Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Contractor firm
Observer (Name)
Task Observed
Where the answer to a question or a number of questions is No, or if other deficiencies observed, ensure Corrective Actions are put in place.
For serious deficiencies STOP work until safe to proceed. -
Have all the contractor’s employees and subcontractors signed in and been inducted?
Does contractor have a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) available or Safe Work Procedures for all physical work performed?
Are the safety controls identified in the JSA in use, for example personal protective equipment and signage?
Are up-to-date Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), within five years from the date of issue, available for all chemicals brought on site?
Are the contractor’s tools and equipment appropriate for the task? For example, metal ladders must not be used for any electrical work.
Is the portable electrical equipment tested and tagged and in good condition? (i.e. look for damaged leads, exposed wires)
Is the portable electrical equipment used in conjunction with a residual current device (RCD) (i.e. safety switch)?
Are contractors using their own plant, equipment and tools, or if using SHV equipment they have, they were given authorization?
Do the contractor’s employees keep the workplace clean, in good order and secure for staff and contractors?
Do the contractors have relevant licenses available?
Discussion Comments:
Any required corrective actions: