Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Audit Date
Prepared by
Number of Employees
Previous Audit Report
Date of Last Health & Safety Audit?
Any actions outstanding from the previous audit?
Health & Safety Documentation & Signage
Does the organisation have a H&S Policy?
Is the policy displayed and signed by CEO / MD etc? Has this been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Are employers and public liability insurance certificates valid and on display?
Have appropriate signs/notices been erected around the site i.e. mandatory use of PPE, No Smoking, Traffic Management, Fire assembly, First Aid Points etc. Are they displayed in a prominent location?
Ensure an Accident Book (which complies with the Data Protection Act) is provided on site and is available to all personnel.
Is there a Health & Safety at Work Poster? Has the poster been completed with the correct H&S representative information?
Has there been any accidents, near misses or dangerous occurrence's within the last 12 months?
- No incident within last 12 months
- Incident within last 12 months
Was the accident, near miss or dangerous occurrence investigated to understand the root cause and ensure that adequate control measures have been put in place to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence?
If accident was it a RIDDOR reportable incident? (Check for form NI 2508 for NI, F2508 for GB or Notifiable Incident Notification Form for ROI). Check the form was completed correctly.)
Is there an emergency plan including emergency contact details listed and posted up?
Do staff receive a site specific safety induction before starting work. (View examples making sure the induction covers spills, first aid, emergency procedures, fire, waste. Ensure the staff inductions match the staff present onsite and on the training matrix.)
Are site safety inductions being carried out for visitors?
Has a suitable training matrix been completed to include all staff?
Is there any outstanding training currently required? (Take a sample of training records).
Is the outstanding training specific i.e. Crane Operator / confined spaces etc. (check if the staff member is undertaking work which requires valid training).
Any young persons working on site? If so is there a risk assessment available and adequate supervision?
Does the organisation engage any Subcontractors?
Review inductions for Subcontractors onsite. (If none onsite review historic inductions.)
Ensure Subcontractors have been adequately approved and are competent for the work they are undertaking (RAMS available & training records)
Confirm date of induction and show evidence.
Have DSE assessments been undertaken?
Have all actions raised been actioned?
Has a system been established for employees to be consulted and comment on in relation to health, safety and welfare issues?
Is there a site suggestion box?
Is there a safety committee / forum ?
Are minutes and actions from meeting available?
Are there any outstanding actions?
Are appropriate and relevant Tool Box Talks being undertaken and given to all employees? (Record last one undertaken).
Confirm that the Tool Box Talks are being signed by all persons present?
Welfare Facilities
Are there facilities available where workers can wash their hands with access to hot water / soap, sit down, make hot drinks. prepare food and the room having suitable heating?
Are there sufficient toilets for staff onsite? Are they maintained, kept clean & are properly lit?
Are there washbasins with hot and cold running water, soap and towels?
Are the welfare facilities accessible to all persons on the site regardless of staff or visitors?
Are welfare facilities cleaned on a daily basis?
Do the workers have suitable work stations e.g. anti fatigue matts? Suitable chairs etc?
Is all debris and waste removed from the work area upon completion of the work or at the end of each shift? (Review all areas of the business inside and out for debris or poor housekeeping)
Are storage items stacked correctly ?
Is there a designated quarantine area for damaged materials?
Is there any racking onsite? If yes, when was it last inspected (Must be at least once a year) and is the Safe Working Load signage displayed?
First Aid
Are first aiders present onsite? Confirm the number of first aiders onsite? Are they qualified (check certificate for expiry).
Are the names of all first aiders placed in communal areas i.e. canteen or office etc.?
The location of the first aid box should be indicated on the notice board and the area or room in which it is contained. Is this clearly indicated?
Is the first aid kit suitably stocked and confirm no items are past the expiry date?
Access and Egress
Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?
Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?
Are access routes adequatelly lit?
Risk Assessments and Method Statements
What are the main hazards in relation to the company's processes?
