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Food Safety : Practices

  • Are staff working while ill?

  • Are clean utensils used to taste food?

  • Is the wash hand basin obstructed?

  • Is there adequate soap and hand drying facilities?

  • Are all cuts/sores covered with blue plasters?

  • Are clean chef whites being worn?

  • Are chefs washing their hands before starting work?

  • Are chefs washing their hands at appropriate times and regularly?

  • Are staff seen eating, drinking, smoking, spitting, coughing or sneezing near food?

  • Is all contaminated food discarded?

Food Safety : Delivery of Goods

  • Is chilled food being accepted below 8°C?

  • Has any food been accepted after it's use by date?

  • Has any food been accepted damaged or contaminated? (May cause health risk)

Food Safety : Stock Rotation

  • Is raw food stored under cooked or ready to eat food including eggs?

  • Is all chilled/high risk food with in use by date?

  • Is all chilled food labelled/correctly labelled?

  • Is appropriate action taken if a fridge exceeds 8°C limit?

  • Is there any food out of date?

  • Is food wrapped/covered to prevent cross contamination?

  • Is there any unfit food or unmarked unsalable food on site? I.e. Mouldy food

  • Are chilled foods stored within 30 mins of delivery?

  • Is any chilled food found to be above 8°C? <br>Unless ambient recorded in diary and for no more than 4 hours

Food Safety : Defrosting Food

  • Is any food defrosting at ambient temperature?

  • Is all food thoroughly defrosted before cooking?

Food Safety : Food Preparation

  • Are correct boards/utensils being used? <br>Auto Fail when health risk observed (raw on white or yellow board)

  • Are boards, utensils and food contact surfaces being cleaned and sanitised between different products?

  • Is there adequate separate between raw and cooked/ready to eat products?

  • Is food being prepared in an area that could present a risk of foreign body contamination?

  • Are ready to eat foods being held at ambient temperatures for more that 30 mins?

Food Safety : Fresh Produce

  • Is food being washed under cold running water in food prep sink?

  • Is washed produce being stored in clean, dry and covered containers?

Food Safety : Cooking

  • Are core temperatures reaching 75°C?

Food Safety : Cooling of Food

  • Is food being cooled to under 8°C within 90 mins?

  • Is cooked food protected from cross contamination? Dry, clean and covered containers

Food Safety : Reheating Food

  • Is all food being held in a bain marie, warming cupboard or hot hold being heated to above 75°C before being held?

  • If food is reheated (once) does it reach core temperature of 75°C?

Food Safety : Hot Holding of Food

  • Is hot held food that has fallen below 65°C being reheated?

Food Safety : Display for Cold/Ambient Service

  • Is displayed chilled food kept below 8°C?

  • Are high risk foods displayed at more than 8°C being held for no more than 4 hours?

  • Are serving spoons/tongs clean?

Food Safety : Final Service to Guest

  • Is there any evidence of cross contamination from hands, cloths, crockery, cutlery or glassware?

  • Are serving cloths/chef cloths that come into contact with raw food kept away from plated food?

Food Safety : Temperature / Probes

  • Is there a working probe available?

  • Is the probe being sanitised before taking a food temperature?

Food Safety : Foreign Body Contamination

  • Is any contaminated food being discarded away from cook line in a bin?

  • Is there the presence of any practices likely to present a risk of foreign body contamination?

Food Safety : Raw Shell Egg

  • Are lion quality eggs or eggs from an approved supplier being used?

Food Safety : Ice Handling

  • Is glass being used as an ice scoop?

Food Safety : E.Coli

  • Is there a segregated raw preparation area or segregation of activity with time controls?

  • Is there designated raw meat handling equipment and utensils? <br>RED chopping boards, knives, tongs and a separate cling film dispenser.

  • Is there adequate cleaning and disinfection of raw meat prep areas and equipment between uses?

  • Are correct utensils being used on the grill? <br>Red for raw meat and burgers, burger flipper, then yellow to remove.

  • Are chefs washing their hands during preparation of raw meat/veg?

  • Is vegetable salad and garnish washing procedures being followed?

Premises, Cleaning and Pests

  • Does the kitchen layout allow for a raw to cooked foods flow with adequate separation? <br>(Auto Fail if a health risk)

  • Is there evidence of dampness or mould growth to wall surfaces?

  • Are all the filters in place in the ventilation canopy?

  • Are all drains and pipes flowing freely in food room?

  • Is potable water available?

  • Do hand wash basins have both hot and cold running water?

  • Are hand was basins fully accessible?

  • Is hot water available?

  • Do all fridge/freezers hold target temperatures?

  • Does hot holding/cooking equipment achieve target temperature?

  • Is there adequate provision for storage of team members clothing?

  • Is there adequate provision of team member toilet facilities?

  • Is there hot and cold running water available in team member toilets?

  • Is there adequate pest proofing around the building and bin areas tidy and bins have lids?

  • Are bin areas kept clean?

  • Is there evidence of pests on site?

  • Are the bins in the food areas emptied regularly?

  • Are baits/traps for pests being handled by team members?

  • Are pest contractors recommendations being actioned?

  • Are cleaning chemicals separate from stored food?

  • Is a kitchen cleaning schedule available?<br>(Auto Fail if no schedule and kitchen is dirty)

  • Is a cleaning schedule available but clearly not being used?

  • Is the cleaning level sufficient enough to not pose a contamination risk?

  • Are correct chemicals and dilutions (contact times) being used?

  • Are any cleaning chemicals being stored in food containers?

  • Are any cleaning chemicals being stored in unmarked containers?

  • Are soiled cleaning clothes being reused?

  • Is the same cleaning equipment being used for food contact surfaces and walls/floors?

  • Is sanitiser available?

  • Is the dishwasher running at correct temperatures?

  • Is cool or dirty water being used for cleaning?

Confidence in Management

  • Are probe accuracy checks being recorded weekly?

  • Are core temperature checks of cooked foods being recorded?

  • Do cooling records show food being cooled to below 8°C within 4 hours?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.