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Are operatives using the correct PPE as per COSHH assessment? (randomly select a COSHH Assesment and operative using the COSHH Substance)
Is there a procedure in place to control hazardous materials entering site? how is it managed when it first arrives on site ?
who is the person that is responsible for the management and issuing of COSHH on site?
Are there up to date COSHH assessment and safety data sheet available for all COSHH items currently used onsite?
Is there an up to date COSHH register on site?
Are the hazardous material stored in the correct COSHH cabinet/Cupboard with required signage displayed? e.g. Flammable
Have the operatives been briefed on the COSHH assessment? who delivered the briefing and was it recorded?
Are the site team using Sypol to retrieve the COSHH assessment?
Are stored liquid chemicals stored on suitable bunding and over 110% of total product volume?
Are fully equipped spill kits available around the site?
Are chemicals clearly labelled with what they area, associated hazard symbols present?
Are incompatible chemicals stored separately?
Are COSHH items being left around site after use?
Gas cylinders stored upright, well ventilated , away from building entry/exit point?
Are waste chemicals stored in suitable location until final disposal?
Are site operatives aware of the location of the COSHH assessment (randomly select operators from different work areas to ask)
Do the operatives understand the hazards associated with chemicals used within there area of work?(randomly select operators from different work areas to ask)
Do the operatives on site know where to locate eye wash bottles and first aid kits in case of an emergency?
Is appropriate firefighting equipment in locations where flammable chemicals are being used?