PM No.
Location No.
Date of visit
Construction Group Location
- Central Coast
- DeAnza
- Diablo
- East Bay
- Fresno
- Humboldt
- Kern
- Los Padres
- Mission
- North Bay
- North Valley
- Peninsula
- Sacramento
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Sierra
- Sonoma
- Stockton
- Yosemite
PG&E or Contractor Name
Auditor(s) name
Crew Foreman Name
Crew Field Inspector
Crew Certification
What type of Crew Visit?
- QA Auditor / Leader
- Construction Crew
- Meeting
Select Construction Crew
1. Worksite protection is properly in place to protect the public and employees for the work being performed?
2. Were you given a tailboard and asked to sign tailboard sheet upon arrival to jobsite?
3. Tailboard sheet is onsite, properly filled out, and signed by all crew members per TD-2024-01?
4. Job-site Emergency Action Plan is posted and readily available for reference?
5. All required PPE is present at job-site and being utilized for the task at hand, Including all FR clothing and boot requirements?
6. Vehicles and Equipment are properly parked/set up at worksite?
7. Potential job-site and environmental hazards have been Identified, Evaluated, and Controlled?
8. Utility fire index requirements are being followed per TD-1464S
9. Proper work procedures are being followed for the task being performed? i.e... rubber glove, grounding, excavation, confined space, etc.…
Which Auditor /Auditors
1. Vehicle and company provided equipment are secured and properly parked in a safe location?<br><br>
2. Confirmation of Emergency Communications have been established?
3. GPS Beacon with them and powered on?
4. FR Clothing and boot requirements are being followed?
5. All required PPE is present at job-site and being utilized for the task at hand?
6. Potential job-site and environmental hazards have been Identified, Evaluated, and Controlled?
7. Utility fire index requirements are being followed per TD-1464S
Summary of visit describing positive findings, and areas in need of improvement.
Additional photos if needed. (optional)
Reviewer's Signature