Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Site Number and Name :

  • Conducted on :

  • Activity Type :

  • Prepared by :

  • Location :
  • J Brand Engineers Onsite :

  • Sainsbury's Engineers Onsite :

  • Have you contacted Diebold PM to report any issue preventing/delaying your work ?

  • Please detail all issues and expected resolution time/day :


  • Has the hardware been located and checked for completeness?

  • Please describe problems with locating kit. Also describe all damage & list all missing kit :

  • Is Power ready for the Cabinet?

  • Please provide pictures showing the DB, Rotary isolater and the C19 flexi :

  • Is Data cabling ready for the Cabinet?

  • Is the Ops Bay built with data and power?

  • Please provide pictures of the OPs Bay showing shelving, Power and Data Points :

  • Is the Collection Point Mike built with data and power?

  • Please provide pictures showing CPM Shelving, power and data points :

  • Are the Till Pods installed with data and power?

  • Please provide pictures showing till pods, power and data :

  • Are the Browser Tables installed with power?

  • Please provide pictures showing Browser tables :


  • Is cabinet installed in correct location, with enough space to access front and rear?

  • Have 'Locking Wheels' been fitted to the cabinet?

  • Are all Earthing straps fitted to cabinet?

  • Is the Cabinet Fan installed, with an IEC power plug?

  • Is the main Earthing clamp(4mm min) installed and connected to cabinet?<br>


  • Is Electrical DB Fully accessible and not obstructed by Comms Cab?

  • Provide a picture showing the cabinet location in relation to the DB

  • Is cab Rotary Isolator switch Fully accessible and not obstructed by Comms Cab?<br>

  • Provide a picture showing the cabinet location in relation to the Rotary Isolator

  • Please record Structured Cabling manufacturer and part number

  • Is router installed into cabinet and operational?

  • Router Serial Number :

  • Is PRIMARY server (including rails) installed and operational?<br>

  • Primary Server Serial Number :

  • Is SECONDARY server (including rails) installed and operational?<br>

  • Secondary Server Serial Number :

  • Are all LAN switches installed & operational?<br>

  • Switch 1 Serial Number :

  • Switch 2 Serial Number :

  • Is NAS drive installed (including rails) & operational can it be pinged from Managers PC??<br>

  • NAS Serial Number :

  • Is KVM installed & operational?<br>

  • KVM Serial Number :

  • Is Riello bypass switch installed & operational?<br>

  • Riello bypass Serial Number :

  • Is UPS installed & operational and can it be pinged from Managers PC?<br>

  • UPS Serial Number :

  • Are two PDU's installed?<br>

  • Are all devices patched into the switches?<br>

  • Are all Patch Panels labelled correctly?<br>

  • Are flyleads labelled both ends with wrap round labels?<br>

  • Are power cords labelled with wrap round labels?<br>

  • Please provide high resolution pictures of the front of cab showing all devices, patching and labeling. Also provide pictures of the back of cab showing mains earth bonding, power cables and both PDUs


  • Is the Manager's PC installed and functioning correctly?

  • AURA console shortcut is present and connecting to AURA

  • Retail-J application is installed and working

  • Powerterm application is installed and working

  • WES is installed and connecting to the VOICE Serve

  • MCL is installed and working

  • LibreOffice/Office 365 application is installed

  • Intranet homepage can be accessed

  • Manager's PC Serial Number :

  • Is the Manager's Printer installed and functioning correctly?

  • A test print has been successfully printed from the Manager's PC

  • Manager's Printer Serial Number :

  • Is the Line Printer installed and functioning correctly?

  • An overnight been run in AURA, and a report successfully printed off

  • Line Printer Serial Number :

  • Are all the Zetes present each with it's peripherals (headset, adapter cable, belt, strap and spare battery)?

  • The Zetes battery charger is plugged in and charging the spare batteries

  • All Zetes devices are powered on and show 3 ticks on each device

  • Can you log into all headsets and perform a stock movement?

