Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Items
Are all access routes and walkways clear of waste so that clear access is maintained, and no hazards exist?
Are all barriers and signage in place? Are they complete? Is there contact information posted?
Is the Safe Plan of Action (SPA) in place at the work face? Does it capture the top 3 hazards? Are the top 3 Hazards controlled? Have the operatives been part of the process?
Are all materials stored safely? Are the materials barricaded? Is there safe access routes through the materials?
Are the welfare facilities in good order are they adequate for the numbers on site?
Are the toilets ,canteen, and first aid facilities kept clean and in good order?
Are all traffic routes and pedestrians segregated?
General Procedures
General Procedures & Practices
Adequate supervision / EHS in the area
Clear / safe access to work area
SPA in place / reflects the work it represents and signed off by all participants?
Has the SPA been reviewed by the Supervisor?
Housekeeping /General Work Area
Area clean and tidy / clear of hazards
Safe Work Practices / procedures followed
Materials stored safely
Scaffold tagged / Spandeck tagged
Required Permits in place and being followed
Materials stored against equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Construction PPE (glasses,boots,vis vest,gloves)
Correct glove for task?
Correct Hearing Protection for the task
Correct Glasses for the task /full face visor?/ light eye protection?
Harness worn correctly
Respiratory Protection
Work at Height
Is there a safe means of access and egress to the work face?
Is a rescue plan and the means to carry out an immediate rescue of a fallen or suspended person in place before personnel start work at Height?
Is there adequate supervision to ensure that safe work practices for working at heights are in place?
Are all tools, equipment and loose objects properly secured?
Is collective (passive) fall protection given priority over personal (active) fall protection?
Is there a requirement for a exclusion zone below in place?
Is there a suitable and sufficient SPA in place / reflects the work it represents and signed off by all participants?
Are all covers for openings in place re they mechanically fixed
SPA in place / reflects the work it represents and signed off by all participants?
Are all operators qualified and competent?
GA3,GA1 and daily checklist available in MEWP
Is the ground suitable for the type of machine being operated?
Is there suitable access and egress route for the machine to and from the work area?
Is there a suitable rescue plan in place for the works?
Is there a competent person on the ground who can effect a emergency lowering of the machine?
Has a pre-use inspection been carried out?
Have all overhead trapping hazards been identified and highlighted to operators?
Is there suitable exclusion zones and warning signage around the works?
Are all operators wearing the appropriate PPE Harnesses,Lanyards?
Power Tools Equipment / Tool Use
Is it the correct tool for the task being used ?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
is it in good condition?
Is training required for use of the power tool ?
Is it PAT tested? has it a valid in date tag on display?
Are all trailing leads routed off the floor ?
Has a visual inspection been carried out?
Is it being used as per the manufactures instructions?
Portable Grinders,Is the stabilising handle fitted? Is the Wheelguard in place?
Does the automatic cut off "deadmans" switch / button work?
Workstation areas / benches compliance (No homemade benches()
Work Areas
Is the Safe Plan of Action (SPA) in place at the work face?
Adequate barriers and signage in place?
Is there adequate lighting levels in place?
Safe access and egress to and from work face available?
Adequate Bins/skips in the area
is a suitable and sufficient work bench available?
Area clean / ground conditions safe
Has a Authorised Person been appointed?
Live services identified in method statement/SPA
Has a Lock out Tag out SSW been established?
Correct locks and tags used
Operative aware of live services in the work area
Are all excavations adequatley barriered to prevent people falling in to the excavation?
Are excavations adequately supported to reduce the risk of collapse ?
Are they inspected beforework starts and given a thorough examination bya competent person weekly and after alterations?<br>
Is there adequate access and egress to and from the excavation?
Is the site access road kept clean at all times ?
Is waste segregation carried out?
Is the waste disposed of with a licenced contractor?
Is noise monitoring carried out and findings recorded?
Actual Score
Maximum Possible Score