- Noise
- Chemicals
- W@H
- Slips, trips and falls
- Excavations
- Electricity
- Manual Handling
- HAV's
- Fire
- Entanglement
- Impact with vehicles or falling objects etc?
- Cuts or abrasions / potential amputation
- Crushing
- Heavy Machinery
Has the organisation completed risk assessments for these hazards? Are the risk assessments suitable & sufficient? Are employees involved with the risk assessment process?
Have the employees read and signed the risk assessments?
Ensure all Method Statements have been prepared by a competent person and have been checked, reviewed and signed by staff. How are they deemed competent? What qualifications have they?
Are method statements adequate and suitable for the task?
Have all staff read and signed the method statements?
Ensure all site personnel are working in accordance with the method statement.
Asbestos Management
Has an asbestos survey been carried out in accordance with HSG264?
Has the result of the survey been communicated to relevant parties i.e. Insurance company etc.?
Has a detailed risk assessment and method statement been carried out in relation to the hazards associated with working on or near asbestos onsite for staff?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) including storage
Does the company import more than 1 Tonne of chemicals a year?
What is the REACH registration number?
Does the organisation have any Substances of Very High Concern?
Have COSSH Assessments been carried out for all potentially hazardous materials and substances being used on site?
Are material safety data sheets available ?
Ensure all dangerous/hazardous materials/substances are clearly marked/identified and stored in a secure location appropriate to the substance.
If any chemicals are flammable are they stored in a fire proof cupboard.
Chemical / Oil drums stored off ground and in bunded container?
Are oil storage tanks at least 30m from any water course?
If any chemicals are transported in vehicles are they in a bunded container etc?
Does there exist the possibly for chemicals to mix e.g. in a shared drip tray? If there is a risk how can the company show this risk is not going to cause adverse reaction e.g. exothermic or endothermic reactions, creations of fire or gases, explosive atmosphere etc.
Does there exist the possibility for chemicals to enter nearby drains and as a result a water course?
What measures are in place with the drains to prevent chemicals from entering nearby drains or a water course e.g. U Trap Bends or Interceptor?
Compressed Gasses (e.g. LPG, Acetylene) & Welding
Are there any compressed gasses onsite? Note what they are and what type of operation is being undertaken at time of audit i.e. Mig / Tig welding or cutting etc.
If Acetylene is noted onsite and in use ensure that the pressure noted in the gauges must NOT exceed 0.62 bar (9PSI).
Review the gauge and check the stamped on gauge is not more than 5 years from the date of the audit.
Are cylinders stored upright and immobilized to prevent from being knocked over?
Are cylinders stored away from electrical connections, gas flames or other sources of ignition, and substances such as flammable solvents and combustible waste?
Are storage facilities for cylinders dry, cool and well ventilated?
Do all compressed gas cylinders have their contents and precautionary labeling clearly marked on their exteriors?
Is the bottom of the cylinder protected from contact with the ground to prevent rusting?
Are cylinders inspected for corrosion, cuts, gouges, bulges and damage?
Are cylinders subjected to leak detection using an approved leak detecting liquid?
Is there a compressor onsite for creating compressed air? Or any pressure vessel as described under the Pressure Systems Regulations 2000
Does the compressed air receiver and the associated pipework, where the product of<br>the pressure in bars multiplied by the internal capacity in litres of the receiver is<br>equal to or greater than 250 bar litres;
When was the last inspection of the system under a Review the Written Scheme of Examination (undertaken annually at a minimum as per the Pressure System Safety Regulations)?
- Compliant
- Non-compliant
- N/A
Are welding operations being undertaken at the time of the audit in a safe manner?
Are welding curtains to BS EN 1598 standard being used?
Does the organisation utilise LEV's (Local Exhaust Ventilation?)
Has the LEV been examined under Written Scheme of examination? Confirm date (Legally must be every 14 months usually done by insurance company).
Environmental Management
Are any consents required? If so are they being monitored and complied with (this can be confirmed via either NIEA / EA site visits or the company representative explaining their process and checking this against the consent) ?
