
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Time and date of visit:

Product Quality

  • What product(s) did you order?

  • Was your roll build correct?

  • Were your toppings assembled correctly?

  • Was the temperature and texture of the roll warm and soft?

  • All all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Exterior Cleanliness

  • Are the awnings clean and presentable?

  • Do the sidewalks appear to be clean? Free of stains and excessive cigarette butts?

  • Are the windows clean?

  • Is the parking lot maintained and clean?

  • Are the dumpster gates closed and the area around clean?

  • Does the landscaping appear to be clean and well maintained?

  • Are all of the above items within standards? (One item may be marked no and points can still be awarded)

  • Comments:

Interior Cleanliness

  • Are the floors, tables, and seating clean and in good condition?

  • Are the trash containers clean and in good condition? Liners tucked? No odors?

  • Is the coffee area clean, stocked, and clutter free?

  • Is the front counter area clean and clutter free?

  • Are the ceiling vents clean and free of dust or build up?

  • Is the casework in good repair and well maintained?

  • Is overall interior condition appealing and welcoming to the customer? (Lighting, temperature, music volume, etc)

  • Are all of the above items within standards? (One item may be marked no and points can still be awarded)

  • Comments:


  • Are the floors swept, mopped, and maintained?

  • Are the vents free of dust and build up?

  • Are the porcelain surfaces clean and maintained?

  • Are the walls, door frames, and ceiling free of dust and build up?

  • Are paper towels, toilet paper, and soap dispensers all stocked?

  • Are all required disposal receptacles available? Are lids on the containers?

  • Are all of the above items within standards? (One item may be marked no and points can still be awarded)

  • Comments:

Behind Line Cleanliness

  • Is the countertop area clean and appealing from the customers perspective?

  • Are the cooler units clean and organized?<br>Are the gaskets clean and maintained?

  • Are the ice machines cleaned regularly and free of mold?

  • Is the under shelf storage organized and presentable?<br>Is it free of dust?

  • Are all of the above items within standards? (One item may be marked no and points can still be awarded)

  • Comments:

Kitchen Cleanliness

  • Are the walls and ceilings clean and in good condition?

  • Is all refrigerated equipment clean and functioning properly? (Gaskets, fan guard, shelving, stocked correctly, no expired products)

  • Is all lighting working and in good repair? (No bugs, dust, or cracked lenses)

  • Is the kitchen floor in good repair? Free of build up, items on the floor (6”), etc..

  • Are the toppings organized, clean, and maintained with all products within shelf life?

  • Are all other storage areas clean and organized? Box flaps closed, shelving labeled, etc..

  • Are all of the above items within standards? (One item may be marked no and points can still be awarded)

  • Comments:

Equipment Care

  • Are all pieces of equipment clean and well maintained?

  • Are all scales available and in working use?

  • Are thermometers in all required spots and are they within range? ( <40 degrees)

  • Is the roll warmer available, working, and within temperature? (150 degrees)

  • Is the warmer clean and free of build up?

  • Is the oven available, working, and cooking product to standards?

  • Is the mixer clean and in working order?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Allergy Process

  • If asked, does the staff on hand have a reasonable understanding of the allergy process?

  • Are all allergen products properly stored and secured?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:


  • Are all rolls within the correct weight specifications?

  • Are all rolls cooked properly?

  • Are all rolls prepared properly?

  • Are rolls being timed accurately and correctly?

  • Are dough blobs within standard time and weight?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:


  • Are all frostings made correctly?

  • Are all frosting containers clean and covered with a spoon?

  • Are frosting containers being cleaned properly on a tracked system?

  • Are all frosting varieties available and made to specification? (Look for LTO's)

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:


  • Are portioning guides available and followed?

  • Are toppings stored correctly?

  • Are the toppings fresh? (No rotting fruit, crusted pie crumble, stale cookie dough, ect...)

  • Are all required toppings available?

  • Is the topping area clean and appealing to the eye?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Other Products

  • Are cookies available, made correctly, and packaged correctly with nutrition labels?

  • Are brownies available, made correctly, and packaged correctly with nutrition labels?

  • Are baby buns available, made correctly, and packaged correctly with nutrition labels?

  • Are just-baked yesterday rolls available, made correctly, and packaged correctly with nutrition labels?

  • Are cinnacakes available (look for boxes), are they advertised (look for poster or display), and made correctly?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Health Code Standards

  • Are all employees free of illness?

  • Is the store free of flood and leaks?

  • Is the store free of pests?

  • Is the store free of contaminated product?

  • Are hand washing sinks available and working?

  • Is 3 compartment sink set up, clean, and in good repair?

  • Is running hot and cold water available?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

Customer Service

  • Does the store have adequate staffing to accommodate customer demand?

  • Does the staff smile and make the customers feel welcomed?

  • Does the staff give a proper greeting to customers as they enter?

  • Does the staff display a reasonable understanding of the menu with the ability to guide the customer?

  • Is the staff wearing approved Cinnaholic uniforms?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Menu Items

  • All brand required menu items are available?

  • Is nutrition information available on the menu board?

  • Have all items on the local menu been approved?

  • Is the display case properly in use?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:


  • Are catering menus available and offered upon request?

  • Is the loyalty program utilized?

  • Is there a coupon system in place to help promote business?

  • Is there a sampling program available (all day, during rush hours, ect..)?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Administrative Obligations

  • Are NDA Forms available and enforced for all employees?

  • Are I-9 forms available?

  • Is the ordering process streamlined and following a par sheet? <br>(If store is out of numerous products mark this as a No.)

  • Are checklists posted and available to the staff?

  • Are all recipes posted and available to the staff?

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

Brand Awareness

  • Are all items logo’d? <br>ie: clam shells, retail items, and bags

  • Are items being ordered through approved suppliers?

  • Are all mandatory posters displayed?

  • Is all signage Cinnaholic approved? (No handwritten signs)

  • Are all of the above items within standards?

  • Comments:

MOD Comments and Acknowledgement

  • MOD Comments:

  • By signing this form you acknowledge the following; that you have reviewed this report with the auditor, that you have 10 days to correct any of the negative findings in this report. Failure to correct negative findings within the specified time will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Overall Visit Comments

  • Auditor Comments:

  • Auditor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.