Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Make and Model

  • Vin Number

  • Hour meter

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • It is mandatory that the employee conducting the inspection, perform a full walk around the vehicle before starting /
    Es obligatorio que el empleado que hace la inspeccion, camine alrededor del vehiculo antes de empezar

  • A 360 inspection has been perform? /<br>Una inspeccion 360 se ha realizado?

  • Windshields and mirrors clear and free of cracks /<br>Parabrisas y espejos limpios y libres de fisuras

  • Leaks under or around the vehicle? / <br>Goteras debajo o alrededor del vehiculo?

  • Are Hoses in good condition? /<br>Todas las mangueras estan en buena condicion?

  • What is the issue? / Cual es el problema?

  • WARNING : Never search for leaks with your hands. Protect hands. Use a piece of cardboard to find location of escaping oil. Stop engine and relieve pressure before disconnecting lines or working on hydraulic system.
    If hydraulic oil penetrates your skin, see a doctor immediatelly. Injected oil must be removed surgically within hours or gangrene could result. /

    ADVERTENCIA : Nunca busque goteras con sus manos o dedos. Proteja sus manos. Use un pedazo de carton para encontrar la ubicacion de la fuga. Apague el motor y libere la presion anted de desconectar las lineas o trabajar en ellas.
    Si el fluido hidraulico penetra su piel, vea a un doctor inmediatamente. Fluido hidraulico debe ser removido quirurjicamente a las pocas horas del contacto o una gangrena puede ocurrir.

  • Hoses present visible leaks? /<br>Las mangueras presentan goteras visibles?

  • Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious injury. /
    El fluido que escapa bajo presion puede penetrar su piel y causar serios danos.

    Avoid the hazard by relieving the pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure.

  • Do you observe spots on the hose where dust has been accumulating? /<br>Observa manchas en la manguera donde se acumula el polvo?

  • If so respond

  • Tires /<br>Llantas

  • Tire condition / Condicion de las llantas

  • Rims in good working condition? /<br>Rines en buena condicion?

  • Are nut lugs indicators properly located? /<br>Los indicadores de tuercas sueltas estan apropiadamente ubicados?

  • Warning stickers in place? /<br>Stickers de advertencia en su sitio?

Engine compartment / Compartimiento del motor

  • Coolant level /<br>Nivel del refrigerante

  • Hydraulic reservoir oil level /<br>Nivel del fluido hidraulico

  • Engine oil level /<br>Nivel del aceite de motor


    Entanglements in moving parts can cause serious injury. Stop engine before examining, adjusting or maintaining any part of machine with moving parts.

    Keep guards and shields in place. Replace any guard or shield that has been removed for access as soon as service or repair is complete. /


    Enredarse en fajas o partes moviles puede causar serios danos. Apague el motor antes de examinar, ajustar o dar mantenimiento a cualquier parte de una maquina con partes moviles.

    Mantenga las cubiertas y las guardas en su sitio. Reemplace cualquier cubierta o guarda que haya sido quitada para dar servicio a la maquina tan pronto sea posible.

  • Engine belts / <br>Bandas o Fajas del motor

  • Battery terminals /<br>Terminal de las baterias

  • What is the problem?


  • Vehicle/Equipment interior must be kept clean and free of debris and/or any object that incidentally could interfere with the normal operation of this one. /<br>El interior del Vehiculo/Equipo debe mantenerse limpio y libre de deshechos u objetos que accidentalmente puedan interferir con la normal operacion de este.

  • Is Free of debris? /<br>Esta libre de basura?

  • Doors and doors handles /<br>Puertas y manijas de puertas

  • Seat in good condition /<br>Asientos en buena condicion

  • Seat belt present and working /<br>Cinturon de seguridad presente y trabajando

  • Windows wipers working properly /<br>Limpiaparabrisas funcionando adecuadamente

  • Control labels present /<br>Etiquetas presentes en los controles

  • Extinguisher is present?<br>Extinguidores estan presentes?

  • Fuel level / Nivel de combustible

  • Working lights /<br>Luces funcionando

Lubrication / Lubricacion

  • All pins lubricated? /<br>Todos los pines engrasados?

  • Broken pins? /<br>Pines rotos

Functionality / Funcionalidad

  • All gauges working good /<br>Todos los manometros trabajan bien?

  • Outriggers and pads in Good working conditions with all the pins in its place? /<br>Los estabilizadores y pads en buena condicion y trabajando adecuadamente con todos los pines en su sitio?<br>

  • Boom/Bucket working properly /<br>El brazo del Back hoe y la cubeta trabajan bien?<br>

  • Are all the digging tips properly secured? /<br>Todas las puntas de las cubetas estan aseguradas?

  • Brakes working properly /<br>Los frenos trabajan bien?

  • Back up alarm working properly /<br>La alarma de retroceso trabaja bien?


  • I hereby certify that all information is accurate and that an actual inspection was conducted /
    Por la presente certifico que toda la informacion es exacta y que una inspeccion real ha sido conducida

  • Auditor's printed name and signature / Nombre y Firma del Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.