Title Page

  • Operator

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Zacadoo's Grille Corporate Audit

    Office/Backroom/Restroom areas
  • Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Are aisles free of boxes or clutter?

  • Is office clean and organized? Proper lists hanging for management? Vendors/Maintenance/etc?

  • Break table/area clean organized and able to be accessed by associates freely?

  • Lockers cleaned/organized and able to be accessed by associates freely?

  • Are products or supplies properly stored? (Light items on top, arranged to avoid toppling.)

  • Is shelving clean and in good condition?

  • Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Heating unit, hot water tank, electrical boxes, etc.)

  • Prep area clean/sanitized and organized?

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Triple sink chemicals working correctly, sinks clean and operational?

  • Are ladders in good condition and properly stored?

  • Are chemicals separated from foodstuffs?

  • Are restrooms cleaned, stocked, organized?

  • Is trash compactor in good repair?

  • Is first aid kit adequately stocked and accessible?

  • Are lights working properly?


  • Stand up freezers and refrigerators clean, organized and proper temperature?

  • Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?

  • Ceiling-clean, light fixtures clean and working properly?

  • Floors-clean, tiles and grout in good repair?

  • Mop area-clean and organized?

  • Are aisles free of clutter?

  • Are drain screens being cleaned regularly?

  • Are doors and latches working properly?

  • Is food preparation and storage equipment in good repair?

  • Is grill and fryer exhaust system clean and in good repair?

  • Has extinguishing system been inspected and serviced within last 6 months? (Check tags)

  • Have portable fire extinguishers been inspected and serviced within last year? (Check tag and gauge.)

  • Are combustibles kept away from heat sources? (Ovens, grill, fryer, toaster,etc.)

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Are lights working properly?


  • Cashier stations-clean and organized?

  • Range/Grill- clean and in good repair?

  • Sandwich Station -clean and organized?

  • Bagging Station -clean and organized?

  • Fountain area/Tea urns- cleaned, organized and sanitized?

  • Hot Dog area-cleaned, organized, and sanitized?

  • Deep Fry-clean and in good repair with fresh oil?

  • Pressure Cooker-clean, in good repair with fresh oil?

  • Chicken station-clean, organized, sanitized with fresh breading and scoops place in correct place?

  • Hoods/Grill Filters- cleaned and in good repair?

  • Hot wells clean? Fresh water? Free of debris or foreign objects?

  • Ice wells clean-sanitized and ready for use?

  • Toaster-clean in good repair internally and externally?

  • Is product display equipment clean and in good repair? (External surfaces, shelving, cooler doors, etc.)

  • Are exit signs illuminated?

  • Are outlets, switches and electrical components working properly?

  • Air filters clean? Coverings clean?

  • Are lights working properly?

Customer Service/Employee Standards

  • Is staff greeting 30 seconds or less? Proper greeting and friendly attitude at beginning transaction?

  • Is staff in clean and approved shirt/hat/name tag/position identified?

  • Is staff in clean and approved shoes?

  • Is staff in clean and approved pants/shorts?

  • Staff members understand their station, accurately executes the station, efficiently without delay?

  • Expeditor in place? Ensures food quality, correct items in bag, top notch customer service?

  • Supervisors are easily identifiable? Authoritative? Able to identify weak areas and facilitate the problem and implement solution?

  • Staff members are able to ensure proper products going out, greet the customer? Also give an appropriate farewell and thank you for the business?

  • People in leadership roles? Do they have proper training? Competent and able to complete tasks with minimal assistance? (Daily reports, inventory, truck orders, scheduling, call outs, associate conflicts?


  • Is the parking lot clean? Free of trash? Landscaping free of trash and debris?

  • Are sidewalks and curbs in good repair?

  • Is landscaping trimmed away from walks, edging, bush trimming and proper irrigation in place and being used?

  • Is the parking lot free of pot holes or tripping hazards?

  • Is the dumpster area in clean and in good condition? Free of trash, grease, spills and closed?

  • Rear door locked? clean ? no peeling paint?

  • Are outside lights working properly?


  • Do employees demonstrate a team approach in preventing accidents?

  • Are spills or dropped items cleaned up promptly?

  • Are “Wet Floor” warning signs displayed when needed?

  • Are floors thoroughly cleaned at closing?

  • Are employees instructed in proper lifting techniques?

  • Do employees “practice” proper lifting techniques?

  • Is cooking oil at room temperature before changing or straining?

  • Are knives cleaned safely? (Not left in soapy water)

  • Are slicers cleaned and stored properly?

  • Are employees instructed in the proper use of slicers?

  • Are all cleaning supplies properly labeled?

  • Do employees know where Material Safety Data Sheets are kept?

  • Do employees practice safe ladder usage?

  • Do employees use mechanical hand when changing marquee?

  • Are proper posters displayed? (OSHA, Workers’ Compensation, etc.)

  • Have all maintenance issues been reported as required? And maintenanced?


  • Are sanitation charts being used?

  • Does each team member understand their daily cleaning assignment, and where to document completion?

  • Are team members held accountable to their task, and followed up to ensure completion by supervisor on shift?

Pest Control

  • No pests present? No droppings, sightings, or pest issues

  • Regular pest control inspections and treatments scheduled?(Must provide documentation)

  • Compliance with local health and safety regulations ensured?


  • Have the hazards that were identified last month been corrected? (If “NO”, specify which hazards below.)

  • Have maintenance-related items been reported, called in or entered on the restaurant computer?

  • Have unsafe practices been addressed with all employees?


  • Recommendations

  • Full Name and Signature of Inspector

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