  • List All Zetes devices serial Numbers:

  • Are the TC51s cradles plugged in, and the devices charging?

  • Both devices have been logged into and a bar-code scan test completed

  • Please provide pictures of devices logged in and one showing devices in cradle :

  • List All TC51 devices Serial Numbers :

  • Has the T & A Clock been installed and is it functioning (ensure it shows the correct time and date)?

  • T & A Clock Serial Number :

INSTALLATION - Access Points

  • Are all wireless access points installed, working and patched in at cabinet to the designated ports?<br>

  • All wireless access points are labelled

  • All wireless access points are showing a solid green or blue LED status light

  • List All APs Serial Numbers :

  • Provide pictures of all installed Access Points

INSTALLATION - Collection Point Mike

  • Is the Wyse Terminal installed and functioning correctly?

  • Powerterm application is installed and working

  • WES is installed and connecting to the VOICE Server

  • Wyse Terminal(s) Serial Number(s) :

  • Is Pick Printer 2 installed and working?

  • Pick printer Serial Number :

  • Is Pick Printer 3 installed and working?

  • Pick Printer 3 Serial Number :

  • Is the Reverse Flow Printer installed and working?

  • Reverse Flow Printer Serial Number :

  • Has a test print been successfully printed from Pick Printer 2?

  • Has a test print been successfully printed from the Reverse Flow Printer, and has the printer cut the label paper in the correct location?

  • Please provide a picture of all printouts :


  • Are all tills installed and functioning correctly?

  • Do the all tills have all necessary kit installed ?

  • Till Unit mounted on Pole

  • Keyboard (with no missing keys)

  • Cash Drawer (with inserts with no missing sections)?

  • Till Printer

  • PED mounted on Pole

  • PED Tether

  • Telephones (Alternate tills)

  • List till numbers the phones are connected to :

  • Is Pick Printer 1 installed on Fast Track till and working ?

  • Pick Printer 1 Serial Number :

  • Can the till be logged into, and the cash drawer opened?

  • Can a card transaction be run up to the point of "Insert Card" and then cancelled?

  • Can the session be closed with a session report printed from the till printer?

  • Do all phones work for both ingoing and outgoing calls?

  • Does the store phone number (0345 number) go through to the phones?

  • List All Tills Serial Numbers :

  • List All PEDs Serial Numbers :

  • List All Telephones Serial Numbers :


  • Have all the Brackets been mounted with 4 bolts/4 nuts/8 washers?

  • Are any of the Brackets marked or scratched?

  • Please provide a picture of the marks/scratches :

  • Are all the browsers installed into the brackets, and secured with lock and torq cover?

  • Are all the Browsers charging correctly?

  • Have all the Browsers been configured to be store specific?

  • Are all Browsers connected to the correct SSID and have good signal strength (at least 3 bars)?

  • Are all the Browsers showing pictures and videos correctly?

  • Please List All Serial and Asset Numbers for All browsers :

  • Please provide pictures showing all tablets with the Store Browser App open :


  • Has the End-to-End Testing Document been completed, and the AIS Checklist filled in?

DOA / Site Issues

  • Was any hardware received DOA?

  • Please list all DOA kit (include Asset and Serial Numbers for Browsers) :

  • Have you contacted Diebold PM to report any issues post P1?

  • Please detail issues reported below:

  • Are all issues resolved?


  • Tills online and witness tested?

  • Site left clean and tidy?

  • Please provide reasons why not :

  • Where have you left the keys ?

  • What Till number are they in ? :

  • Print Name and Position of person handed to :

  • Are all Winlocks installed and free from damage/scratches? - PLEASE CHECK AND CONFIRM WITH RDM

  • RDM Signature - Upon Signing below you agree to the statement above regarding Winlock Condition :

  • Comments :

  • Customer Sign Off ( Please print Name and position IF not the RDM) :

  • J Brand Engineer Sign Off :

  • Completion Date & Time :

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.