessary mobile equipment present?

  • 2) Mobile Equipment - Storage locations for mobile equipment are designated and labelled?

  • 3) Mobile Equipment - Is all mobile equipment free of debris and damage?

  • 4) Mobile Equipment - Area plan identifies location of mobile equipment?

  • 5) Mobile Equipment - Mobile equipment is located in correct area when not in use?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Storage - Are there any materials storage areas overflowing?

  • 2) Storage - Are all material storage areas clearly designated and labelled?

  • 3) Storage - Material storage areas only contain WIP or pre-determined items?

  • 4) Storage - Area plan identifies location of material storage?

  • 5) Storage - Items are returned to designated area when not in use?

  • Score out of 15


  • 1) Cleaning Standards - Are there cleaning standards and/or cleaning stations?

  • 2) Cleaning Standards - Cleaning standards & cleaning stations are designated and labelled?

  • 3) Cleaning Standards - Cleaning equipment is stored in correct location and in good condition?

  • 4) Cleaning Standards - Cleaning standards exist and have a daily sign off and date?

  • 5) Cleaning Standards - Daily cleaning standards are adhered to?

  • Score out of 15

  • SORT Score (1's) out of 30

  • STORE Score (2's) out of 30

  • SHINE & SERVICE Score (3's) out of 30

  • STANDARDISE Score (4's) out of 30

  • SUSTAIN Score (5's) out of 30

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.