
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • This briefing is to be provided by the Waterfront Place Manager (or authorised delegate) to the on-site supervisor of the fitout contractor. The lessee should be notified and given the opportunity to attend. The briefing is to take place prior to any on-site fit-out works commencing. The purposes of the briefing are; a) To ensure that the fitout contractor (Principal Contractor) is fully informed of Waterfront Place’s requirements in respect of work and related activities that impact upon the building’s operations or on the main building structure and services. b) To ensure the fitout contractor is clear that it is fully responsible for the planning, resourcing, supervision and control of its works. c) To ensure the fitout contractor is clear about certificates required to be submitted to Waterfront Place prior to occupancy.

Fitouts Details

  • Tenancy Floor

  • Tenancy Name

  • Fitouts Contractor

Pre-start Documentation

  • Fitout contractor properly appointed Principal Contractor (QLD)<br><br>

  • Design drawings/scope of work approved by Waterfront Place

  • Lessee’s Public Liability Insurance

Principal (Main) Contractor Responsibilities

  • I understand that we, the fitout contractor are fully responsible for the planning, resourcing, supervision and control of the fit-out works and for meeting relevant legal obligations including (if applicable) Principal Contractor Obligations as prescribed in QLD legislation.

  • I understand the nature of these obligations

  • I understand that this responsibility extends to the welfare of other persons including the public, tenants, other contractors and Waterfront Place employees who may be impacted by the fitout works

Site Access and Egress. I understand the following Waterfront Place requirements in respect of access and egress;

  • Working hours

  • All staff have completed the CBRE General Induction and Waterfront Place Site Specific Induction

  • Access / Egress is via Loading Dock only

  • Parking on site is under the control and direction of the Dock Master.

  • Use of Loading Dock is under the control and direction of the Dock Master.

  • Materials in/out via goods lift only

  • Restricted Areas

  • Plant

  • Other

Rubbish Removal

  • I understand that we, the fitout contractor, are responsible for removal of all waste materials from site and that the property’s waste facilities are NOT to be used in any circumstance

Disposal of Liquid Waste

  • I understand that all liquid waste must be secured and removed from site. No liquid waste is to be disposed of at the property.

Saw-cutting and coring

  • I understand that saw-cutting and coring into the main building is NOT permitted. Where such works are required, the fitout contractor will notify Waterfront Place and the contractor is to arrange structural engineer approval for the works to be undertaken. Costs for such works will be borne by the lessee.

Hot Work Permits

  • I understand that hot works (any works that involve naked flame, smoke or sparks) including welding and brazing are not to be undertaken without express and task/time-specific permission from Waterfront Place. A ‘Hot Works Permit’ must be obtained from Building Management.


  • I understand that the hoarding to the tenancy must be maintained in good condition at all times and must not be moved, cut or in any other way altered without approval from Building Management.

  • I understand that the access door must remain closed and secured at all times and that the door must be locked when tenancy is unattended.

  • I understand that no signs or posters are to be placed upon the hoarding other than the following sign which is to be posted on the outside;<br><br>Name of the fitout contractor.<br>Name of the fitout contractor’s supervisor.<br>Contact phone # of fitout contractor’s supervisor.<br>Construction site – do not enter.

Alterations to fire sprinklers

  • I understand that fire sprinklers are only to be altered by contractors approved by Building Management. Should a system need to be drained down for alteration work, this is not to be undertaken prior to notification by Building Management that an Impairment Notice has been sent to Waterfront Place’s insurer. Sufficient prior notice must be provided to enable this.

Noise and dust control

  • I understand that ;<br> <br>Masonary drilling and jackhammering are prohibited during business hours.<br>Other moderate noise work is only permitted during business hours if it does not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of others and provided if it has been arranged in advance with Building Management.<br> Dust must be contained within the tenancy. Pre-filters to Return Air, floor mats.<br>A suitable doormat must be provided and used to ensure dust is not trampled through the property

Emergency lights and exit signs

  • I understand that all emergency lighting must comply with Australian Standard AS/NZS2293 and must be compatible with Waterfront Place’s centre control system (Legrand Axiom) and must be installed and commissioned on the control panel/computer. This work must be coordinated with Building Management who may direct the use of a particular electrical contractor.

Ceiling access panels

  • I understand that Ceiling Access panels are to be provided in all solid ceilings at every air-balancing damper location to allow access to balance air conditioning. Building Management is to be consulted regarding the positioning of these access panels.


  • I understand that works causing fumes is not to be carried out during trading hours unless adequate ventilation is provided to ensure that others are not affected.

Air Conditioning and BMS

  • I understand that any work required to be understand on the air conditioning systems must be carried out by a contractor approved by Waterfront Place Management.

Smoke Detectors

  • I understand that any works (e.g. generating dust and/or fumes) that may cause smoke detectors in the tenancy to activate must be arranged on a daily basis with Waterfront Place Management. Any fire brigade charges arising from the tenancy works will be charged to the lessee.

Must be reported to Waterfront Place

  • <br>I understand that the following must be reported to Waterfront Place;<br><br>Injuries that occur onsite to any persons including fitout contractor employees or sub-contractors<br>Spillage in common areas<br>‘Near Miss’ incidents<br>Complaints from members of the public or tenants

The following are PROHIBITED

  • I understand that the following are PROHIBITED;<br> <br>Blocking fire exits and passageways<br>Chocking open service, fire or plantroom doors<br>Loud or offensive behaviour<br>Smoking<br>Audible music<br>Swearing, harassing behaviour

Protection of Floors

  • I understand that common area floors must be protected at all times. I understand that steel-wheeled trolleys, bins, carts must not be used at any time.


  • I understand that power is to be drawn from RCD protected power outlets within the tenancy.<br>I understand that if any other source of power supply is to be used, we must first obtain Waterfront Place’s permission.<br>I understand that all electrical leads and power tools must display test tags verifying compliance with electrical testing requirements (AS/NZS 3760).<br>

Waterfront Place Emergency Procedure

  • <br>I understand the Building’s emergency procedures and the requirement for compliance;<br><br>Alert alarm [secure and prepare to evacuate]<br>Evacuation alarm.<br>Evacuation routes/exits.<br>Assembly area.<br>Location of the nearest hose reels, extinguishers, hydrants.

Safe Work Method Statements

  • I understand that all works are to be assessed and an appropriate site specific SWMS created and acknowledged by each relevant worker.

Completion Certificate

  • I understand that the following certifications are to be provided to Waterfront Place prior to occupancy;

  • Structural engineer’s certification

  • Fire safety certification

  • Emergency lighting certification

  • Electrical certification

  • Fire rated penetrations certification

  • Glazing certification

  • Gas installation certification

  • Waterproof membrane certification

  • Other


  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • I understand all of the above Waterfront Place requirements and will ensure that all persons working in the fitout works understand and abide by these requirements

  • Witnessed by Waterfront Place

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.