Are any noise/dust/vapours or fumes present and are they being suitably controlled?
Has there been any environmental incidents within the last 5 years?
- No incident within last 12 months
- Incident within last 12 months
Has there been any site visits / communications with the local environmental authorities within the last 12 months? Were there any issues noted?
Are spill kits available? Where is it located? When were the contents last checked?
When was a spill drill last undertaken? View the form to ensure all staff present have signed to confirm their attendance.
Is the hierarchy of waste control being applied on site - are operatives disposing of staff according to the disposal process?
Are bins clearly labelled?
Are all waste carriers licenses available?
Are waste transfer notes available and correctly filled in?
Are waste consignment notes available and correctly filled in?
Electrical Equipment (inc. Building Wiring)
Confirm that existing services e.g. electricity cables, gas mains etc. have been identified and effective steps have been taken to prevent damage and subsequently danger from them.
Are low voltage tools and equipment are being used wherever possible?
Check that only 110v hand tool etc are in use instead of 240v tools etc?
Have tools and equipment been visually checked and regular PAT testing undertaken? (If done in house view person PAT Testing certificate and PAT Tester Calibration Certificate)
Do any cables or trailing leads pose a trip hazard?
Check that cables and leads are protected from damage.
Confirm date when the last fixed electrical test on the building was undertaken (Every 3 years if the premises are industrial. Every 5 years for all other buildings)?
Fire Risks and Management
Is there a Fire Risk Assessment in place? Is it suitable & sufficient?
Were there any significant findings from the Fire Risk Assessment?
Have suitable actions been taken to rectify the findings identified?
Are there suitable means of fire detection and warning? (document what type i.e. smoke detector, heat detector or manual bell).
When was the fire alarm system last serviced?
Are weekly tests completed on the fire alarm? Is this recorded? (This is a legal requirement)
Is there suitable emergency lighting?
When was this last inspected? Should be annual by competent person. Have monthly "flick" tests been undertaken and recorded?
Are there adequate escape routes and that these are kept clear of obstructions?
Confirm all fire extinguishers have had an annual inspection?
When was the last fire drill undertaken (must be undertaken annually)?
Is there a trained Fire Warden? List who and review certificates.
Does the company have appropriate Fire doors installed? Are they FD 30 or FD 60?
Are the fire doors kept shut at all times and have a blue sign saying fire door?
Confined Spaces
Are any works being undertaken in a confined space?
Have employees who undertake work in a confined space been appropriately trained and undergone an accredited confined spaces entry course?
During confined space works have the correct checks been made and the correct safety equipment (breathing apparatus, gas detection equipment, emergency escape equipment etc) used?
Is there a risk assessment for the confined spaces work? When was it last reviewed?
Ensure all confined space permits have been checked, are valid and being strictly enforced.
View the Permit to work and view the operation being undertaken to confirm that controls in place should include atmospheric monitoring, emergency escape arrangements, adequate supervision (i.e.: a top man outside of the confined space), method of raising the alarm and safe access/egress etc.
Permits to Work
Does the organisation use Permits to Work
Review current permits and confirm they have been checked, reviewed and are valid for the work conditions being undertaken.
Sample old permits to confirm they have been cancelled and closed out with appropriate signatures.
Confirm no Hot Works being undertaken 1 hour before the business closes
If hot works are being undertaken the ensure there is a fire extinguisher within the immediate area (Check service date must be within last 12 months)
Ensure all Works Permits have been checked and reviewed and are valid for the work conditions.
Ensure old permits have been cancelled and closed.
Confirm no Hot Works being undertaken 1 hour before the business closes
If hot works are being undertaken the ensure there is a fire extinguisher within the immediate area (Check service date must be within last 12 months)
Manual Handling
Has a manual handling risk assessment has been completed wherever regular lifting is required? When was it last reviewed?
Are manual handling aids provided to employees?
Have all applicable staff received manual handling training? Review training certificates.
Occupational Health, HAV'S, Noise and Associated Health Risks
What risks to the workers health are noted onsite? i.e. Vibration from grinding? Arc eye from welding? Loud machinery over 85 dB? Dermatitis from chemicals etc.?
- Noise
- Chemicals
- W@H
- Slips, trips and falls
- Excavations
- Electricity
- Manual Handling
- HAV's
- Fire
- Entanglement
- Impact with vehicles or falling objects etc?
- Cuts or abrasions / potential amputation
- Crushing
- Heavy Machinery
Does the company undertaken Health Surveillance ? For example, hearing, eye sight and lung functions.
Does the company undertake Air Monitoring ?
Is there a risk to employees from HAV's?
Check that workers have had information and training so that they know what the risks are from HAV's.
Has exposure to HAV's has been reduced as much as possible by selecting suitable work methods (e.g. shift rotation) or Plant etc.?
Has a HAV's assessment been undertaken? (If yes include date - If no consider the risk to employees)
Is health surveillance for people exposed to high levels of hand-arm vibration over long periods in place?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Has the correct PPE been issued to all employees?
Are staff onsite noted wearing appropriate PPE as required by the Risk Assessment / job requirements
Is the PPE is marked with the genuine 'CE' mark to help identify type of protection?
Are all staff and visitors wearing Hi-Viz vests or jackets if there are moving vehicles on the premises?
Eye Protection
Is eye protection required? Is it of a suitable grade for the type of work being undertaken. I.e. light protection, full goggle etc. impact resistant googles or chemical splash resistant?
Foot Protection & Gloves
Is footwear manufactured to CE standards?
If required is the footwear fitted with steel toecaps?
Are gloves needed? Are these free from damage?
Hearing Protection
Is hearing protection required? Any equipment or operations causing the dB to be higher that 85dB?
How has this been identified? Has a noise assessment been undertaken (add in date of assessment)?
Confirm that the correct type of hearing protection is in use for the task (i.e. confirm what dB reduction does the hearing protection give and does it reduce the overall dB exposure of the operative to below 85dB?).
Are people who are not involved in the work are kept away from the source of the hazard i.e. noise or welding operations?
Are staff noted wearing hearing protection in areas identified as requiring hearing protection?
Respiratory Protection (RPE)
Is RPE required for site operations? If yes list what operations require RPE.
Is the correct type of respiratory equipment is used during operations?
Are all staff trained for the use of the RPE and where applicable have a face fit test to ensure the effectiveness of the RPE. Or are they wearing oxygen fed masks?
Is all equipment cleaned and checked after use? Or is it dirty and requires cleaning / maintenance?
Plant, Equipment & Machinery
List a summary of the work equipment used?
Are there any obvious signs of damage or deterioration to the FLT? E.g. flashing lights, mirrors, windscreen, guards, cables etc.
Has a PUWER assessment been undertaken for the tools being used?
Are employees suitably trained in the safe use of work/equipment/machinery
Are dangerous parts of machinery suitably guarded e.g. gears, chain, drives, projecting engine shafts, blades, drills etc.
Are the tools are in a good state of repair and carry the appropriate safety symbol e.g. BS kite mark, CE Mark etc.?
Is there a maintenance programme in place? is it preventative or reactive? Consider the machinery can it be warranted?
Have the site representative show or confirm that safety devices are operating properly and that all cables are double insulated. (E.g. Emergency stops / laser trips on machinery etc.)
Check the supply cable for cuts, splits or other damage. Are all cables free from damage?
Ensure the forklift is inspected on a weekly basis by a competent person and recorded.
Confirm forklift driver has license and confirm date licence expires (ensure it is valid)?
Confirm date the forklift was last inspected under LOLER? Review report of Thorough Test and Examination document details.
Working at Height
What activities involve Working at Height?
Is any Working @ Height being undertaken at the time of the visit?
Does the work need to be undertaken at height i.e. is the organisation considering the Hierarchy of W@H
Have suitable risk assessments been completed for the safe working at height?
Are employees trained in safe Working at Height? When was the training undertaken?
Are site operatives wearing suitable PPE e.g. Fall arrest harness / lanyards etc?
Date harness / lanyards last inspected (Should be within 6 months as per LOLER)?
Is the harness / lanyard in good condition (i.e. no chemical / oil stains or rips / frays etc)?
Have any additional safety measures been implemented e.g. safety impact bags?
Are any ladders or stepladders being used onsite?
Are ladders noted onsite either Class 1 or BS EN 131 only? Domestic ladders / step ladders are not permitted onsite.
Does a ladder inspection exist and is it in use?
Are the ladders in good condition, not split, warped or have damaged rungs etc.?
Are any ladders noted onsite resting against a solid level surface and that this is not a fragile or insecure material?
Are ladders secured to prevent them slipping sideways or backwards?
Have safe landing platforms been provided where a ladder rises to a height of 9m or more?
Is there a risk of any workers / visitors etc. falling from height?
Does the company use portable Scaffold towers?
Have proprietary tower scaffolds have been erected and are being used in accordance with the suppliers instructions?
Have the wheels of any tower scaffold been locked when in use and check that the platform is empty when being moved?
Are they tagged safe for use? e.g. Scafftag and this is being reviewed prior to use or weekly
Lifting Operations/Equipment
List a summary of the lifting equipment used?
Is there a suitable lifting plan in place? Or is this covered within the Risk Assessment e.g. as part of the FLT risk assessment?
Confirm that all lifting equipment (review chains, slings, blocks, cages etc.) has been tested and installed by a competent person and is regularly maintained and inspected in accordance with LOLER regulations. (The regulations state - <br> - 6 months, for lifting equipment and any associated accessories used to lift people<br>- 6 months, for all lifting accessories<br>- 12 months, for all other lifting equipment)
Are employees suitably trained in the safe use of lifting equipment?
Is the rated capacity/safe working load clearly marked? What is the limit?
Scaffolding/Working platforms
Are any scaffolding or working platforms present onsite?
Was the scaffold erection, alteration or dismantling carried out by a competent person?
Check that all standards are provided with base plates and timber sole boards which span at least two base plates.
Check that all standards, ledgers, braces and struts are in position.
Check that double guard rails and toe boards or other suitable protection at every edge.
Check that working platforms are fully boarded and that the boards are arranged to avoid tipping or tripping - i.e.: no overlapping boards.
Ensure that there are effective warning notices in place to stop any person using an incomplete scaffold.
Check that the scaffold is strong enough to carry the weight of materials stored on it and that they are evenly distributed.
Ensure that the scaffold has been properly maintained.
Ensure that a competent person inspects the scaffold regularly, at least once a week; and always after it has been altered, damaged and following extreme weather.
Are scaffold tags being utilised?
Ensure that these inspections are adequately recorded.
Are all scaffolds and working platforms sutable?
Is out of hours security is place?
Is the perimeter fence secure and un-damaged?
Are site security arrangements adequate?
Traffic Management
Are traffic management arrangements suitable and sufficient ?
Are pedestrians segregated from moving vehicles and plant?
Are storage areas identified?
Are loading areas identified?
Are procedures in place for the unloading of vehicles to prevent fall from vehicles?
Does the company have a banksman policy or trained banksmen?
Audit Risk Level
Risk rating for this Audit. (Red >0% Yellow >40% Amber >60% and Green >80%)
Corrective Actions
Ensure all issues raised are closed out prior to the next audit.
Sign off
I confirm I have had the contents of this audit report explained to me.
Company Representative
Person conducting this Audit.
Audit concluded at:
Limitations of Liability
The health, safety & welfare related concerns/problems/non-conformities contained within this report are the result of limited sampling and therefore it cannot be assumed that others do not exist. No legal responsibility or financial liability is accepted by NPC (NI) Ltd (Inclusive of its employees and sub-contractors) should you (the client) experience any financial loss, damage to reputation, injury or death to staff/customers/contractors as a result of advice given by us or you (the client) not adhering to your legal obligations.